Aroma by Mohammed Alfatih Mubarak Adam
00:16 AM Mar, 21 2015 Sudanese Online Mohammed Alfatih Mubarak Adam-Kassala-Sudan My Library at SudaneseOnline
Aroma, is a beautiful lady. She daily goes to The river with her companion girls. They go there daily, when it's time to crow and before it's time to porch on trees, intending to doze. Aroma, is very well respected among the other females. She is just like someone who is watching his footsteps, fearing not to walk on something harmful, as well as soft sands. The dozy eyes and the musical speech, gave her much and more ranks. A tall with medium size, and imaginary aspect that can't be described by the devils artist. The draconian boys would not dare to breath or to cough, for they may think that this would bother and un pure the quite white water. As if, when she speaks, giving the people around her a drachma, or dollars. They can't dare to speak a word. Zara, is a very close friend to aroma, they meet always, promoting their period of time in life, by seeing each other. As if they are a tongue and teeth they wouldn't to fight, but if they did, the will soon be back to the yard of playing. One day when the wife of grand father brought her a dress, she refused to cover her body with for she can't do that unless the higher part of her body was covered. Her grand mother was having no money to purchase a new one for her too. It was alone , and sad for because aroma has not put it over her skin. It was an unexpectable to initiate a war for even a few seconds. But, once day the sky washed the buildings,the woods around them, the existence, and even zara. Zara fall into the mud but she was lucky for she has survived and reached the house peacefuly with no hurt. Aroma, in a very dashing way, she went to visit her non-parental sister. She entered with dazzling smile and shining face. She greeted them all, but zara, rejected to greet back. That happened many times when she was there. What did i do to you? But she answered with nothing except the heart torning silence. The next day she came back again, to persuade her. Paying back her soul. If i have done something that made you so angry, of me, then i'm sorry. But i did nothing to you. But she was, as well as statue of strong harden steel. She thought that the stature of her parent may works to have her forgiveness. Zara's mother tried to pacify between them. But, still that angry one. Finally, aroma in a hopeless way and with very mournful face, spoke to her saying: you're aroma, and she is you. For if i apologised, that can be a reason having your forgiveness. Have you forgot our covenants and oaths! I'm forgiving you, because this is the last time i'll see in, i'm going. You've the entire world, you've everything that's mine. You will soon join me, but with a very pure soul, and kind heart. I know that you will change, but i also feel that i'm the exactly reason of that. Goodbye dear sister. Till i meet this dew face, of course in , . . . . Paradise!, I hope so. she hold her hands and kissed them kindly. The grief has gone away of her face, and tears sweeped away too. In her pass to the house, she went to her sister's house, intending to help her which has delivered a child. Her sister asked for some water, but she was busy by making ablution, to perform the prayers, "salat". She started, praying with devotion. As if it was the last time for her to do so. She was prostrating for about ten minutes. When her sister called out for her. Ten minutes after, her sister came again to findout that aroma, still in prostration mode. She spoke to her, several times, but she doesn't gave a little bit of attention, nor did she response. Written by mohammed alfatih mubarak adam. Sudanese writer. subject:'EotW Submission' I tried to send my text but there's no way except this.