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Articles and ViewsSeparating facts from fiction…..who refuses peace is our enemy by ADAROUB SEDNA ONOUR
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Separating facts from fiction…..who refuses peace is our enemy by ADAROUB SEDNA ONOUR

11-30-2014, 04:05 PM
Adaroub Sedna Onour
<aAdaroub Sedna Onour
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 120

Separating facts from fiction…..who refuses peace is our enemy by ADAROUB SEDNA ONOUR

    The most off putting thing for the victims of Sudan’s tyranny is the unjustifiable failure of the international community to take tougher measures towards the outlaw regime or least bring its unscrupulous officials to book for their inhumane crimes. Instead.. That community does the opposite by approving the regime’s spiteful actions of retailing our national crisis to as many forums as possible, located in numerous regional cities. Which is a tried MECHANISM the regime still uses to buy time and abort any genuine efforts aiming to end the suffering of the Sudanese people? Hence….What else could the regime ask for, if its constant policy of using the futile on-going talks to while away time ,has the informed consent of the UN&AU???Clearly the regime after its failed assassination attempt of the deposed Egyptian –MUBARAK, in ETHIOPIA and its direct involvement in regime-change endeavors in neighboring LIBYA and CHAD seems to have put in the shoes of an unauthorized and unapproved regional player, capitalizing on the undeclared policy of (contain &encircle) adopted by the USA towards Sudan? Logically enough the brutal regime felt no imminent threat, so it converted Sudan into an international HUB for global terrorism and safe heaven for the likes of Ben laden, Carlos etc ….today it is common knowledge, even to the ordinary Sudanese citizens, that the ruling cabal of Sudan are behind the increase of radical groups at an alarming rate in the whole region. Interestingly the regime is defiantly making no secret of its meddling in its neighborhood to the extent that gen, beshir himself went on air to confess he was supporting the rebels of Libya???? Then his defense minister gave a similar provocative statement declaring, in public ,that the Chadian head of state was about to be removed in a couple of hours…unfortunately that did not materialize, because French fighter jets from a nearby air –base badly dispersed the Sudan-backed rebels who were meters away from the presidential palace of N’djamena. The aforesaid is only 5% confirming that the ruling tyranny of Sudan was, and still is, a threat to global stability, and thus its removal should be a national, regional and global priority…therefore all the vivid attempts of the regime’s negotiating teams to exonerate their outlaw tyranny and fasten the blame on the rebels for the looming collapse of the talks should be condemned unreservedly…because their barbaric regime is bombarding the civilians NOW and the pro-regime militant groups are still killing, raping and looting unarmed civilians to this hour in which am writing. Furthermore the UN/AU should live up to their responsibility & ethical obligation and hold the regime accountable for a premeditated genocide coupled with indiscriminate shelling and air raids staged on daily basis..Because their failure to save the hungry and stranded populations in war zones will be added up to their grand failure in Sudan which should ,now on ,be explained…BECAUSE it is time this dilemma stopped …after thousands of innocent souls whose perpetrators still operating in total impunity ?

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