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I beg Your Pardon President Obama (3) By Faisal Elsayed Ali Omer

07-15-2017, 00:50 AM
Faisal Elsayed Ali
<aFaisal Elsayed Ali
Registered: 07-15-2017
Total Posts: 16

I beg Your Pardon President Obama (3) By Faisal Elsayed Ali Omer

    00:50 AM July, 15 2017

    Sudanese Online
    Faisal Elsayed Ali-Sudan
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    (Published by Sudan Vision Newspaper on Wednesday 24 November 2010)
    The responses to my two preceding articles that I received were overwhelming and astounding. They revealed the fact that numerous Sudanese people and others shared with me analogous and akin naive, callow, and puerile opinions! Some people presupposed that President Obama continued to overdo things in dealing with the conflict in Sudan. A couple of nuts reached the zenith echelons of facing the situation and hankered after dealing with the problem directly. They, sarcastically, advocated for giving birth to a Sudanese/American Animosity Association to take over from any Sudanese/American Friendship Association!
    The other overwhelming, proficient and responsible rejoinders and retorts that I received represented very valuable resources that would piece together the quintessence, premise and constituents for my coming articles. Almost all the Sudanese people who responded to the previous articles and conferred with me lately were keen to express their absolute disagreement, repugnance and refutation to the separation of southern Sudan. Each and every one of them voiced out his extreme feelings of fury about the submissive, bias and shameful role that the UN is playing as a second conspiring party, an infiltrator and a subservient disciple for the USA in Sudan.
    They, furthermore, urged me to highlight and lay strong emphasis in my next article on one specific and imperative statement. I am hereby abiding by their directives and verbalizing their following sound bite to Your Excellency:
    The Sudanese people want you to realize that our Sudanese dignity and pride is enormously superior to billions of your cheap carrots and our audacious and courageous moral fiber is trillion times like granite vis-a-vis your gobbledygook, mumbo jumbo and toothless stick.
    On the other hand, the pressure that you are exerting and the arms twisting that you are applying on our Government will not be adequate. Our nation is the master, the Government is our master's servant and our free media is the upper master's voice. We assure you that the Government cannot do any thing that the public does not want and it is futile and vain for your Administration to raise its feathers and get its hackles up against our valiant nation because of your political differences with the Sudanese Government,
    Therefore, yet again, Your Excellency, I am capitalizing on the universally declared principals of democracy and freedom of speech to address you in a straight line, without beating around the bush and straight from the shoulder. I, of course, beg your pardon for our Sudanese people's high degree of ignorance and limited perception for your punctilious perspectives about Sudan. Silhouette of this entrenched unawareness of our public has been recorded when some of our harebrained and absurd Sudanese people rolled with laughter at a critical and salient statement that you have recently made. You avowed that Sudan has continued to represent a big national security threat on the United States of America. That was a big joke that stimulated their dim-witted laughter and set it on vibrant motion.
    Others expressed their disquiet, reservations and misgivings about what they considered as weird and unrestrained concerns that you have shown a propos the issue of southern Sudan. They continued to believe that you erred and went astray. You held the wrong end of the stick in trying to put a remedy to the conflicts in Sudan. You headed as the crow flies, as they imagined, to the lions den and the cul-de-sac of the conflict between the SPLM and the NCP without the slightest recognition of the negative consequences for your intervention.
    They really wondered if you were a victim of a muddled and jumbled vision of the factual circumstances in Sudan, They have seen in their mind’s eye that you were, and still are, deficient in the authentic and aboveboard genesis, constituents and minutiae of the conflict in Sudan. Therefore, your injudicious acts are now begetting unwarranted risks and headaches to your Administration and you should sagaciously sojourn from scratching where it does not itch.
    I think those people are making a mega, jumbo and life-size mistake that we should immediately rectify. They should know without a shred of doubt that you have astutely formed an idiosyncratic and futuristic vision about Sudan. Your analyses have confirmed a forecasted glorious future for Sudan. That vision has infatuated you to the extent of experiencing nightmares and a figment of the imagination about the progressively devolving Sudan. The instantly recognizable indicators of Sudan's fast development have drawn your attention to a birth of an inevitable Super Power in Africa. The transpiring, burgeoning and sprouting capacities of Sudan have started to wind you up and cause exasperation to many other big countries worldwide.

    Faisal Elsayed Ali Omer

    E-mail address: [email protected], WhatsApp No.: +249 11 3489558 or mobile No.: +249 91 3336080


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