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Salva Kiir vs. U.N: The Mismatch.

04-05-2014, 10:44 PM
Luk Kuth Dak
<aLuk Kuth Dak
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 19

Salva Kiir vs. U.N: The Mismatch.

    By Luk Kuth Dak
    The world’s newest dictator reaches a new low in his quest to establish a fascist- type government, divide the country on tribal lines and take control the nation’s wealth for himself, his family and his tribe.
    South Sudan’s disgraced President; Salva Kiir Mayardit is calling for an end to the United Nation’s mission in the RSS. He openly mocks the UN, the United States of America and the European countries. If he gets his way, he will then finish the job undone to butcher the remainder of the Nuer, who were lucky enough to escape to the UN compounds, in the wake of the aftermath of the Nuer- massacre some three months ago.
    After he has successfully united the Nuer people, who- until recently- they were fighting among themselves, Mr. Kirr is now waging an uphill battle not only against the world body, the UN, but the Western nations combined!!
    How sadly true. Once again, Mr. Kiir has demonstrated a total lack of judgment, sincerity, maturity and appreciation to the UN and the Western nations, who have helped us along the way to reach our ultimate goal of becoming an independent nation. The question stands: who is going to win this war between Mr. Kirr on one side, and the Western nations / UN on the other?
    You be the Judge!
    But if the tyrant believes that the world is going to stand by, wait for him to make up his mind, he better think again. On March 29, 2014, diplomats from different Western nations have jointly condemned the government of South Sudan, for what they called “threatening” the UN personnel in the country. “There has been a negative campaign against the UNIMISS and its leadership in South Sudan, which seems systematic and organized,” the diplomats told the UN Security Council.
    Still, the dictator didn’t get the message. Instead, he flew to Khartoum on Saturday to clutch arms, again with the world most wanted fugitive, the man responsible for the murders of two million plus South Sudanese people, during the course of the civil war, Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Basher.
    Of course, given Kiir’s culture of incompetence, we shouldn’t expect the tyrant to know that finding a way out of the crisis he created requires some agreement on what problem we need to solve. If anything will unite the Dinka and the Nuer, it will be a political solution… not an escalation of hostilities. Definitively, getting Khartoum involve will only further the UN/Western nations’ anger.
    It’s self evident that Mr. Kiir’s abused his authority and engaged in a conduct that is vindictive and destructive to South Sudan’s best interest. More so, Kiir has not been a good steward of the country’s resources. He lives an opulent lifestyle while the citizens starve to death, and he cannot possibly point to a single tangible project that he has achieved since he became president, nearly eight years ago. In addition, Kiir clearly is in a flagging state of health. His careless actions and bizarre behaviors are all indicatives of a man desperately in need of a mental help. Not to mention that his reputation around the world is besmirched.
    All things considered, that’s why I believe the country will be better served with a new leadership at the helm. A leadership that’s inclusive. A leadership that’s good.
    Mr. Kiir, move, or be moved.
    Luk Kuth Dak is a former broadcasting journalist/ reporter. He can be reached at [email protected].

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