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Articles and Views Halima in the Regime of the National Congress Party in Sudan Returned to her Old Bad Habits By Mah
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Halima in the Regime of the National Congress Party in Sudan Returned to her Old Bad Habits By Mah

04-06-2018, 04:20 PM
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
<aMahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198

Halima in the Regime of the National Congress Party in Sudan Returned to her Old Bad Habits By Mah

    05:20 PM April, 06 2018

    Sudanese Online
    Mahmoud A. Suleiman-
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    Dear honourable readers this article begins in an unconventional way with a story that shows origins of a popular proverb about a person who cannot abandon bad habits despite hard efforts to get away from them. And the purpose here is to compare the ever recurring acts of the Sudanese President Marshall Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir for an analogy between him that character. Thus begins and goes the story referred to in the popular adage: (Halima returned to her old bad habits):
    A story was told in the old en times that there was a man famous for generosity towards the guests and his name was Hatim al - Taie and his wife called Halima who was very stingy contrary to her husband. One day Hatim said to her that generosity prolongs a person life. She began to become over generous to attain longevity. However, when one of her close relatives died, she became extremely saddened and wished to be dead. Moreover, she became very stingy and meager again believing that would help hastening her demise. At that point, people started saying: “Halima is back to her Old Bad Habits”! Thus, that narrative has become the beginning of the Popular Proverb/adage - Halima returned to her Old Bad Habits. Arabic عادت حليمة لعاداتها القديمة
    It is customary that Proverbs usually Stem from Life Experiences and the wisdom follows. Proverbs remind us of the past experiences and the different circumstances of the people and they represent as our treasures of Knowledge. The nature of human life is characterized by the diversity and differences that enrich life and that results into one population of people benefiting from another one through harnessing each other. It is about the people who are wise in their deeds and words. It is the wisdom that expresses their personal experience and their plethora of knowledge. Thus, those experiences have been passed from one generation to another and that made people to know the famous types of smart wisdoms.
    After that introduction and reference to the story of Halima we will enter into the core of the article that comes against the backdrop of the News recently surfaced that Marshall Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir has poised for declaring a brand new/Neo War against the components of the Sudanese political Opposition Forces who dare to associate themselves with the armed rebel groups of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), Sudan Liberation Movement –Minni Minnawi (SLM-MN) and Sudan People’s Liberation Army / North (SPLA/North in the Sudan Call Forces. Precisely, they include the National Umma Party (NUP) and rebel umbrella of Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) and the Civil Society Initiative (CSI) the Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP), Sudanese Baath Party (SBP), Center Alliance Party (CAP), Sudanese National Party (SNP) and Sudanese National Alliance (SNA). The ruling regime of the National Congress Party (NCP), led by Omer al-Bashir, has repeatedly accused the Sudanese political opposition of eluding and implementing the foreign agenda. On the other hand, the Sudanese political opposition blames the ruling regime of the National Congress Party (NCP) of lagging behind and not fulfilling the promises and agreements it signed with the parties. This kind of sparring continues unabated during the past 28 lean years of the oppressive rule of National Islamic Front/ National Congress Party (NIF/NCP). According to statements by Sadiq al-Mahdi that Omar al-Bashir signed more than twenty agreements with the parties and did not abide by them. The ruling regime of the National Congress Party (NCP) has a long history of revoking the covenants and peace agreements it signed with the parties to the conflict. It might need not to say that Human relations are built only on trust. Furthermore, that is what the logic of things reiterates. Nevertheless, some believe that the danger lies in excessive trust so those who follow this belief base tend to say: “forgive your enemy, but do not trust him”! The lack of trust between the ruling regime of the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudanese political opposition, both civil and armed, tells lots of exciting tales through the ages unabatedly.
    • Bashir continued playing the sinister game of 'divide and rule'
    • Bashir’s Halima is back to her old bad habits
    • In general, the proverb strikes those who get rid of a bad habit, improve their image and reputation among people, then suddenly relapse and return to their previous bad habits
    • An analogy between the Habits of Bashir and those of Halima "
    • Bashir hatched a plot through his usual intrigues
    • Addiction to failure to learn from previous disastrous mistakes
    • Bashir’s Dodging of Peace Agreements
    • This phenomenon is not strange when people Bear in mind that Marshall Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir is renowned for dodging with the peace agreements he has negotiated and signed with the Parties in the dispute. Peace agreements negotiated and signed and abrogated by al-Bashir and his regime have amounted to with a modest evaluation
    • The National Dialogue, referred to satirically as the Wathba dialogue. The dialogue conducted by the (NCP) regime since the beginning of 2004 is basically not serious about reaching to a National Consensus but it has been invented by Omer al-Bashir to gain time by distracting the people from the issues that concern them after he felt the international isolation and economic collapse along with the multiplicity of fronts against his ailing regime.
    • National Islamic Front (NIF)/ National Congress Party (NCP) regime regime came to power through a deceptive coup de état. Mahatma Gandhi has been quoted as saying what you achieved by force would require the use of force to maintain it. “Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. “Mahatma Gandhi quote https://www.esotherapy.com/mahatma-gandhi-quoteshttps://www.esotherapy.com/mahatma-gandhi-quotes
    • Hundreds of Sudanese citizens have been arrested in Khartoum and other cities after protests over the price hikes of the 2018 budget and the increase in the prices of basic commodities, including bread. So far, dozens of detainees are still without charge or crime only for being accused of coming out to the streets and exercising their right guaranteed by the transitional constitution of Sudan Of 2005 and international human rights law, and chanted in a peaceful way, saying "No to the high prices and prices of essential goods"!
    • The Sudanese people have witnessed three repressive military dictatorships since their Independence from the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium on Sunday the First of January 1956. They were the regime of General Ibrahim Abboud from 18th November 1958 to 21 October 1964, followed by Mohmed Jaffer al-Numeiri from 25th May 1969 to April 1985 and the worst of the three and without a competitor is the current (NCP) regime which is the offspring of the infamous National Islamic Front (NIF), the predecessor of which was the Islamic Charter Front (ICF), the ‘Muslim Brothers’ syndicate, motivational at the onset, hypocritical on practice, though.
    • Sadly, the ‘Muslim Brothers’ syndicate made Sudan a gangsters land ruled by the former Janjaweed militias who have been cloned to become the infamous Rapid Support Force (RSF) thugs who is only loyal to Omer al-Bashir and receives orders directly from him.
    • By doing the foregoing, Omer al-Bashir have founded the first model rogue state of the twenty first century in the former one million square mile sized country called Sudan. It is sad to say that Sudan became shrunk and atrophied by the forced secession of its Southern part which established itself into an independent country after the result of the January 2011 referendum; the United Nations (UN) on July 2011 welcomed the South Sudan as 193rd Member State in the United Nations (UN).
    • Anyone who has left a habit and then returned to do it, the Proverb ‘Halima Returned to her Old Bad Habits’ can be applied to him/her; obviously, Omer al-Bashir is the best example par excellence!
    • Omer al-Bashir has a changing temperament in a way that cannot be predicted which is an integral part of his aggressive personality. Above all, Narcissism also plays a major role in most of his unthoughtful actions. Of course, it is not easy to ensure that such a person complies with any negotiated agreements

    As the popular proverb goes, Halima returned to her old ways and bad tricks, and so did Omer al-Bashir in his response to the outcome of the meeting of the Sudanese Political Opposition formed by both Civil and Armed factions under of the Umbrella of the Sudan Call Forces (SCF). News media outlets reported quoting the National Congress Party (NCP) regime President Marshall Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir as said threatening with evil acts and destruction the opposition political parties allied with the rebel groups. Moreover, the Marshall al-Bashir warned that he would never allow combining the armed action against his state and the political action under any name. The threats of al-Bashir continued endlessly that his regime wouldn’t allow the student organizations at the universities to become political arms for the armed movements and vowed that he will impose security within the universities by the force of law! http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php؟article65083 Omer al-Bashir said this while the Sudanese Opposition parties in the Sudan Call Forces have denounced those threats and considered them unsuccessful and do not serve the negotiating position to reach a peaceful solution in the country. Among those who denounced al-Bashir’s threatening statements is Sayed al-Sadig al-Mahdi who rejected those hostile remarks and he was reported to have vowed to return to Khartoum as soon as he finishes his political tasks abroad. http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php؟article65083
    The Flip-Flop of Omer al-Bashir remained incredible adding them to his wheeling and dealing with the Political Opposition Components in Sudan. According to Sudan Tribune Cyber Journal issue on April 3, 2018 that Sudan’s state security prosecutor office has filed charges, some of which are punishable by death, against the leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP) Sadiq al-Mahdi, accusing him of plotting with armed groups in the opposition umbrella of Sudan Call to overthrow the (NCP) regime of President Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir. The Security apparatus of the (NCP) regime indicated that they would file criminal charges under the Counter-Terrorism Act. http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php؟article65090
    Thus, the coup d’état – the Putschist killers in the National Congress Party (NCP) led by the genocidal criminal, the fugitive from the international Justice Omer al-Bashir direct the charge of undermining the ruling regime in Khartoum against National Umma Party (NUP) leader Sayed al-Sadiq al-Mahdi. http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php؟article65090
    The Sudanese news media continued giving details of the intentions of Omer al-Bashir to suppress any voices of criticizing his regime. According to the prosecutor, the criminal charges under articles 21,25,26,50,51,53,63 and 66 of the 1991 Criminal Code as well as articles 5 and 6 of the Counter-Terrorism Act s “were filed against the backdrop that al-Mahdi in his capacity as the chairman of the National Umma Party (NUP) signed with the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) and the armed movements a declaration of principles and issued a final communiqué stating joint coordination to overthrow the regime by force of arms beside inciting the residents through the social media to rebel against the state and to wreak havoc in the land. http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php؟article65090
    The charges included "undermining the constitutional order" and waging war against the "state", which carries the death penalty. https://www.hurriyatsudan.com/؟p=239346https://www.hurriyatsudan.com/؟p=239346
    The foregoing position taken by al-Bashir is a gross contradiction to his assertive statements that he has extended the cease-fire for another three months as false and misleading the public opinion, both domestic and international, said by spokesperson of one of the Darfuri Armed movements. The rebel Movement added and said that the Government allied militias of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has been continued killing unarmed civilian Sudanese citizens in a wide swaths in the localities of Jebel Marra and looting their property and forcing them to flee their villages. Furthermore, the cloned Janjaweed Militias the so-called Rapid Support Force (RSF) have continued their wreaking havoc on earth and same terrorizing the civilian populations, shedding innocent blood, looting properties and atrocious crimes continued taking place in the States of Central and Northern Darfur, the statement has said.
    A New license from Omer al-Bashir to allow members of the Legislative to freely talk about corruption
    With regards to the institutional Corruption epidemic, the Members of the National Congress Party (NCP) bloc in the Sudanese parliament acknowledged that they used feeling intimidated and frightened talking about corruption in forums, lectures and public places, arguing that it was difficult to go into corruption and put one accountable to God! However, things have recently changed “since the speech of the President al-Bashir before the legislature yesterday gave us the right to talk about corruption in the newspapers and in social networking sites," the head of the National Congress bloc, Abdul Rahman Mohammad Ali, said during the deliberations of deputies on Bashir's speech in today's session. https://www.alrakoba.net/https://www.alrakoba.net/
    It is obvious from the above narrative that there is no such a thing as democracy or freedoms or human rights among even the Muslim Brothers syndicate’s members of National Islamic Front (NIF)/National Congress Party (NCP) let alone for the disenfranchised Sudanese public members who have been languishing under oppressive rule for over twenty eight years.
    Some Political analysts and observers reiterate and say that if the gangster-led Muslim Brothers’ syndicate continues ruling, that would inevitably result to the complete annihilation of the remaining population of the once prosperous, beautiful and promising country called Sudan everlastingly and forever. The Opposition Components went the miles in good faith to help arriving at a consensus for creating atmosphere conducive for sustainable peace in Sudan; they couldn’t find the genuinely willing partner in the NCP regime. In the current miserable circumstances, there is no way out of the problems and tribulations of the people of Sudan under the rule of Marshall Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, but to overthrow his regime and remove it permanently by all the available means to its demise. The Sudanese people deserve to carry out this mission as they had done before in the October 1964 and April 1985 popular revolutions and overthrown the regimes of General Ibrahim Abboud and Marshall Mohmed Jaffer Numeiri respectively.
    Martin Luther King Jr. the American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement from 1954 through 1968 has been quoted as said: 'A man can't ride your back unless it's bent'! https://www.google.co.uk/search؟q=Martin+Luther+King+Jrandoq=M...ceid=chromeandie=UTF-8
    Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/


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