09-22-2014, 02:39 PM |
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85
Scotland's vote…the independence sentiment and rationality of union
Abdulaziz Ali Omer Oh, England my love, I embrace you today and you are mine forvere- "England was delighted with the embrace of Scotland flower that remained to perfume its lovely shore. " Not only U.K rejoiced and heaved a sigh of relief that Scots rejected independence but also many other European countries like Russia,Canada,Italy and Belguim that share the same fate .Those countries and other ones have praying for the Scotland to stay in the U.K, the mother homeland as partners of destiny.On last thursday thier prayers for unity were answered after they a waited with to the last minute with a bated breaths the result of the ballot boxes in Glasgow,Edinburgh,Dundee and other Scottish cities. Alex Salmond in a renouned debate defected from the English Labour Party to form the Scottish National Party the won a majority in the Scottish parliament in 20011 and the independence from U.K was a part of its election'maniefsto. The National Scotish Party expressed a strong passion for the break-up from U.K especially on 15,October,2012 after signing the Edinburgh agreement paving the way for the independence vote in 2014. Alex Salmond resigned in the wake of announcing the unity victory .I wish if we could do so in Sudan to make way for new blood and new nation that believes in unity is strength. 55% of voters prevailed for the voice of reason to silence the emotion of independence in order to save 307 year old union with the British crown. It was inconcievably hard the leaving of The Flower of Scotland to the shores of England for the weaning to them meant losing 5 thousand people. Alex Salmond established the Scotish Parliament in the time of prime minister Tony Blair. The Britich Parliamentary Assembly aknowledged the Scotish tax rate. The Scotish Praliament implemented its own polcies in the area of education,health,agriculture and even Arts. So they have been working for making the option of unity as an attractive choice through thier campaign of together better and last thursday historic event testified to the succcess of thier unionist bid. The 55% of electorate made thier prudent discretion in striking balance between the sentiment of potential independence and durable unity. Inspired by the Scots the people of Wales want an opportunity to slip a way in the same vein.Wales lies in the west of U.K and its population official count is three thousands people but the local mass-media reported that thier 15% of population cenus would slim the prospect of thier aspired self-determination referendum. The outcome of Scotland' vote will adveresly affect the demands of pro-independence European counties and the arme movement that fight for separation such as the Republican Army in North Ireland. Catalonia is a region in the East of Spain that want to secede from Spain.In 2006, people of Catalonia or the Catalans were granted an autonomy and a special status which they lost after the Peope's Party made an voiced an objection to the constitional court.The Leftist Reptblican Party gained 12 seats in an early election and enteres into a co-alition goverenment with prime minister provided that an acccess would be given for Catalans to vote for thier own nationhood. In opinion polls on 29 ,November,2013 a two part question was posed to people of Catalonia:Do you want Catalonia to be a state?If so do you want Catalonia to be an independent state?In January,2014 Catalans M.P made a petition for holding a self-determination referendum howevere'the Spanish Parliament and Senate rejected thie plea for independence. What happened in Scotland makes me invokes that old dage or saying:"East or West home is the best". Scotland's vote was a set-back for the ambitions of independence advocates becuase thier secessionist dream began fading a way with the vote of 55%. to retain unity with the United Kingdom.