11-19-2015, 02:24 AM |
حيدر محمد احمد النور
حيدر محمد احمد النور
Registered: 10-26-2013
Total Posts: 29
Political mobilization of the SLM / SLA escalation campaigns .. the attention of public opinion in
02:24 AM Nov, 19 2015 Sudanese Online حيدر محمد احمد النور- My Library Short URL  Political mobilization of the SLM / SLA escalation campaigns .. the attention of public opinion in Sudan, Africa and the world .
Sudan has passing in most critical situation of its history today .. genocides and ethnic cleansing and starvation of deliberate and daily suffering of our people in country wide .. with the insistence of a stubborn Khartoum regime to continue the war, genocide and ethnic cleansing of the remaining people in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan and in the center of Khartoumit self . , and the knock-off is leading to need in political, economic and security suffocating .. and degrading living conditions and price rises .. Terrible .. and rampant corruption in all aspects of the state, with the brutal suppression of the demonstrations . IT IS A COMMITMENT TO US AS SUDAN LIBERATION MOVEMENT / ARMY AND ALL POLITICAL ALLIANCES TO STOP CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND ALL TRIBES OF SUFFERING OF OUR PEOPLE UNDER THIS CRIMINAL REGIME . AS A LEADERS OF MOVEMENT AND ITS ORGANS, STRUCTURES AND INSTITUTIONS, OFFICES HELD MANY IMPORTANT MEETINGS .. and a series of workshops ... to escalate the struggle by all means to eliminate this regime by all means force or public uprising . As S L M /A have full surety that regime wouldn’t accept the peace full and democratic transition to the state of the rights and freedoms and dignity , but by changing the by force or popular uprising . As S L M /A we consider What is going on in Khartoum is not a dialogue at all , but it is just a propaganda that we reject it completely . What is going on is a deal between Islamic terrorist groups .
Roadmap also developed to move internally and externally to create a broad coalition to overthrow the regime by all means .. general mobilization both internally and externally and wake the sleeper cells and activated, to move hard and activity until achieving the goal the overthrow of this terrorist regime .. and stop the development of what is happening that take place in the land of our country which is now the horrors and terrors . General mobilization to draw the attention of public opinion in Sudan, Africa and the world wide .. that what is happening in Khartoum, now known as terrorism a new kind of dialogue between two war criminals of the party of Islamic terrorism who used supporting and manufacturer of terrorism, and threatening international peace and security .
حملات تعبئة مكثفة لحركة / جيش تحرير السودان للتصعيد للانتفاضة بقلم حيدر محمد احمد النور
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