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Details of a Murder by Alobeid … Yasir Gottya

02-04-2014, 07:54 PM
Yasir Gottya

Details of a Murder by Alobeid … Yasir Gottya

    Details of a Murder
    The latest murder was reported on Saturday the first of February 2014
    Shaikan district in North Kordofan state is witnessing an unprecedented instability.
    Alobeid … Yasir Gottya.
    Twenty two years old citizen Maohmoud Ali Eissa died after being shot four times on the chest from a close distance, the shots has probably came from an (AK47) gun which is widely known by the name of its Russian inventor Mikhail Kalashnikov as it was estimated by high authorities in the state which refused to reveal the details of the incident until the completion of the wide investigations that the respective authorities has started upon receipt of the report.
    The incident - which is the second of its type in the past twenty four hours – raised a wide range of reactions and opened the door to all possibilities, especially that the family of the victim who has rushed in numerous groups toward the morgue of Alobeid Royal Hospital has pointed clearly to a specific described side on which they put the responsibility for committing the murder.
    And in primary investigations, some of the victim's relatives who accompanied the body from his hometown and the crime scene (Om Grain Village) that resides on Shaikan suburbs which is seven kilometers far from the south west of Alobyeid city center, some of them mentioned that the murder was committed unexpectedly and with cold blood, fast and easily that it cannot be believed. In more details, it is mentioned that the victim who was in his small grocery shop in the village, was about to close his shop that is located in his parents' house where he lives when two strangers were seen near the shop. Seconds after that, the small village people were rushing towards the place under the heavy sounds of a shower of bullets, that was around quarter to ten on Wednesday evening the first of February 2014. The victim's sister was the first one to arrive at the shop through the internal door that links the house with the shop, as she has just put a cup of tea in front of the victim a few seconds ago, she soon returned back terrified to find her brother lying on the floor and covered with his blood that was coming out heavily from his chest and not moving, he died immediately after he was shot.
    And in the time where the streets leading to Alobyied were experiencing a flood of humans who were terrified by the incident that made them angry and furious, a big number of ministers, councilors and senior officials in the security and police services were rushing to the hospital, led by Ahmed Mohammad Haroun governer of North Kordufan state and Mr. Moaweya Almna minister of health in the state and Mr. Alshareef Alfadil vice-chairman of the National Congress Party in North Kordufan state and councilor for the state government who is also a relative of the victim, and Mr. Mamoun Bllo one of the leaders in the ruling party secretary of the secretariat of social affairs and Mr. Fatahalrahman Awadalkareem Dafallah head of Shaikan district and Mr. Adam Mahadi the leader in Sudan People's Liberation Movement / North Sector, in addition to huge crowds assembled inside and near to the streets that leading to the hospital were the victim's body was located, everyone offered their deep condolences for the victim's family who were led by prince Alzain Mergani Hussien Zakieldeen head of Albedarya tribe and head of the People National Party in North Kordufan state and a large gathering from the victim's family who were shedding tears for their loss. In the same context, an authorized source stated that there has been an emergency session for the state's security committee upon the spread of the crime news in order to determine the details and to assess the situation, the source did not rule out the possibility of forming a continuous operations committee that will be held 24/7 to manage this crisis.
    And in a ten minutes phone call that Sudanese on line.com website received on the early morning on Sunday the 2nd of February 2014, in this call, Mr. Omer Mohammad Omer Wd-ab-kir the leader of Albedarya tribe - who is also a relative of the victim – stressed the importance of conducting wide investigations that includes all the crimes that were committed against many citizens without discrimination and demanded from the authorities to act fast in order to arrest the criminals and those who were accused and name things by their name according to his terms, he also pointed to the spread of the armed violence cases and the increasing in the murder rates, Wd-ab-kir expressed his sorrow for the declining security conditions that affected the heart of the district and expanded to reach the safe and quite rural areas recently which led to these hideous crimes that caused the death of innocent unarmed citizens that he described as hideous crimes that have not been seen by the state before, demanding the authorities in the state to uncover the facts to the public and to reveal them to the media that should in turn perform its role in alerting the citizens of those dangers that are jeopardizing their security and stability and threatening their properties and lives. Mr. Omer described the situation as (extremely dangerous) and emphasized that in case of that the violence and the murders pace continues, the citizens who were terrified in their homes and work places and were murdered in cold blood may begin to search for individual solutions to protect themselves and their lives and properties and families. Wd-ab-kir concluded his statement by saying that the people may start to doubt from now on the ability of the specialized authorities in performing its role in protecting them and warning from the consequences of that, Wd-ab-kir said that the funeral of the deceased is to be after nine o'clock in the morning of Sunday the 2nd of February 2014 at Daleel cemetery in Alobeid city and he is expecting it will be attended by an unprecedented crowd of mourners.
    For more details and updates, keep following us.
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