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Darfur Union in the UK - From Central to West Darfur, Same Crime Different Day; El-Geneina is the C
01-07-2017, 03:25 AM |
Osama Mahmoud
Osama Mahmoud
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 15
Darfur Union in the UK - From Central to West Darfur, Same Crime Different Day; El-Geneina is the C
02:25 AM January, 07 2017 Sudanese Online Osama Mahmoud- My Library Short URL

Five days after the Government of Sudan and their militias committed the heinous crime in the town of Nertiti, killing tens to hundreds of local civilians for no reason other than spreading fear, ethnic cleansing and causing democratic changes in the long term in the targeted area; on the 5th of January 2017, a Janjaweed militia entered Hai Eljabal, specifically district Square 7, El-Geneina, West Darfur, and to the surprise of the locals there, the militia carried an unprovoked attacked on the civilians killing 6 and injuring 12. Reports from the ground stated that the number of injured individuals is much higher than that. The crime happened under the eyes of the government army, West Darfur Vice Governor's guards and some security service personnel. Below are two lists of the dead and injured locals (ages of the victims are yet to be reported:-
List of dead:-
1. Mohammed Ibrahim Suleiman (AKA CIA) 2. Abdel Allah Ali (AKA Bambino) 3. Yaghoub Abdelrahman Khamis 4. Malik Abdelrahman khamis 5. Abdelbasit Mohammed 6 Khamis Abbaker Arbab
List of Injured :-
1. Ishag Yahya Ali 2. Abdel Allah Jango 3. Mohammed Adam Omar 4. Siama Bashar 5. Dr. Zakaria (middle/ last name not confirmed) 6. Elsadig Ali Abdel Allah 7. Mahmoud Abdelrahman 8. Adam Suleiman Abbaker 9. Ishag Khamis 10. Musa Abdel Allah 11. Haroun Omar 12. Isam Eissa Juma
Darfur Union in the UK plea to the UN Security Council, US and UK governments to open an international lead investigation with regards to the latest crimes and violations of human rights taken place in West Darfur by the government para troop known as Janjaweed. It is high time for the world to turn the attention to Darfur as the ethnic cleansing and crime against humanity are taking place on a daily basis with UNAMID forces unable to act to protect nor to report what is actually happening in Darfur. A reformed UNAMID force is much needed; the international community must act by applying pressure on governments which supply war equipments, which are used directly to kill the innocents across the Sudan. Also any policy that aim to normalise relation with the government of Sudan or to remove the government from the list of rogue regimes that support terrorism will give Bashir, the ICC inductee, the green light to execute a second genocide.
We will continue to provide regular updates we receive from the ground. As always copies of this reports plus the aforementioned accounts will be sent to the following:
1) Office of International Criminal Court's Chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, 2) The Sudans department, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK 3) United Nation, UNAMID Central Press Office, Khartoum 4) Office of Secretary General, United Nation 5) Office of President of African Union
Osama Mahmoud
Deputy Press Officer, Darfur Union in the United Kingdom Website: http://darfurunionuk.wordpress.comhttp://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com
Email address: [email protected]
Twitter handle: @Darfurunionuk
My blog: resudan.wordpress.com
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المنبر العام
ترامب يطلب من السفراء الذين عينهم أوباما الاستقالة بحلول يوم التنصيب: فورا ودون استثناءاتشــركة (كومون) .. والاك الجمال يرفع لي قَدْرِك يَـجِــل ..!ما الذى حدث لنا ؟ . 10قنطار تمباك دعما للمؤتمر الوطني بشمال دارفور دا المشروع الحضاري كده ولابلاشما هو الغرض من النشر المتكرر لصور خطوبة عبد الرحمن الصادق المهدي ؟؟إتهام مدير ووكيل جامعة كردفان بتعيين 27 من أقاربهما السلطات ترفض التصديق بإحياء ذكرى الشريف حسين الهندياتحاد الكُتاب السودانيين يحتفل بميلاده الثالث يناير 06, 2017وزير الداخلية .. أنا سوداني” .. الجنسية للجنوبيين حقّ والمظلومون كثربرلماني مصري ساخراً: القيادات بتتعامل معنا كأننا من السودان أو سنغافورة! سوزان جاها عريس - كتابات عجيبة !# اسرار واخبار اعفاء السيد عبدالرحمن حسن عبدالرحمن محافظ بنك السودان إعداد : عبدالرحمن الامين أصحاب مخابز بالخرطوم يتوقعون أزمة في الخبز ويستنجدون بالرئاسةارتفاع معدلات الطلاق وتأخر سن الزواج للشباب وفوضي الزواج الجماعيآلاف المسلحين الأجانب يسيطرون على "ذهب السودان"عجلة التنمية وفرملة الفساد يا السيد وزير الماليةتسجيل تلفزيوني نادر لشاهدة عيان تروي احداث "كتلة" المتمة خواطر صباحية عابثة،عابرة، متناثرة وغائمة و أيضاً جادة: لماذا تأتي الآن؟ صباح الجمعة 6 يناير 2017 اليوم ابوكيعان وغدا ابو اربع واربعين رجل ...........................قد عدنا والعَوْدُ أَحْمَدُقد عدنا والعَوْدُ أَحْمَدُإلى هذا الحويتم
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