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Juba-Genocide Bloody Sunday On Dec.15, 2013 by Ruach Yat

03-08-2015, 05:01 AM
Ruach Wal Yat
<aRuach Wal Yat
Registered: 04-19-2014
Total Posts: 14

Juba-Genocide Bloody Sunday On Dec.15, 2013 by Ruach Yat

    04:01 AM Mar, 08 2015
    Sudanese Online
    Ruach Wal Yat-
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

    I believed everyone in south Sudan had been stressing on this war around the country. All citizens in the country are looking for peace, but President of south Sudan and his colleagues’ regime are not interesting in peace. Juba-genocide “Bloody Sunday” was long term planned from President (Kiir) to deserve the position in Presidential seat for long without vote to change. Kiir planned long-term genocide against second tribe (Nuer) to reduce their population to kill them and also made them to fear. He had made to constitute genocidal planed-tactic against Nuer to prevent them not to claim leadership post. He always fearing for upcoming election Dr. Machar will win incoming election, and that is the only reason he was constructing genocide against Dr. Machar tribe.

    Today, I am talking one of military General in front line in the Warfield from North Upper Nile. He was doing some planed-tactic to defend the territory of town against genocidal paralysis regime. “He was saying, they were looking for peace but President (Kiir) still sending south Sudan and foreign troops to them and to attack their bases.” And also he was saying south Sudan and foreign troops are always become looser at any war here in North Upper Nile.

    I believed, war is good some time to bring democratic constitution to free everyone in the country. We need change and new development in the country through war to end up the segregation of poverty in the country. This civil war of south Sudanese will bring change for upcoming years, and also will save the life of generations of south Sudan to enjoy the victory of land without disruption. We have right to fight until we see the change is coming up to rescue the life of innocent people in the country.
    This is a good time now to end up segregation against to everyone in the country to perform task of civil right to fight for freedom. We need to work hard all of us each individual to put our hand together for peace in the country without segregation against to everyone to constitute war in and to bring peace after that. This war is only the best goal that will change everything’s in the country to bring democratic constitution for freedom to rescue the life of civil societies in south Sudan.
    My point of view on this crisis, nothing will bring peace rather than war. War will be the only way which may bring peace in the country rather than anything else. When both sides will face consequence in bloodshed, then they will accept compromise both sides in order to end up cessation hostility without disruption in peace.

    Juba-Genocide “Bloody Sunday” will end up through war not in peace. We had been known these tribal’s crisis issue in south Sudan for long in the past centuries. It is not easy to end up simply like that without bloody. Bloody will be the main only solution issue that will end up the conflict between both tribes.

    This segregation will end up automatically through tear by sacrifice of blood-shed to bring good government in the country. Both majorities’ group tribes let them fight freely and learn each other through war, and after that the winner will take sovereign power of land through struggle and then peaceful will come in the country. Furthermore aftermath of this crisis, south Sudan will be peaceful place around all states in the country than other neighbor countries.

    I am speaking out and loudly to alert everyone on this crisis, change always comes when there is bloodshed in the country. Nothing in politic may change without bloody. Politic is dirty game that may bring disaster in the country to end up the life for current generations in the country. Politic is the first main degree goal that manages the livelihood of nation when politicians are performing good task in the country. Wrong politic always may bring disaster to end up the life of millions people within the country, but good politic in the country may bring development in the country to build the future of generations. Disruption of peace in the country may destroy the growing economic development future to ruin the resources. Good decision-maker for leadership is the only way to bring development in the country but wrong decision-maker for leadership brought the mess to destroy the economic in growing development for the future.
    Ruach Yat
    Head Chief Vs Young G.

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