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Lawlessness and Daily slaughter continues in Sudan, by above-the-law regime elements؟

08-02-2017, 05:01 PM
Adaroub Sedna Onour
<aAdaroub Sedna Onour
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 120

Lawlessness and Daily slaughter continues in Sudan, by above-the-law regime elements؟

    04:01 PM August, 02 2017

    Sudanese Online
    Adaroub Sedna Onour-
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    Sudan’s fascist regime fails, once again, to reconcile its alleged repentance and keenness to enforce law, with the attitudes of its above-the-law operatives, as the daily practical realities on the ground suggest. I need not recount the countless crimes, still being committed by its elements, or those that were happening throughout the gloomy past 28 years, to back my accusation, because no good purpose would be served by doing so. Rather, my principal aim is to prove that this regime is still not qualified to pass off as a respectable and law-enforcing regime , judging by what happened just last Friday, in the tiny town of SINKAT, situated some 110km to the west of the sea-port town of Port Sudan. Eye-witnesses talked of a white land cruiser pick-up, flying at neck-breaking speed, probably without numbers –plate, that ploughed and ran down a poor little boy. The driver stopped, hauled the dying boy into his vehicle and drove off nonchalantly. Those who were close to the site of the incident rushed to the city –hospital assuming that ,as it is the norm in Sudan in such cases , the driver would take his victim to the hospital ,to rescue him ..But they were wrong. Because not a single soul expected the heartless driver to be so remorseless as to run away cowardly taking the victim with him and disappear to this moment؟ As time passed, people got the impression that the regime was not doing enough to disclose what happened and who the offender was, but it gradually became evident that all the regime departments were dragging their feet in a deliberate and orchestrated manner, in a shameful attempt to cover up the horribly inhumane crime. Today, it is increasingly becoming a rock-solid probability that the regime does not have the slightest intention of arresting the criminal, who could have easily been identified, even by building on the flimsy available evidence availed by the passing-by eye-witnesses (the time andvehicle color etc؟) in fact, the regime’s unwillingness was best demonstrated , especially after the statement made by the state police chief , which was an ill-timed contexture of lies and contradictions ,made after 4 days lapsed. The incident will undoubtedly get the regime in hot water, because the people of SINKAT are now seething with anger and frustration, and their tribal leaders have vowed no to accept any blood money, as the regime is known to lure poor communities by offering mouth-watering hush-money to buy their silence and thus, cool down tensions. ( according to the tribal traditions of the indigenous tribes of eastern Sudan money paid in compensation is only accepted after establishing what happened and identifying the offender, not before that؟) Actually, details of such horrific accidents in Sudan never emerge and are little-noticed by the world media out-lets. In fact , such crimes are common today in Sudan. One often hears of dismembered and beheaded dead bodies dump in rivers or disposed of in remote desert areas. In the near past, such crimes were rare and alien to the peaceful Sudanese people, but increased at alarming rates since 1989, after the-still - ruling dictator; gen. Omer Beshir led his ominous coup and installed himself as president. So, I think this incorrigible tyranny is sure to resort, at the end of the day, to its usual (the case is diligently being investigated into and a just verdict will be handed in due time؟؟؟؟؟؟) while secretly exerting huge efforts to sweep its shameful crime under the carpet, I say this , because Iam of opinion that this regime’s capability of sketching out an exit plan of the ethical challenge it landed itself in , falls somewhere between fanciful and absolutely impossible .. Therefore, we only have to pray for the life of the poor boy, if he is, by some miracle alive……if not ….Allah, the elevated, rests his innocent soul in eternal paradise. Amen.
    Adaroub sedna onour


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