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Articles and ViewsAs you like:Instagram or what's up but ethics come first By : Abdulaziz Ali Omer
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As you like:Instagram or what's up but ethics come first By : Abdulaziz Ali Omer

03-23-2014, 08:38 PM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

As you like:Instagram or what's up but ethics come first By : Abdulaziz Ali Omer

    Caution is the oldest principle for mankind seeking confidentiality and since time immemrial , it is said walls have an ear and now walls have web-cam or mobile-phone-cam. The house is no longer the castle of English. The truth and privacy are casualties in search of security and sensationlism
    One afternoon, I visited a friend , one of social media pundits, he asked his daughter to send over the what's up the photo of his newborn grand-daughter. I sat on another side with his grown-up son deabting on whether prono-clips might cause sexual frigidity. He insisted on saying no and in the meantime trying to show me some incetuous practices in his mobile-phone. "No, thanks" I stuttered. It is little sister and her brother in a bathroom, Look! What do they do? He quipped in order to dissuade me, I waved away his mobile –phone out of modesty and in resistence to manipulation of children in gratifying the erotic whims of adults. My visit to my friend prompted discussions with other people cocerned with isusses of woman and family. Dr Aly Baldu, pychaitrist, " on pretext of sexual incompatibility, some women resort to what's up to have an affair in a breach to marital devition" he explained .Dr Ahmad Ibram, community and family affairs specialist looked up astonished at the mutual reations between smart-phnone-enabled couples. " women make spurious claims of matrimoinal neglect and disastifcation to vindicate their betrayal to their de-facto husbands" he says and adds wondering " where are ethics?"
    Fanning sweat with the palm of my hand, I entered in Grdaref library. My eyes casualy fell on up-turned chairs and books precariously sitting on each other . Khadija , the curator of library squirmed amidst the dusty chaos . what amatched her charm was fresh young fern growing in plastic vase near her. From the poted fern, spilled water in the floor up to my feet. I stood on the echo of Martin Luther foot-steps as I reviwed what he once uttered " Justice rolls down like water". What I saw was n't justice but neglect and injustice thatspreads across the country in other aspects of life.in the warmly-kissing city of Gedaref , Khadija's smile was a river bank. When she started to pour tea, I raised the subject of e-infidelty via what's up. Khadija's opinion , women imitate their femal friends and have lots of spare-time to fill up using what's up in venting their marital discontent.
    After "what's up" comes "Instagram" .Bakri Alhiber " It is an accessible program for swapping photos and what is required is an awareness and a good app." He says reassuringly. Ayman Baraody thinks "Instagram" is worhty experience that bring communties closer to share news. He adds" you are n't commanded to replicate other other behaviour or conduct because any soul has his own private space".
    Dr. sara Ibrahim is an activist with passion for woman issues from Omdurman University. She is concerned about mobile phone cam. Effect on conjugal life " a woman can be divorced if she turned up on the net in a sexual encounter or if one of her sons were spotted in an erotic scene leaked on line. " with regard to legitimate concerns stemming from mobile –phone cam, she proposed some restraints " impounding briefly mobile-phone dvevices on admission to a bridal party hall, decent dance and commitment to wearing appropriate attire to traditions that exalt chastity. Mostsignificantly, she called on authorities to pass legislation to deter cyber-offenders . a better world isn'y possible –until in the words of martin Luther the righteousness rolls down like mighty stream.

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