06-20-2015, 09:31 PM |
Adaroub Sedna Onour
Adaroub Sedna Onour
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 120
Freedom of press in totalitarian Sudan …..A total joke By Adaroub sedna onour
09:31 PM Jun, 20 2015 Sudanese Online Adaroub Sedna Onour- My Library at SudaneseOnline
The confiscations -on daily basis- of newspapers in Sudan is likely to trigger a world-wide controversary that won’t go away ,without impact, in the near future .truly 99% of daily papers in Sudan today are simply pro-regime propaganda leafs. Because almost all the stoned critics of the ruling tyranny are banned from writing in any publication. Thus, taking a closer look at the scene shows that only a few semi-independent journalists who exercise due caution and a high degree of self-censorship are allowed to work. Because the whole scene is sealed off for journalists loyal to the brutal regime, in addition to many non-professionals whom the regime plunged in the field without sufficient training. the primary task of these fit-for-the-purpose subservient WRITERS is to slant news and give false versions of events and, if need be, even falsify some , dispel subsistent rumors of the regime being on the brink of collapse ,and try to make the regime’s horrific irregularities relevant to today’s world of transparency, democracy ,justice and equity? Such being the case, we are where we are now. Any one holding critical views of the outlaw regime stands a good chance of being assassinated ,or at least subjected to intermittent confiscations of his paper to push him into bankruptcy ,and eventually elbow him out of business . Whereas those loyal to the rotten regime enjoy a preferential treatment, all the public sector advertisements (ads) are exclusively reserved to them? They have easy access to the regime’s top –officials and are blessed with statements and interviews with visiting high-ranking VIP guests and other sources of information restricted to their rivals? Basically there is no private sector in Sudan today, because all the currently working private entities are in fact owned by individuals/groups loyal to the regime…? (Real private sector companies were either confiscated or pushed out of business long ago, because of heavy taxation or other obstacles put in their way purposefully ?) This is, of course not true of the new, pro-regime private companies owned by on-job elements of the regime, which either evade taxation or enjoy tax-exempt, without fearing being brought to book, simply because there is no independent judiciary system in today’s Sudan? The regime, in order to further tighten its grip on the press, has invented a useful regulatory organ which chief concern is to keep an eye on the press, to hold it accountable for non-compliance, if it dared to step over the red lines. And since the legal consequences of breaching those regulations can be quite severe, journalists figured out that nothing was easier than closing their eyes and putting their fingers over their ears? The troubled regime which is now facing uncertain future rests on four fully loyal groups. 1) The incapable and unwilling judiciary system. 2) The media out-lets. 3) The security and irregular militant groups operating in total impunity. 4) The partisans of Sudan’s infamous Islamic movement which enjoyed absolute power since 1989 to this day, but failed to adduce any verifiable proof of its being a patriotic nationalist political party? Of course, no normal person in his right senses expects this chaotic tyranny to remain in power for long any more, yet no one, too, knows for sure what the future is holding for the shattered country. Especially when the out-of-touch ruling group is not sufficiently aware of the ticking clock and of their, but, being in their last days, still adamantly refusing to see the realities on the ground as they are ,and continuing the indiscriminate air- raids on their own defenseless civilians, let alone their flat denial of any wrong-doing throughout their gloomy era ? This regime, for its own good, needs to roll up its sleeves and look inwards to reconcile with its people, not run into the Saudi tent for survival by being be part of the unholy alliance against Yemen (why, at all, do we fight there?) then it SHOULD sit with the opposition to adequately address our long-identified national challenges, before its opponents grow bolder and be hard on terms in the looming last-minute-talks. Finally the regime should draw lessons from the recent narrow escape of its leader in Johannesburg’s summit, where his contemptible defiance of the ICC was put to a real test and ended up in a disgraceful escape which made him a byword to the whole world? Interestingly, the hypocrite local media, shamelessly, gave a totally different narration of the grand presidential escape by saying that: the dying ICC was buried once and forever????????? Adaroub sedna onour
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