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Articles and ViewsCry my beloved Gaza and Malaysia by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
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Cry my beloved Gaza and Malaysia by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

07-19-2014, 10:57 PM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

Cry my beloved Gaza and Malaysia by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

    The Malaysian Air-line tries to comfort families of all 298 passengers lost on the board of its MH17 flight after intruding into a conflict zone between Ukraine and Russia. Both of Ukraine government and pro-Russians insurgents denied any involvement in the incident after U.S officials accused Ukrainian pro-Russians rebels of targeting the jet using their missile system. Investigations are underway to identify the culprit. The recent catastrophe of MH17 flight has stimulated us to contemplate the meaning of love and peace. Love is the first sip of Air you breathe in into your lung as a child and the war is contaminating it. Love is the spring breeze, the "platonic heaven" or in other words, the beauty of rain this morning in Sudan. Yesterday, one breaking fast mates whispered something akin to prayer and I made out latter as these words:"Oh, listen lord, what the world needs is love, sweet love. Some press resources reported that Prime Minister Netanyahu offered his condolence to the bereaved family of Israeli soldier. We, our reactions were cries in vacuum and smashing windows of Israeli consulate in our storm of anger. Why don't we condole instead of condemning? We need positive initiative such as the dignity boat that moved from the territorial waters of Turkey in an open challenge to siege on Gaza to deliver food and medicines. And such an exemplary initiative set by the Turkish people needs to be repeated in a new form to meet the needs of elderly and primary health care estimated by CNN and UNRWA relief agency as costing 60 million Dollars.
    The dead tell no tales they say. The question that turns in my mind: Were the innocent people of Gaza had been killed so as not tell how lovely and sunny was it as the derisive B.B.C correspondent remarked looking at the background of B.BC office in Gaza strip. In the far-flung neighborhoods of Gaza, the situation appeared different from what the journalist wearing bullet-proof vest conceived. It was hideous and funereal. The scene that regressed from sunny to dark and sad summed up the duality of our existence. Professor Collin MGinn from New York described the duality of life (beauty and evil) as the roots of human self-consciousness and much of human misery. The description of Gaza atmosphere as sunny by B.B.C News announcer encapsulated the city in that glaring futility once expressed by Wilfred Owen. Wilfred Owen wrote pointing to a lifeless body amidst the shell-made ruins saying "Move him to the sun, gently its touch a woke him until this morning and this snow. If there is anything that might arouse him only the kind old sun will know. …It is still warm but hard to stir. Yes. It is warm but hard to stir the strewn dead around Gaza or distract their distraught relatives.
    So far many of well-wishers are trying to make both Palestinians and Jews share bread and butter and to make peace possible out of an impasse. I would like to encourage peace seekers as Haugh Caugh, an English poets did hailing them "Say not the struggle…the wounds are vain…and things as have been they remain".
    We are in the last 20 closing days of the Fast of Ramadan that have began to slip on a rapid succession and in these days for the people of Gaza and Malaysia in mourning, we offer our best wishes.

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