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Saving Nuer Lives: A State of Emergency!! By Luk Kuth Dak
09-15-2016, 04:47 PM |
Luk Kuth Dak
Luk Kuth Dak
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 19
Saving Nuer Lives: A State of Emergency!! By Luk Kuth Dak
05:47 PM September, 15 2016 Sudanese Online Luk Kuth Dak- My Library Short URL
Nuer peoples' lives and future are in crisis. And cities and towns, especially those populated by Nuer are bearing the brunt of the devastation. Everyone knows this. The United Nations (UN) knows this. The United States of America (USA) knows this. The Great Britain (GB), the Europeans Union (EU) and the African Union (AU) know this, too. Everyone knows that Salva Kiir is committing an ethnic cleansing against innocent Nuer civilians in his quest to eliminate the entire population and take over their oil-rich land. Everyone agrees that Kiir removable from power is not only desperately needed, but critical to both ending the Nuer suffering and bringing about peace and stability to South Sudan and the region at large. Yet, no one wants to do what It takes to make the changes necessary. No one seems willing to stop the genocide and the ethnic cleansing against innocent Nuer people. Bluntly stated, the world has failed to value their lives. That they cannot rely on the UN to protect them. But for those who do not know the Nuer history, I have this to say to you: In a normal circumistance, Nuer would be the last people to beg for help, for in fact, history tells us that they have never, ever been defeated by any other tribe in Sudan/ South Sudan, including Dinka (Jieeng). Matter of fact, the opposite is the truth here. The tables are only turned over now because they are fighting against Dinka and Uganda combined. Today, Dinka automatically assume that the Nuer are up to no good. The assumptions cannot lead to a peaceful co-existence. Now, I am not getting ahead of myself, but I predict that sooner than later the Nuer will come to realize they will be better off in a country of their own. South Sudan is big enough. The author is a former broadcasting journalist/anchorman at Juba radio. He can be reach for comments at [email protected].
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أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 15 سبتمبر 2016
اخبار و بيانات
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اراء و مقالات
النور حمد: نطاح الحداثة والرعوية بقلم عبد الله علي إبراهيموقف الإستيطان ليس بالإدانة والإستنكار بقلم د. محمد عبد الفتاح شتيه عضو لجنة إقليم فتح في مصرالولايات المتحدة انضمت رسميا الي كولني في مواجهة حكومة جنوب السودان بقلم محمد فضل علي .. كنداحرق البخور وكشف المستور بقلم الفاضل سعيد سنهوري والي غرب دارفورالجديد وفقه تحريم المواتر! بقلم عبد العزيز التوم ابراهيم / المحامي بادروا ..!! بقلم الطاهر ساتيرجوي الشمس التي تكسف النجوم بقلم صافي الياسريعن المعارضة الايرانية بقلم سعاد عزيزخبل الرأي والأفترآء بقلم هلال زاهر الساداتيأميركا وصناعة الإرهاب 1/5 أحداث الحادى عشر من سبتمبر مسرحيه أمريكيه قذره سيئة الإخراج الأُسْلُوبْ القذِرْ لِلمُجتمعْ الدَولِى بقلم حماد وادى سند الكرتىلمحاصرة تداعيات يوم الشؤم العالمي بقلم نورالدين مدنيطالما الحرب انتهت في دارفور حسب زعمكم ..فلماذا إذن تطالبون الممانعين للإنضمام إليكم!!؟
المنبر العام
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