03-06-2017, 07:34 PM |
سعيد محمد عدنان
سعيد محمد عدنان
Registered: 02-28-2014
Total Posts: 227
Sudan and Trump’s Era In Reply to Sadiq Al Ruzeigi, Chair of Journalists Union By Saeed M. Adnan
06:34 PM March, 06 2017 Sudanese Online سعيد محمد عدنان- My Library Short URL London – UK
I set to write on the subject: The Repercussions of America’s Absentia – The Third Pernicious Ember: the scuffles of Politicised Faith When I came across that essay, which accrued semblances of what I was set to discuss. The generated comments spawned, most notable to me I find, was that of Al Ruzeigi being the Chair of Journalists’ Union, in ‘Al Intibaha’ journal, which I accessed via ‘Al Nilein’ web page – all related to the subject, so I chose to verily publish against it. From these new events, the most important is the part-lifting of American Sanctions on Sudan, with a recommendation of lifting the remaining sanctions within 180 days if Sudan exhibit an abandonment of its oddity in his enmity with America, which is the pioneer of the Free World and guardian of the New World Order. Still Sudan’s name would remain in the list of nations abetting terrorism, which Sudan had not done what absolves himself from. Ruzeigi went in an argument classifying the Sudanese into two groups: one group, willing evil to the regime, but did not seem to differentiate between fencing a person and befalling calamity on who that person represents, i.e., fencing the regime and willing sanctions on Sudan; i.e., a punishment against the regime of Sudan or against the poor people of Sudan؟ He claimed that, that group would celebrate and rejoice in placing Sudan in harm’s way and would deny lifting that harm of it; he claimed it includes Sudanese refugees or/ and members of the opposition who gleaned none but disgrace and dishonour in their wretched civil obedience. The second group, he elected, would be the good ones, who abet the regime and work with it hand in hand to make build Sudan and lift the disastrous sanctions off it. They are the ones, per his claim, who jubilated on their victory over sanctions lifting, and who reach out to Sudan’s re-joining the international lattice. If the writer was one of those who set out to praise the regime and belittle those who oppose it, like those writers we see jutting out of security potholes or regime hailers (certainly not thinkers nor makers or breakers), the matter would have been easy to gulp and we would not have lost sleep over it. Only that, the writer is a journalist, and the President of the Journalists’ Union. Journalists complained to him when some papers were barred by the government in the days of Civil Disobedience staged in all Sudan on the 19th and 27th of November last year, that two journalists were arrested. All what came from him was an utterance ‘it would be alright’, and which never was. Goodness me! I expected him to go to the National Palace and stage a lone Civil Disobedience there, for if he does not do that, how could he be Journalists’ President؟ At least he would have learnt then that Sudan had no civil liberties, if we had to assume that he was so guileless that he did not notice Sudan’s maladministration and corruption. Now allow me to interrogate him: Lifting of Sanctions! Did he obligate himself to conceptualize how reward falls out of the blue onto his totalitarian regime studded with delinquencies against the World Order, and crowned by an over 20 years’ fugitive president؟ Has he obligated himself to understand that whoever enters any deal of that kind would be either buying a conscience or being undergoing a blackmail؟ Are not these the very riddles that journalism is tasked to decipher؟ And for those who left Sudan and resided in other countries, has he slept off the whole tragedy of the displacement under the banner of the Public Good؟ Or the strategy of Enablement؟ Has he forgotten what the Janjaweed Mercenaries (Rapid Support Force, for a new name) what they did in the September revolt؟ Not to mention the civil wars in Darfur, the Nubba Mountains, Angasana and the South, as simmering by the huge crimes the loss of Sudan to its lands and national unity. As to the opposition, are they just creatures or a tier social class؟ Is not the opposition formed of people whose only felony is disagreeing with the regime on the trusteeship of governance؟ Why are your comparisons of the two groups not gauged against their counters in the World, a world that abided by a world order that stretched common grounds for the enabling of dialogues and dispute resolutions؟ Had Al Basheer shown other than holding oath on divorce, foul utterances؟ Had he ever attempted to vet the worth of his odd mind frame that failed him to join the dawning Globalisation reality؟ Here is the irony of Sudan’s sufferance from the mindless regime’s villainies dogged to wreck the World Order, then pleading to that order and its guardians for mercy, offering only cheap obscene services groomed on no other: sniffing, snooping, betraying, mercenary trading, sedition igniting, beggary and land snatching and assigning to others; a gross obedience of the international Mafia and a succumbing to its extortion. Where were you, Mr. president, when you were expected to rake this REAL news, a drop of the present developments: Recently, a report was said to have come from Sudan to President Obama about the arrival in Port Sudan of an Iraqi ship, under American surveillance with a cargo of heavy Syrian missiles (length of 7metres and weighing one ton each) enroot to Sudan to re-dispatch by land to Egypt to be dismantled into small pieces to smuggle via tunnels into Gaza. This last event was published in the New York Times, that the said Syrian missiles were despatched by the militant Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and who conflicted with the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on his improved relationship with America; Al Jihad Al Islami resistance group had already taken the official role of Hamas. President Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel made a set up to implicate Iran red-handed supplying Al Jihad Al Islami with heavy armoury in the form of lethal missiles that would wipe out her trustworthiness and opens the door for Netanyahu to call for striking her. He planned it with an accomplice in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and another in Al Jihad Al Islami to fetch those lethal missiles from Syria to Iraq to ship back to Iran (and this detail came to him from an Israeli journalist to whom it was relayed by someone party to the plan, per what he reported in his comments on the story). In Iraq, the consignment was disguised and re-exported as a cement consignment, shipped from South Iraq to a Southern Iranian port, where it was re-exported to Port Sudan under a Panama flag, to be freighted to Egypt then along the tunnels to Gaza. The purpose was to set up a trap to have it seized to blow a scandal that would stain the trustworthiness of Rouhani and Khamenei. Luckily, the American intelligence chose to procrastinate for more clarity and followed it till it arrived to Port Sudan, where the Israeli Defence Forces intercepted it, having priorly sent to hiding Israel’s agents from Al Jihad Al Islami and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Netanyahu timed it to be reported to him in his meeting with the AIPAC to announce it at the time of the meeting of the Consortium of World Powers (5+1 group) last October in Vienna, in their meeting to extend indefinitely the dialogue period with Iran. American intelligence secretly followed the journey of the cargo of missiles from the start. The British Telegraph Newspaper published on February 19th news about discovering of military equipment seized in Greece that Israel was smuggling to Iran. Twice before, cargos of spare parts for military aircrafts were seized, which Israel attempted to ship to Iran. This way, the American Secret Service was unable to palate the concept of Iran wielding conspiracies Iran herself knows nothing about. America eventually came to lay hand on the plot. Netanyahu was left in the lurch, lost in his attempt to instigate the Consortium by inculpating Iran; he already knows it was his last con to derail the Iranian deal, as Trump would not dirty his hands on Israel, having declared he would rather not interfere in other nations’ politics as he had consistently declared. Besides, Trump does not share much grounds with Israel, that he was accused of anti-Semitism, that his son-in-law, Jared Kushner stepped to earnestly defend him to prevent him falling out with the Jewish communities. So, I personally believe the co-operation of Sudan to thwart that conspiracy decorated Sudan with positive agential credibility, allowed useful dialogues with it, leading to temporary lifting of sanctions. But as per information I reached, the real lifting of sanctions came across a meeting of Rapid Support Forces leader Mohamed Hamdan “Hametti” with American (or European) intelligence delegates, after his success in halting the Sudanese migration to Europe, offering him help mounting to building airports for him to intercept and repatriate migrants from other countries crossing in the wilderment in Sudan enroot Europe. I was told he asked, all he needed was the lifting of sanctions from Sudan, which was then given. Today, was the inauguration of President Trump whose speech took the world by surprise, by repeating the same narrative that was rejected by the World Order and threatened of an internal conflict; thence he called for unity (the call he made was to those who agreed with him only, and not those who disagreed). He also promised America’s policies under him would be targeting only the best for America, abdicating from the Free World leadership. He ignored all the wounds he inflicted on the nations he attacked in his statements, on China by offending her in contacting the president of Taiwan, undermining China’s claim of Sovereignty of Taiwan, on Europe by refusing to support her in NATU, on Africa in accusing her leaders of practising veiled slavery, on Mexico through separating her by a wall, or on the Muslim nations for bring by scrutinizing them over Islamic Radicalism. Did you know why Obama temporarily lifted the sanctions from Sudan؟ And do you know sanctions were only lifted with an Executive Order (as the two houses of representatives would not have approved)؟ Do you know Donald Trump, the new President, will immediately start to issue or repeal Executive Orders to apply his promises made in his campaign, including erecting the dividing wall against Mexico, fighting radical Islam and thoroughly vetting it, and barring the corruption of African regimes, especially South Africa؟ So how would that brush on Sudan؟ You know Radical Islam is none but a heresy; Islam has no legislations, only limits, i.e., red lines – limiting rights and duties in ethics of personal dealings and status. Remaining social issues are left for the concerned to debate with equal rights (Shura) under a canopy of total morality of the faith, which is universal, because it is the absolute Virtue of good doing and righteous conviction. We know, too, that Europe is to lump Trump’s win, especially today when all hope is lost in his backpedalling to Isolationism, which would work on breaking up Europe, starting with the likelihood of the Alt Rightist, Marin Le Pen, of sweeping the presidential elections in France next year, the sweep of the Alt Right in Austria’s elections and of the fast progress of Nazism in Germany. So, will Globalization find a chance؟ Will Human Rights prevail؟ Will there be such a World Order like what used to extinguish fires of pernicious embers spewed by greed and jungle law؟ Would Sudan be able to single-handedly protect itself and its lengthy borders and divided people, that you come to help bewitching it with more divisions؟ What will Al Basheer have for the New World Order؟ Does Trump look like he would sympathise with the victims of the crumbling World Order and its moaners to spend America’s time and money on؟ He declared clear and simple: America would do what is best for America, and the American people; he said he would leave the world nations administer their own problems, or, I quote “let them shine and we shine” It appears the Constructive Chaos is nigh: I hope you would, would you not, furnish me with your resolutions to keep Sudan’s entity and existence intact in this constructive chaos؟ May God save those who know their limits. Published here in Arabic on 27.01.2017
السودان وعهد ترامب رد على الصادق الرزيقي نقيب الصحفيين بقلم سعيد محمد عدنان – لندن – بريطانيا
أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 06 مارس 2017
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الحركة الشعبية شمال تحكم على اطفال جبال النوبة بالموت جوعا!! بمنع الاغاثه عنهم بقلم سليم عبد الرحمنلماذا يرفض نتانياهو خطة كاتس؟ بقلم د. فايز أبو شمالةيسقط الشعب ويحيا الظلم والفساد : الأردنيون بلا دموع بقلم د. لبيب قمحاويمشروع الترابي ليس كله شر بقلم محمد آدم فاشرحين سألني الإتحاديون الأشقاء ... أين أنتم ؟؟؟؟ كتب صلاح الباشاتاريخنا بلبلة .....لا بد من غربلة !! بقلم توفيق الحاجفي تذكر الدكتور الترابي . الترابي للنميري :دع عنك هذا العبث فكلنا من الأقاليم بقلم إبراهيم كرتكيلاالسودانيون.. اليوم جميعنا امريكان! بقلم رندا عطيةتراكس ، اللهم لانسألك ردالقضاء .. بقلم حيدر احمد خيراللهيبقى بالمنزل ..!! بقلم الطاهر ساتي أحمد السيِّد حمد بقلم عبد الله الشيخلم يكن محمد دحلان سبباً بقلم د. فايز أبو شمالةعودة الأسرى.. عودة السَّلام!! بقلم د. عارف الركابيتهافت الملاحدة (1) بقلم د. عارف الركابيرد التحية واجب..!! بقلم عبدالباقي الظافرنمور و(ضفور)!! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضةالتعديلات الدستورية ودور جديد للموفقين بقلم الطيب مصطفىمتي تعود الفرحة الكُلية للشعوب السودانية ! بقلم عبد العزيز التوم ابراهيم حصاد الحوار مزيد من هرج ومرج . وسرطان . وموت بقلم بولاد محمد حسن قلمي لشعبي العظيم وبياني لأهلي الكرام بقلم د. مصطفى يوسف اللداويإلى متى سنظل نأكل من فتات الحطب بينما الرئيس البشير يلعب بالجاه والدهب ! تمخض الجبل فولد فأرا إن غداً لناظره قريب .. !! بقلم هيثم الفضل
المنبر العام
بقسم مغلظ عدنان ابراهيم : أنا رأيت الجن وتحدثت معهم والادهى والامر ...تابعونا في برنامج بيتنا الاربعاء او الخميس الساعة الثانية والنصف ظهرامعنى أن أمريكا هي التي صنعت الدولة الإسلامية "داعش".. تشومسكي يشرح VIDEOالكاركتير المنشور أعلى الصفحة مهين للمرأة نقلا عن عكاظ:من يوليو القادم شهريا 100 ريال عن المرافق(زوجة،اطفال)ديكتاتور تركيا يتهم حكومة ألمانيا بالممارسات النازية!!! هل يتجه الرئيس دونالد ترامب نحو فضيحة "روسيا غيت" وربما تضطره إلى الاستقالة؟؟؟مِلءُ اِغتِرافِ الأخيلةِهل تقوم مليشيات الإنقاذ بدفن قتلاها بميادين القتال ؟؟؟كاريكاتير يعكس واقعنا الأليم..حكاية ممكن تصبح واقع !#الحركة الشعبية - شمال : شكراً جزيلاً تمرد ( من الأرشيف)تحرشات وفساد وتمرّد.. المحافظون يرفضون محاولات بابا الفاتيكان فتح ملفات شائكة، فهل يجبرونه على الرحبراءة مبارك تُشعل شبكات التواصل في مصر وتُحرج إعلام السيسيجـــــلالدونا عدو الاستنارة (صور)شقة مفروشة بالخرطوم (جبرة ) لسكن الطلاب ( اولاد ) بايجار شهري مغريالشاعر محمد الواثق وهجاء المدن: لا حبذا أنتِ يا ام درمانُ من بلدٍ ** أمطرتني نكداً لا جادَكِ المطرُضحكةٌ في الظّلامِايام الزمن الجميلمعقول بس قفة بلح !# أقرأ وأحكم علي بعض أهل القلم أنتم شهود لهذه الخيانة الزوجية:أم هي ليست خيانة؟ دعوة للمشاركة بالرأيعااااااجل شاهد صور(فقط) مؤثرة لإستقبال الأسرى بالخرطوم(صور)الوطن أولا ... رسالة إلى السيد رئيس الوزراء ... بكري حسن صالح الحركة الشعبية تعيد "الشهداء" إلى ذويهم! أخباري ليوم 6-مارس رسالة إلى أشقائنا فى السودان …..يوسف ايوب( رئيس التحرير التنفيذي اليوم السابع ) في تظاهرة ضخمة رياضيو نيويورك يحتفلون بالقطب حسن عيسي الإخوان المسلمون "يبنون مجتمعا موازيا بالسويد"بنك الثواب(فيديوهات برنامج رائع)