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Articles and ViewsDespite repeated denials, America tightens its bonds with Sudan’s tyranny؟ by Adaroub Sedna Onour
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Despite repeated denials, America tightens its bonds with Sudan’s tyranny؟ by Adaroub Sedna Onour

10-09-2017, 02:32 PM
Adaroub Sedna Onour
<aAdaroub Sedna Onour
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 120

Despite repeated denials, America tightens its bonds with Sudan’s tyranny؟ by Adaroub Sedna Onour

    02:32 PM October, 09 2017

    Sudanese Online
    Adaroub Sedna Onour-
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    Certainly, nobody –in Sudan- will ever again believe a single statement made by any American department or official denying their engagement in interest-first negotiations with the Sudanese regime , after seeing the unthinkable lifting of the US-sanctions take place. Although the move is a logical culmination of a long-time on-going secret talks between the fascist regime of Sudan and the business-minded administration of the new occupant of the white house, president/ bribee: Donald trump. In fact this out-of-trim administration continually denied that there had even been any discussions; let a lone negotiations, despite reliable insider sources saying that the lifting of the sanctions was a done deal, because it was evident that, since president trump assumed office, as an alien outsider to the American political theatre, there would be a break of unknown magnitude and direction with the traditional political norms observed by previous administrations. Therefore, it was not if, but when, the sanctions will be removed, and of course, at what price. So, and as far as price is concerned , we know not much , because the trump –administration, our regime and the leaders of the oil-rich autocratic Arab sheikhdoms ,who brokered the deal , decided to play their cards close to their chests . yet, the A begging Q remains unanswered : what evil purpose had America before, when it split our country in collaboration with the ruling tyranny , separating the rich southern region from its mother-land and leaving the people of the newly-independent country to their fate؟ And Why is America –NOW-insisting to plunge what remained of historical Sudan into total chaos ,and ,thus, prolong our suffering by backing an outlaw regime , ruled by unscrupulous rulers unmoved or concerned by the millions of innocent people they decidedly killed and displaced, not to mention those who were –and still are- jailed, tortured and subjected to all kinds of physical and mental torments under the yoke of this brutal regime ؟ What price is Sudan’s regime, other than the-boots-on-the –ground in the shameful and unwinnable war waged against the poor people of Yemen, plus spying on the ex-militants of the ruling junta,؟ why is America placing itself in this ugly situation it is now blocked in, by removing the sanctions which will only benefit the regime and its supporters and ,thus ,farther strengthen their position, by giving them access to huge cash flows from the terrorism-financing sheikhdoms of the Persian - gulf, under the pretext of investment, which will ,eventually , result in furnishing the operation-costs for the –now-putting-on- low profile operatives and the sleeper-cells the regime is hosting ؟ Or, may be, America is contemplating fitting tracking –collars to monitor the movement of the radical elements and the –no-longer- restricted - cash transactions that will be transferred from the terror –sponsoring gulf sheikhdoms, to their Sudanese brother-in- nursing؟ What ever it is, we the people of Sudan, who are sitting on the sidelines of all these unethical conspiracies, should consider what is happening today , as a shocking turn of events threatening our very existence, which necessitates careful re-examining of the-only-for-export, shallow American slogans of human-rights, freedom, democratization ,rule of law ,accountability and equality , which we now know to be PLANTS that America does not allow to transplant or bud outside its borders.
    Adaroub sedna onour.


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