09-26-2017, 11:42 PM |
Tarig Anter
Tarig Anter
Registered: 03-24-2015
Total Posts: 797
Facts and Myths about Black Jews and Black Israelite by Tarig Anter
11:42 PM September, 27 2017 Sudanese Online Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان My Library Short URL
Many African-Americans and Africans have unclear perceptions about having Jewish ancestry and even some of them claim that real Jews are Black Africans. These perceptions are hybrid of facts and myths. Let us try to separate truth from fiction. First it is necessary to define terms clearly.
Israelite (the sons of Jacob/Israel) were Semite Arab Yemeni tribe. They went into three cultural and ethnic distinct periods. They were semi-nomadic herders and never went to Kemt (ancient Egypt/Misr).
The Arab Israelite was the first period and it was in Yemen (before 1876 BC). Their homeland is in north western Yemen and Asir region (now in Saudi Arabia). They never knew camels or horses or swords.
The African Israelite was the second period and it was in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti). It lasted for 430 years in Abyssinia (1876 BC- 1446 BC, with small percentage remained in Africa) plus 40 years of wandering in Arabia. They took refuge in Abyssinia after drought, famine and disturbances hit their region. They were expelled but fled Ethiopia before deportation in the Exodus of 1446 BC crossing Bab-el-Mandeb (the Strait of Sorrow). Their remnants in Africa created vast slavery trade with Arabia.
The Hebrew Israelite was the third and last period for the Israelite and it was in Canaan and began after 40 from fleeing Abyssinia. It lasted 876 years (1406 BC-530 BC). They turned from their acquired Arab-African culture and genes into Hebrew after they intermarried with invaded and colonized Canaanite. After 530 BC most of the Hebrew Israelite were deported to North Africa where they joined the African Israelite who remained behind in Africa before the Biblical Exodus. They were also slave hunters/traders.
The Jews are Turkic Mongolians and they also went into three cultural and ethnic distinct periods.
Earlier Jewry: (530 BC – 720 AD) were Turkic Mongolians mixed with their Asian Middle Eastern slaves. They were sent by the Turkic Persian ruler to settle in Canaan in 530 BC claiming that they were the descendants of few Hebrew Israelite leaders who were taken into captivity in Babylon. Soon after their colonization of Canaan they expelled most of Hebrew Israelite to North Africa and brought in exchange labor and slaves from Crete and other Mediterranean regions. The new labor and slaves were called Palestinians. 450 years after Christianity the Earlier Jews migrated to South and East Europe to colonize Europeans; and they left the Palestinians in Canaan. They also created vast slavery trade in Africa.
Intermediate Jewry: (720 AD – 1700 AD) These were also Turkic Mongolians but mixed with slaves from Eastern Europe, Caucasus Anatolia, Balkan, North Africa, defunct Roman Empire, and Iberia. They formed the Khazars, Papal Roman Christians, European monarchs, and the Ottomans. Their activities in Rome gave them opportunities of money lending, installing and controlling Popes using violence. They were sent by Popes to rule many parts of Europe and form monarchs surviving until today. Intermediate Jews expelled from many European countries particularly from Iberia in 1497 Reconquista formed alliance with the Turkic Ottomans that provided for the colonization of the Americas and supplied White and Black slaves for cotton plantations, liquor, and brothels in the "New World". The African-Jewish link comes from mixed slaves with earlier pagan Israelite; then later with Turkic slave hunters and traders.
Modern Jewry: (1700 AD - Now). They are Turkic Mongolians heavily mixed with their European and Western Asian slaves. They settled in all parts of the world, and from 1860 to 1874 they created Proto-Zionism. The Zionist movement was established practical in 1881 and political Zionism in 1896. They organized to take Canaan claiming they are the heirs of Earlier Jews. http://wp.me/p1OEJz-1mihttp://wp.me/p1OEJz-1mi
Best regards Tarig M. M. K. Anter, Mr. Khartoum, Sudan.