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11-21-2013, 03:08 PM
Khalid Hassan Samil



    .Khalid Hassan Samil,
    The Sudanese revolutionary front forces have stepped up their military campaigns against the rogue forces of Khartoum regime . Khartoum regime militias incurred heavy losses when their military strongholds were knocked out by the revolutionary front forces in ABU Zabad area , where all the government strongholds were overrun by the gallant opposition and revolutionary forces who belong to Sudanese revolutionary front ... These opposition forces are bent for overthrowing Khartoum rogue regime , which destroyed the economy of Sudan ,after seizing power in a bloody coup , proclaiming that it came to save the country from sectarian , partisan and destruction!!!! . this is the same regime that prompted the secession of south Sudan ,the beloved and integral part of our Sudan , that could have chosen unity as an alternative for Sudanese peoples prosperity , instead this rogue and pariah regime adopted subversive strategies that led to the destruction of Sudanese social fabric and installing an illegitimate security organ , which instead of gathering intelligence , is interfering with the jobs of journalists , and press writers , suppressing the rights , jamming the opposition media as well , and imposing draconian laws in a complete contradiction of the international norms and charters , and began to recruit more militants and outlaws who act on their own discretion wielding full powers and authorities to act on their own willing to muffle the voices that advocate for freedom and human rights ,imposing censorship on all media outlets and channels which belong to different opposition circles . This espionage apparatus should has been disbanded to save the budget of the country , because 80% of military expenditures are forwarded to the national security and intelligence services known as NISS . These sum of monies are geared for protecting the regime and maintain its seizure of power and hoarding it to the detriment of the poor Sudanese people , who are being gunned down by the security thugs and bearing the brunt of all these faulted policies adopted by this regime , which tries conspicuously to employ snipers to shoot and kill peaceful protesters when they take the streets calling for change and steps to reform the crumbling economy . Situations in Sudan now reached unprecedented serious levels that warrant an immediate intervention from greater powers like USA to reverse these serious and precarious situations and dissuading Khartoum regime from unleashing all country resources towards its survival in power and ruling . Sudan economy is now crumbling , due to some serious factors , including the hostile policies that the regime is adopting toward some powerful country like USA , which had slapped very serious sanctions on this government since 1997 , withdrawing all American oil firms from Sudan . These pioneer firms might have been reinstated in Sudan , if the regime had changed its hostile course and adopted amicable relations with Sudan government , and USA would have scrambled to lift these sanctions . Unfortunately Sudanese regime began to unleash unjustifiable accusations against USA , claiming that USA wants to halt the economy of Sudan , and trying to execute foreign agenda that ultimately results in adopting regime change policy in Khartoum !! by collaborating with Israel . And from the outset , Khartoum regime alleged that USA had been working hardly with some foreign states to make south Sudan secession a reality , and had been supporting SPLM leaders morally to choose secession as a sole option !! . we should admit that USA has nothing to reap from hostile policies against Sudan , neither the other greater powers , nor the other friendly countries with USA . what severed the American –Sudanese relations is the intransigence of Sudanese government leaders , who began to champion some countries , which have hostile profile against USA , such as Iran which began to build cordial and unbreakable bonds with Sudanese government , not to mention the extremist policies Sudan regime has been adopting against USA in addition to its sponsor of terrorism , by recruiting Hamas leaders and Iranian revolutionary guard in Khartoum , lending them all the moral and mental support to them . what had occurred in Khartoum streets recently , after the decision of Khartoum government to cut fuel subsidies represents amble evidence that support the radical character of this regime , the regime began to enforce terror acts against the peaceful demonstrators by shooting them with lethal bullets in their head and chest killing more them . the regime even used internationally prohibited bullets against the protesters , employing security snipers who climbed high places like buildings to shoot the protesters . All the opposition external in internal circles strenuously oppose these savage attacks and killing perpetrated by pro-government security thugs الرباطة in a desperate attempt to disperse the protesters who took the street , protesting against the government resolutions . Sudanese government is now under siege and is crumbling because of some external and internal factors , including the recent popular outrage against the regime policies , the existence of frenzied opposition forces inside the country , who are calling for a radical change and smooth transition that ultimately lead to install a democratic regime that respects human rights and involves opposition forces in policy making strategies so as to meet the aspirations and the demands of the Sudanese people . The external factors represent the American sanctions which have been imposed against the regime since 1997 due to the hostile policy , the government has been adopting against the American interests since it seizure of power in 1989 . Then the political situations degenerated when Darfur was plunged in a massive turmoil , the government began to recruit out-law militias to suppress the demands of Darfur opponents who were calling for fair and equal representation and equal distribution of power and wealth , but the government did not respond , and ignored their demand and instead began to launch heavy onslaught on rebel strongholds , killing innocent people and destroying their livelihoods . all these crises and the components of the destruction lead the international criminal court to render its final verdict by indicting Sudanese president AL Bashir of committing Genocide in Darfur , this is the first indictment issued against a sitting head of state . since the installment of international criminal court (ICC) . South Sudan declared its secession from the north taking 75% of oil reserves with it , leaving the north in a complete penniless state . ultimately the Sudanese revolutionary front has been established , comprising different rebel factions including SPLM -NORTH . the objective of this front is to topple the regime and reinstate new one that meet the aspirations of Sudanese people .
    Khalid Hassan Samil, sudanese analyst , one of the SPLM –north supporters abroad , he can be reached at :[email protected]

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