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Gedaref: a story of political struggle by Abdulaziz Ali Omer

06-14-2014, 10:29 AM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

Gedaref: a story of political struggle by Abdulaziz Ali Omer

    Gaffar Khider’s photograph with the caption that says “No body is excused from political struggle” provoked recollections of oppression events in march,2013 that transpired at the end of Governor’s election in Gedaref,East of Sudan .Another ghoulish election is looming on a horizon of dreamy hills . Will history of repeats its self? The echo of past election tears and torture are shown on the stoic and hope-radiant face of Gaffar Khider that has recently appeared In Sudaneseon line.I Think it is good to re-tell the story of their ordeal, he and his colleagues in Gedaref Salvation Initiative. I want to discourage further abuses of innocents rights and to share the world proudly their inflexible and un-wavering determination to fight for plundered peace and gagged truth. Life in Gedaref wasn,t colours of rainbow but the miracle of resistence and the principles valour in the face of putrid silence and fear of what lies beyond security dungeon. Gedaref Salvation Initiative alleged that the high elections comission in Gedaref state was unproffessional and biased , an allegation refuted by Adam Sabil , the chair man of elections commission in Gedaref who threatened to sue any body who questioned the nuetrality of commission. Varoius families in Khartoum protested against the detention of their sons in the wake of signing the New dawn charter in Uganda. A similar protest in solidarity took place in Gedaref market. The protestors marched on a million stupid people street chanting slogans callling for the downfall of regime and displayed banners that carried the names of some detainees demanding their release . The first protest went on without any incident, however, the second protest on the second day of election , according to Gedaref Salvation initiative, ten protestors were arrested and taken to Gedaref Central police station and then transferred to the security . After their detention , Ramzi Yahya, defenese lawyer of detainees stated to Sudan Radio Service that " the arrest was illegal" He promised to visit them. Prevoiusly an appeal by Gedaref Salvation Initiative members against a national congress party candidate on the ground on his misuse of funds and the abuse of his position as Gedaref Governor for his campaign had been rejected. Salvation believed that he was liable for the ordeal of it's members and the ban of political activity save two symposia with his capacity as head of security committee . The gover ment office offered no comment about the claims of Gedaref Initiative for salvation . later on, some of activists were released while others remained in detention. One of the freed detainees, Gaffar Ghider, said that during their arrest in the market, they suffered a public humiliation by the police and afterwards brutal religious and racial abuses by the security. Abdulslam Ismael was still under custody and torture, he added. He expressed his concern about Abdulsalam's health in the light of ongoing detention, physical abuse and denial of an access to his family, friends and relatives.
    After announcing the governor election results in Gedaref, four candidates, one an independent, two from Gedaref Salvation Initiative and the third from Eastern Sudan Democratic forum sent a petition to the Supreme Court judge asking him to" revoke the outcome of elections in Gedaref, set up new commission to hold new elections inGedaref. In their petition, they reffered to the use of fake ink, incursion of polling officers in casting ballots, provision of services for political ends and the illegality of elections commission In respect of formation and membership. The candiadtes remarked that the electio.n witnessed the lowest votes rate which was unprecendented in the Sudanese elctoral history

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