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President south Sudan (Salva Kiir Mayardit) turnout national election into tribal war

03-29-2015, 09:06 PM
Ruach Wal Yat
<aRuach Wal Yat
Registered: 04-19-2014
Total Posts: 14

President south Sudan (Salva Kiir Mayardit) turnout national election into tribal war

    09:06 PM Mar, 29 2015
    Sudanese Online
    Ruach Wal Yat-
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

    Ruach Wal Yat: the Head Chief and Young General, and also Spokesperson in Greater Upper Nile region to represent Youth for peace dialogue and self-civil defense, and he has become radically discuss the root cause of tribal war in south Sudan. And also work as intelligence politician researcher from root causes conflict between indigenous tribes in south Sudan

    President south Sudan (Salva Kiir Mayardit) Turnout National Election into Tribal War to genocide Nuer tribe in south Sudan.

    1. Introduction

    2. Tribal war in South Sudan became most impact in Greater Upper Nile Region.

    3. Politic must not be hidden under bed

    4. Change will come in south Sudan when Dinka take decision to step-Down Salva Kiir and overthrow his regime.

    5. Politically rule norms between Dinka and Nuer tribes from technique and tactical in South Sudan.

    6. Conclusion

    1. Introduction:

    South Sudan genocide “Blood Sunday” was risen up on Dec. 15, 2013 because of Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny declared his running for upcoming election. President Kiir believed Dr. Machar will become person who threat upcoming election under his leadership. He had proposed political tactical genocide war against Dr. Machar tribe. He (Kiir) believed to kill Nuer tribe that could be the only strategy-tactic to force Machar and form another faction in bush. He claimed Dr. Machar planned tactical coup but international community dispel false rumors. Dr. Machar never planned to prepare any military coup against to his rival, and also never planned to go back to bush in order to overthrow Kiir regime government to form new government against him.

    For more verification on crisis by the time it had begun, SPLA party tried to organize political party reform, but for some reason President Kiir has been changed his mind to take action reform into another shape to sanction his rival (Dr. Riek Machar). President was misunderstanding to fail political strategy for organized political party reform to convince a delegate member’s party in peaceful. He was just turnout party reform into violence by increasing crime against humanities to spread the war in all states. Kiir had been preparing himself to use racial discrimination against Nuer tribe because to repeat conflict of 1991 before the war was begun. He (Kiir) addressed national party on that day and mentioned the crisis of 1991. Of course, south Sudanese national SPLA parties were aware on that day basic from speech of President for cause-agenda to bring intensify war in the country even though ongoing war now.

    Today, people in south Sudan had been known one of the leaders who became causative of crime against humanities to start a conflict of tribal war in the country. It is matter of time that Salva Kiir will be in charge under his crime by killing of innocent Nuer people in the country. Furthermore ongoing war under leadership destruction violence in the country, Kiir’s will be facing ICC court one day after the war will become over. Now it is good time to him and enjoys sovereign to prosecute innocent people, but one day will realize consequences of crime against humanitie.

    In frankly speaking, let’s me alert you south Sudanese tribes on this war is all about tribal war between Dinka and Nuer due to competition in political struggle on Post-presidential election. I would like to tell the truth in right tract to aware you in sensitive cause of war. Politically, I can tell openly to everyone and confirm a cause of conflict in south Sudan in good explanation. In fact, Dr. Machar did not take that action to initial tribal war in the country but our President Kiir order private aggressive military force from his own ethnic groups to kill Nuer tribe in Juba. Before the war had begun, South Sudanese were waiting election on 2015 and though elections will become fairness in both sides. But within some days recently, Salva Kiir change his mind and postpone incoming election, and also turnout an election campaign into tribal war to kill Nuer tribe due to canceling national election on 2015. What a joke of criminology activities leader that has been made innocent people to die on street in Juba without any purpose!

    He (Kiir) planned this war intentionally as tribal war, and also uses political propaganda to address subordinates and superiors in good way and explained to them, this is political war under party. President believed the SPLA party, the dominance are Dinka and belong to them. He blamed Dr. Machar to form his own party to run for upcoming election not in SPLA system. And this is only cause of current war to brought mess in the country now. Of course, let people know the sensitive cause of conflict that has been ruined our properties.

    Today Dr. Machar believed SPLA is belonging to everyone by the time of struggle during past civil war even now. But dominance tribes in the party deny Dr. Machar will not become a leader in system under SPLA party for future. Additionally, Dinka had been promised logo symbolic sanction against Dr. Machar and said, (“The Killing of 1991 in Bor town”). They put this sanction issue under record of Dr. Machar to affect his credibility not to run leadership in the country for the future. They also documented in state office and stated that, when Dr. Machar will declare his running on upcoming election, then south Sudan must go back to war. Wrong political committees’ actions in the party are preparing and ready for the war if scenario will appear Dr. Machar will run exactly on upcoming election. The policy of the ruling regime toward the south was to pursue the war against the rebels while trying to manipulate them by highlighting ethnic divisions. This war is all about revenge and took ideology war of 1991 to prevent Dr. Riek Machar to run seat of election and become a leader.

    For more information, Dr. Machar by the time the war was erupted. He never realized that this current war is tribal war and also never realized SPLA party is belonging to Dinka. He believed south Sudan must come together under one hand party to go to election in peaceful without violent. But most people from Nuer tribe were not interesting and unhappy for name of SPLA party even though Dr. Machar had been interesting on that party to go for it as his party.

    Question: Let take bit evaluation for what causing national election into tribal war, and what causing single tribe in Juba to be killed without any reason to be killed?

    I believed this war is tribal war because President Kiir imposing the conflict of 1991 to rebuild new revenge against Nuer which might follow a logo symbolic sanctions (The killing of 1991 in Bor Town). Salva Kiir is not leader that experience in leadership to rule whole nation in the country. He is leader who can fit to rule his own sub-clan as head chief of villager. Beware my fellow tribes; this President has been ruling the country through mentality of primitive mind as Dinka and nothing else beyond that to rule the country. He just had taken nervous simply like that to kill innocent because he is Dinka to kill Nuer as enemy. Most of Dinka from this conflict were unhappy on current war to participate on it, and that is why Salva Kiir has been deploying all East African troops to fight against Nuer in south Sudan. He (Kiir) knew most people in his tribes have been not interesting ongoing war to destroy the properties and displaced populations to neighbors countries.

    2. Tribal war in South Sudan became most impact in Greater Upper Nile Region.

    The conflict in tribal war from south Sudan has been made life worse constantly process of adapting basic insecurity and permanent crises in the region. The Genocides and front line Warfield death are estimate 100,000 and also cost 2 to 3 million displaced to neighbors’ countries. This war had been displacing whole population’s communities and made millions homeless. The number of refugees increased from 2.5 million in 2013 to 13.5 million in 2015 especially Nuer in Upper Nile, Jonglei, and Unity State.

    This tribal war in Greater Upper Nile prevents people from meeting their basic needs by destroying crops, livestock, and land or the environment. This conflict in the region has been impacted civilians, mostly women and children to join military training in order to fight for self-defense against SPLA Juba-regime. Government has targeted civilians and committed genocide in three states (Malakal, Bor town, and Bentiu) and that why the reason the civilians were interfere in the war to fight for self-defense.

    This tribal war in south Sudan made land and caused climatic change to destroy human activities in Greater Upper Nile such as farming, cutting trees, resource competition, intensified drought, heightens social inequalities, and poor pastoralist in the region because of war. These destruction processes are always supporting by members of parliament section tribe in the government to deploy Uganda and bomb three states with nuclear weapons.

    Bureaucratic politicians’ country officers were occupying parliament high positions by one ethnic section members to support ongoing war in the countries. They used country budget to paid foreign troop alongside to fight against ethnic line. When you observe situation in south Sudan, the war is around in Greater Upper Nile only without be in anywhere. Today, President uses extreme destruction in Greater Upper Nile region because to displace one ethnic group (Nuer) in order to flee everywhere in the world. He (Kiir) did this sanction intentionally to reduce Nuer populations in the country to feel free by enjoying his leadership without disruption from this tribe.

    3. Politic must not be hidden under bed: It’s always become impact in society and spoil whole ethnic until their populations must decline.

    Politic made societies always confuse and also let their populations to decline by joining another group if there are no good politicians in societies who may run politic-orientation in good path. SPLA party has been only the cause of tribal war since 1983, 1991, and also 2013 because one ethnic group took advantage SPLA and the rest ethnics took disadvantage on it. Most of Nuer tribes have been blamed Dr. Machar on the name SPLA party not should be repeated over and over as major party to lead part of struggle from today and onward.

    I have been dealing in my research to communicate to everyone in society since the war had been begun, but no one like the name of SPLA party to be lead part of struggle. 99% Nuer freedom fighters had been unhappy for the name of SPLA as lead party of struggle. Most of the people from Nuer tribe run out away every day and also moving out in the country to flee into neighbor countries because they don’t like SPLA to be part struggle. I will not go so far to explain scenario, but fact must always exposing to inform the people for the weaknesses of struggle. Furthermore, the fact needs to be imposing in public to know wrong things in struggle before the struggle will fail automatically.

    4. Change will come in south Sudan when Dinka take decision to step-Down Salva Kiir and overthrow his regime.

    The change will come when Dinka tribe understand the risk condition in livelihood of the people in the country. President Salva Kiir had been deploying and pays foreigners troop to fight alongside for self-interest to defend his leadership. Furthermore ongoing war, nothing will bring change unless Dinka politicians will take assessments to correct the way how President Kiir has been running the country. In fact, change will come in the country when Dinka communities will have voices to correct Salva Kiir Mayardit regime to give up tribal war and bring peace in the country. For instance, Dinka tribes’ communities in western world were unhappy ongoing war. But most of the people are not interesting on current war around the country. This is the reason President Kiir has been deploying foreign troops for intervention to fight alongside against opponent side because Dinka tribes are not participants on that war. One day, Dinka will realize this situation one day and bring change by them to topple the current regime of Salva Kiir Mayardit. Fighting between two factions will never change any things unless Dinka will condemn the way how President Kiir has been running the country.

    Ongoing war, its sound to everyone is tribal war because Salva Kiir genocides Nuer tribe in the country. Furthermore, this war will take 30-50 years as tribal war continuously if Dinka will not take seriously action to bring change by them. They must suppose to take action now to step-down President Kiir, and this will be only solution scenario option that will bring peace in south Sudan. Dinka has chance to topple the regime of Salva Kiir Mayardit and after that they must bring one person among their communities to replace Presidential post. Nuers are now fighting for self-defense not by changing the regime because President Kiir had been brought foreign troops in the country to displace the citizens from their places.

    On my view in politically analysis, Dinka and Nuer were not supposing and meaning they can fight to each other, but President Kiir has been constitute this war among communities to confuse societies. Salva Kiir believed if Dinka and Nuer will fight each other, then he will take another chance by upcoming election to continuous his Presidential post without changing. He has just been mastering strategy to cancel upcoming election on 2015 by deserving the Presidential post. President Kiir has been becoming the causative of tribal war in the country not Dinka community. I believe ongoing war, one among Dinka communities politician will bring change to reunify all south Sudanese together by correction and topple Salva Kiir regime in future.

    5. Politically rule norms between Dinka and Nuer tribes from technique and tactical in South Sudan.

    South Sudan became Warfield of tribal war because of Nuer and Dinka tribes’ had been taken competition under one leadership to fight each other for power-struggle. Their political rule norms must vary through culture, traditional, and also ethnics’ habits. In south Sudan today and indeed elsewhere in the developing country has been issued of ethnicity and identity continue to be part of great in politics and other aspects in life.

    In south Sudan, the conflict between Nuer and Dinka are become extreme of ethnicity and its resultant effects of poverty and displacement citizens in the country. In fact, the issue of ethnicity coupled with ethnic line tensions from Dinka/Nuer become dividend themselves into two factions. This is a major factor in presidential and state politics to constitute the war. It is clear that political conflict in south Sudan are synonymous with ethnicity which is often abused or manipulated by failing politicians lacking credibility agendas for their people and countries development.

    These politicians in south Sudan have been in some instances bribed and coerced traditional leaders, thereby tarnishing or destroying the credibility of these once respected traditional institutions. It is a fact that ethnicity or issues related to it are essentially the major cause of political instability, and also chaos and bloodshed. Unfortunately, in south Sudan these ethnics tension are instigated by powerful foreign elements with vested interest in East Africa. For instance, in south Sudan government received logistical support from Uganda and U.S.A to prevail against it opponents. Many politicians across south Sudan continue to use ethnicity to promote themselves and inflict maximum political damage on their opponents. I believed the SPLA political party has been ruled the country by emergency of ethnic basic on political ethnicity line. Today ethnicity and conflict have replaced social harmony, diversity and development in the country. The above points of these are my debatable though of research to describing political indigenous tribes in south Sudan. The situation in south Sudan today became evident of how far politicians are prepared to go in abusive the ethnic card in politics.

    A. Political Dinka Norms in technique and tactical
    Dinka tribes are believed to bribe other people like foreigners to fight along with side to advocate them against Nuer in order to own power of leadership.

    Dinka became to talk and talkative for accusation Nuer are killer and violence in the country to neighborhoods especially from East African or other foreigners’ allies.

    Dinka trusted Nuers are warrior and never tolerate their fight, but they use alternative tactic in politic to calm Nuer in negotiation by peace.

    Dinka like to create violence whenever they make sure they have back up like foreigners troops.

    Dinka like to eat huge food and own leadership but they don’t fight whenever there is any invasion coming outside from another country to depend the land.

    Dinka don’t like to die in front of war but they like to talk about the war whenever there is no war. They like to claim the Post-leadership in order to rule people but they don’t know how to manage the way how to rule the people for unification.

    Dinka never reconcile others tribes whenever they have power to own Post-leadership.

    Dinka like to negotiation a peace whenever they are failing to win the war, but on another way, they don’t like peace if there is any foreign troop intervention on their side.

    Dinka domination took ideology rule from Arab domination against Nuer. But today on this incident, Arabs of North Sudan dominations are better than Dinka domination.

    Arab can give food to others tribes without restriction in condition, but Dinka can’t give food to others tribes because they use their bitterly hatred to others without forgiveness.

    Dinka can’t reconcile to other tribes but Nuer has reconciles to others.

    Dinka like to rule the country by ideology-hatred of domination with condition, but they can’t defend it when there is war invasion coming outside from another country.

    B. Political Nuer Norms in technique and tactical

    Nuer tribes are best warrior in east Africa like Zulu tribes in South Africa.

    Nuer had had fought with British during colony in south Sudan within 30 years, and also they depended their victory land to defeat foreign troops inside of territory, but Dinka never did that.

    Nuer won that colony and defeated British in their regions but Dinka never defeat foreign troops in their region.

    Nuer opposed British colony rule during 19th century but Dinka was accepted British colony rule because they can’t fight like Nuer to defense their regions.

    Nuers have mercy to accept other tribes to be their counterpart allies without violent. Dinka rule like condition to sanction other tribes to prosecute them, but Nuer don’t like prosecution to others.

    Nuers become well reconcile to other tribes but Dinka can’t reconcile to other tribes.

    Dinka like to rule the country for hatred domination ethnic line with condition and they can’t defend it when there is war invasion coming outsider from another country, but Nuer like to rule people in fair without condition, and also use self-defense in the country from foreign troops attack.

    Nuer fought for freedom to free other minorities from Dinka domination dictators, but Dinka tribes are fighting for their interest to own common personal wealth to rule forevere.

    All tribes in south Sudan are become frustrated from rule of dictatorship Dinkaism, but Nuer will eradicate those aggressive norms to calm Dinka tribes to avoid that behavior incoming years.

    6. Conclusion:

    South Sudan tribes might have to find answers to their conflict by comprehending and understanding the underlying causes and histories of these conflicts, and also to work out ways of averting potential conflicts. These conflicts among them will be over unless they all accept federalism government to govern the inter-state. The politicians tribes need to work together in order to bring new government especially federalism in the country to avoid conflicts ethnicities.

    Finally, it is important that south Sudan elites group need to work out by developing new ways of conflict management. Today, it is clear that ethnicities group and tribes cannot live together in nation-states that can be stable and prosperous. Leaders in south Sudan need to do compromise to end conflicts by bringing peace negotiation. Of course, communities will independence and self-determination when they consider that their valve systems are no longer taken sufficiently into account by the societies in which they have formed a part and the elites which rule it. Furthermore, south Sudan elites group need to rise and take up the challenge by working towards development for the benefit of all citizens of the country. South Sudan should work towards getting out of zone war in which they can work out to bring peaceful and find democratic federalism government, and also wealthy nations.

    Tribal war in the country will never bring any change. But people as elites group need to do assessments how things might work to change the conflict between tribes. Having President Kiir to rule country will not be solution that might end the war. Unless different elites group will take action to correct wrong system and bring new system for change. South Sudan tribal war will be remaining there for several years if politicians’ elite group will not take action on it and end cessation hostility.

    Ruach Wal Yat
    Head chief of WA
    Self-civil defense officer
    Intelligence politician researcher from root causes conflict between indigenous tribes in south Sudan

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