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When Innocence's Gone West In War Times !!
09-26-2017, 08:50 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
When Innocence's Gone West In War Times !!
07:50 AM September, 26 2017 Sudanese Online دفع الله ود الأصيل- My Library Short URLWhen Innocence's Gone West In War Times !!(حينما تزهق البراءة في زمان الخطوب) http://www.sudanelite.com/vb/showthread.php/21279-When-Innocencehttp://www.sudanelite.com/vb/showthread.php/21279-When-Innocencehttp://www.sudanelite.com/vb/showthread.php/21279-When-Innoc...279-When-Innocencehttp://www.sudanelite.com/vb/showthread.php/21279-When-Innoc...279-When-Innocencehttp://www.sudanelite.com/vb/showthread.php/21279-When-Innoc...279-When-Innocencehttp://www.sudanelite.com/vb/showthread.php/21279-When-Innoc...279-When-Innocencehttp://www.sudanelite.com/vb/showthread.php/21279-When-Innoc...279-When-Innocence's Gone West-In-Wartimes: (1) * This story narrates the tragedy of a traumatized young chap who, goes missing in a journey of vengeance which led him miles away from his small home village to Baghdad, where his rage turned him 360° into a horrible machine to wreak havoc the enemy. Wanting to make a life for himself and make his family proud, the young Bedouin enrolls at a university in Baghdad; a short-lived dream that faded down at the footsteps of the American invaders who made their way in, shortly after then. He is forced back home as the college he attends closes down due to unrest. Eventually, war hits the narrator's birthplace where the bloodiest bloodsheds occur leaving a state of lawlessness and degradation that left him no longer innocent as he decided to become part of a killing machine he tried hard to flee. One of those incidents takes place before the narrator's eyes as a roadside bomb blows up tearing-off a mentally retarded youngster at a checkpoint when hastily driven to hospital amidst sirens of hazard roaring everywhere. A second one is a missile attack on a wedding ceremony , claiming tens of lives of miserable by-standers (mostly women and kids) who take it for fireworks, but unfortunately come to know that it would be inevitably better to die together. Being buried in a big single grave they may finally be doing something useful that their belligerent warlords failed to do in reality. The worst ever is when American soldiers storm the narrator's home ,in search of alleged clandestine mass-destructive weapons,where he witnessed his family being humiliated, his father belittled then mortified to death. Thus his journey back to Baghdad begins in a new approach and motivation: seeking to avenge his father and reclaim the family's honor and "wash away this insult in blood". He said "…to spread my venom over there. I didn't know how to go about it, but I was certain that I'd strike some nasty blow. In a Bedouin mindset, no matter how impoverished they may be, honor is no laughing matter, which is the sole authorized detergent when it comes to one's self face-saving".He goes onto explain his situation," I had gone to bed a docile, courteous boy, and I,d awakened like a monster ,with an inextinguishable rage lodged in my very flesh. I carried my hatred like a second nature. Hatred is now, my fatal motif, my arm and armor and all that is remaining to me in this false , unjust, arid, and cruel life.The young man's fury, groomed by group of insurgents he joins later on to annihilate the West, gets him sent to Lebanon, ahead of a fly to London for his final act of retribution on those who caused a lot of harm to his compatriots in Iraq.Thanks a big lot and stay closer,,,,Wad al-Asseel,,,كن كصندلة ٍ ، تعطر فأس قاطعهاكن وردةً ، عطرها حتى لسارقها لا دمنةً ، خبثها حتى لساقيه
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 09-26-2017, 09:53 AM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 09-26-2017, 09:57 AM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 09-28-2017, 10:22 AM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 09-28-2017, 06:41 PM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 10-01-2017, 09:48 AM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 10-05-2017, 09:57 AM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 10-05-2017, 11:11 AM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 10-05-2017, 11:12 AM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 10-05-2017, 11:15 AM)
09-26-2017, 09:29 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
09-27-2017, 07:38 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
09-28-2017, 09:55 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
When Innocence's Gone West In War Times !! (4_) Humanity must put an end to the war .Otherwise war will put an end to the survival of humanity ".That was a statement by the US Ex. President John Kennedy about the horrors of war ,during a so-called farewell speech he gave before a horrific accident that has claimed his own life .War, however justified, is the ugliest organized crime of injustice. No matter even if it wore the mask of justice, where the rule of all laws was confiscated, except one law, that of deception; being itself an act of trick by virtue. A proof to this: fatal massacres break out between innocent people who do not know each other, for the sake of anonymous warlords who "do not quarrel except in fortified villages or behind walls ".It's a tragedy which everybody knows when it begins, but nobody could guess or predict when comes to an end. There are a hundred maxims that I have gathered from several books about : martial arts, combat doctrines , rules of engagement of destructive conflicts among human beings. I haven't come across any of them that glorify the war logic, except only one said by the Italian Mocellyni, That: war for men is like pregnancy for women), and I avoided to consider this, given the its contradiction with the disastrous destiny of its author , who if he could return and be asked , would have an utterly different statement that : War is the worst historical mistake made by human beings. The man who described the war as motherhood and attributes to it the sanctity of reproduction and permanence, lost his battle , destroyed his home land and paid his own life, with his body being hung to death together with his wife from their feet after they were executed by his people, after the defeat of Axis Countries in World War II. So , it is really absurd to be honest in the time of lack of trust, or to hunt love in the hearts of the cowardly, because the most despicable people really, are those who turn their back to you, when you need to grab their hands ,and all of such ethics are very common in the atmosphere of wars ..
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 09-28-2017, 10:20 AM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 09-28-2017, 10:43 AM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 10-05-2017, 11:15 AM)
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10-04-2017, 08:54 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
When Innocence's Gone West In War Times !! (5) ® Is psychological warfare an essential feature of modern conflicts and wars؟! Does propaganda contribute to ensuring the protection of peoples' welfare or, on the contrary, does it increase the exacerbation of crises؟ Isn’t there anything abnormal with the catastrophic consequences of wars such as : bloodsheds , genocide of embryos, taking of innocent lives, destruction of wealth, as well as any trace of a decent life, and return back to the ages of limestone. The war is therefore described as an act of relapse of human beings, going backwards beyond the sun, in the corridors of human civilization. © And psychological warfare, is it good or evil ؟! Sometimes, the inhabitants of a given city may be tricked to be attacked from the eastern side, for instance; So, a large crowd of them will flee to the west, where there lies the enemy ready to eliminate them. The propaganda may be misleading and deceiving enough to lead to more victims . And after the end of the wars, the propaganda, which often implies lies, falsehoods and fake information, may be completely renounced, rather than corrected, so as not to keep their effects stuck in the social mindset of people , deeply rooted in their conscience, until a new bullfight breaks out, sooner or later, involving a new cattle.
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 10-05-2017, 08:37 AM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 10-05-2017, 11:16 AM)
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10-05-2017, 08:01 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
:When Innocence's Gone West In War Times !!(Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل) (6) One of the most dangerous secrets of psychological warfare is murder by delusion. Just like a act witchcraft act. [or example, when a clock pendulum moves repeatedly, it is likely to bewitch someone's eyes as a form of hypnosis. It turns out that this magician's act is a scientific and logical explanation. In order to make someone to sleep you will need to "cut off the current" from his conscious mind or the conscious part, controlled by the left lobe of the brain. It is responsible for pronunciation, interpretation and analysis ; with the dreams’ plotting and fantasy weaving being the job of the right lobe , whereas the person is supposed to give up his contact with the conscious reality and abandon his surrounding world to go to where he could live in imaginative valleys of genius. ************* According to the theories that suggest the impact of an Illusive power in the case of hypnosis, the disruption of the left lobe of the brain is by focusing it on something monotonous, such as frequent sounds or “to and fro” moves of a swinging clock. Once the left lobe decides that nothing serious deserves paying any attention, it will leave it to the right part , which deals with all the imaginations as if they were real.
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 10-05-2017, 11:19 AM)
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10-29-2017, 01:21 PM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
(7)[] This is specifically what it is about. A lexical term , which falls under the name of "psychological warfare" ,which the Nazis used to use during their battles against the Allied camp .Psychiatrists suggest that psychological influence has a major significance in the deception and manipulation of minds through inspiration. During the Second World War, when three officers violated the orders of the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, he decided to imprison them all in solitary confinement, and each one of them was blindfolded, then was placed next to him a tap of water that kept leaking drop by drop, in a very slow and sequentially lethal rhythm.Then, they were posed under the horror that there was a leak of poison gas inside their prison cells, which would kill them within 6 hours. Indeed, no more than a couple of hours only passed, when Hitler went to check by himself, to find two of them had died already, while the third was exhaling his last breath. In fact, Adolf Hitler invented the idea of poison gas leakage, but he used with one of the tricks of psychological warfare to kill them by delusion; He didn't do that physically, but they were killed only by feeling to have been inhaling toxin gas leak, making their bodies secrete a hormone with negative impact on the muscles of their hearts , which led to the cessation of their vital organs , then caused brain death .
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 10-30-2017, 09:12 AM)
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10-31-2017, 08:31 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
{8} Mothers may send their young kids every morning to their nurseries or to their schools.Also ,they may send their cattle to go out in their fields.This is what usually happens in times of peace; and it is also likely to happen even during systematic wartime! But never, in the atmospheres of intermittentengagement or dueling, as in guerrilla and dog-fights in the streets, there is no room for such a thing to happen.Every situation has its own terms, and each time has its own considerations, and each game has its rules; because tensions and wars may last for years in a Hit-and-Run malicious circle, which may give way for a brief break in whicha fleeting whiff of peace could be snatched by A warrior to take his breath:just as a truce for either retreating to re-fight, or for bias towards a supporting group, or even for halting hostilities and cease-fires . In the clash , you may feel every moment under the risk of passing miraculously between two randomly shot live bullets; and this is something which we often come across, as we said, in the time of hurly-burly ******* ^^^^^ *******
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 10-31-2017, 08:31 AM)
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11-08-2017, 07:13 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
(9) []When I came to this world, I carried the number(2) in a family with a dozen of sons consisting mostly of sisters, and with a quick-tempered father who cursed and insulted our mother every morning and evening blaming her for the mistake of having had eight (children) within seven years of grief.That was in addition to our aunt,her husband and another aunt who was a widow with five children.They all share with us a hole in a miserable camp. there is also our old grandfather, who whenever he found a few pennies lying in a pocket of trousers hanging on the door, walked quickly and stealthily to buy a newspaper. Every morning, although he was completely ignorant of the difference between any(O) and a big (zero). He was forced to confess to me every time, all what he was supposed to have committed , so that I could keep reciting to his deaf ears with the latest events of the current situation.***************
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 11-08-2017, 07:14 AM) (Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 11-08-2017, 07:36 AM)
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03-05-2018, 11:38 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
03-28-2018, 12:56 PM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
********** (11) ********** @ Does war have advantages ؟!When Innocence'sGone West In WartimesWar is known by sociologists as an important phenomenon for transition from one state to another in the life of humanity, and thus it may serve as an input to studying and understanding significant social and cultural transformations prevailing and then spread through centuries of history and evolution and the extinction of different styles of art, culture and resources in general.
# War also forms a major cross-cultural factor because the tendency of self-love among most nations tends to fall on self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency.In this case the war may, sooner or later, lead to war later to push the most intransigent nations to end their self-absorption and opt fo an opening policy with the other, such like China and Japan in the 20th century.
# War is the most enlightened and effective in transmitting the civilizations of nations, a tool for them to demolish their apartheid walls with their own hands. It shows the influence of peoples. For example, the transfer of the arts of dressing modes and education distinctive to the identity of those victorious powers and superior civilization. We can notice the the influence of victorious parties through the military uniform being adopted later on by the defeated ones. War plays the same role in technology transfer. Napoleon's campaigns brought printing to Egypt. The Romans learned the navigation and shipbuilding of the Phoenicians so as to know how to fight them them. Also ancient American Indians extrapolated how to ride motor vehicles from the white man.
# Survival conflicts among living entities are based on an important principle such as maintaining balanceAnd inter-generational conflict are more closely related to human wars. As happens in the forest and as well as in the kindoms of ants.previously, we used to have a wrong sociological belief that peace was considered to be the main law of nature, but studies in genetics concerned with the characteristics of peoples now suggest to put war as the main rule and peace as an exception.
# War-related phenomena in all organisms are migration and displacement for peace. And our primitive tribal history since (Dhaas and Ghbara and the market-place of Okaz) transmitted to us news of reckless approach during long lasting conflicts that arise for the slightest reason; it also and glorifies other holy conquests Such as jihad for the sake of Allah, as to quote the Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him as saying " I have been sent ahead to the Day of Resurrection along with my the sword, and my livelihood is made under the shadow of my spear,So Humiliation and degeneration is utributed to who he disobeys my order,and whoever resembles a people turns to become one of them)****** ******
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 03-28-2018, 01:01 PM)
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05-07-2018, 12:03 PM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
12} [We have the right to talk about war, warriors, and perhaps even of a warrior rest, when there is killing and a counter killing as a conventional type of mutual peer to peer conflict. But where the killing is unilaterally without a response, then we will need to talk rather about vampires
There is a huge difference between a brave soldier who clings to his sword, risking himself and his money for a just cause and to snatch back a looted property,putting a finger on the trigger of his gun; against another at the end of the impasse; both being at the hands of a demon between the two hypotheses : either die or wait to die. it makes a big difference between them and cowardly mercenaries or a unseen snipers who fight only in fortified villages or behind walls: Just like a submarine hidden in the sea bottoms, a barge coming from overseas, or a robot plain. The latter is exclusively patented to the enemies of Allah and of the entire humanity, namely the sons of Zion and not to their allies in America, Britain and France ,who may have used to criticize them for such an industry. But they have turned to support them, even imitate them for it as modernly sophisticated technology and easy means of man-killing in their strongholds of influence in the mountains of Tora Bora in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and the Gaza Strip, as well as the factories of Shifaa and Yarmouk in Sudan.
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05-07-2018, 12:03 PM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
12} [We have the right to talk about war, warriors, and perhaps even of a warrior rest, when there is killing and a counter killing as a conventional type of mutual peer to peer conflict. But where the killing is unilaterally without a response, then we will need to talk rather about vampires
There is a huge difference between a brave soldier who clings to his sword, risking himself and his money for a just cause and to snatch back a looted property,putting a finger on the trigger of his gun; against another at the end of the impasse; both being at the hands of a demon between the two hypotheses : either die or wait to die. it makes a big difference between them and cowardly mercenaries or a unseen snipers who fight only in fortified villages or behind walls: Just like a submarine hidden in the sea bottoms, a barge coming from overseas, or a robot plain. The latter is exclusively patented to the enemies of Allah and of the entire humanity, namely the sons of Zion and not to their allies in America, Britain and France ,who may have used to criticize them for such an industry. But they have turned to support them, even imitate them for it as modernly sophisticated technology and easy means of man-killing in their strongholds of influence in the mountains of Tora Bora in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and the Gaza Strip, as well as the factories of Shifaa and Yarmouk in Sudan.
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05-07-2018, 12:03 PM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
12} [We have the right to talk about war, warriors, and perhaps even of a warrior rest, when there is killing and a counter killing as a conventional type of mutual peer to peer conflict. But where the killing is unilaterally without a response, then we will need to talk rather about vampires
There is a huge difference between a brave soldier who clings to his sword, risking himself and his money for a just cause and to snatch back a looted property,putting a finger on the trigger of his gun; against another at the end of the impasse; both being at the hands of a demon between the two hypotheses : either die or wait to die. it makes a big difference between them and cowardly mercenaries or a unseen snipers who fight only in fortified villages or behind walls: Just like a submarine hidden in the sea bottoms, a barge coming from overseas, or a robot plain. The latter is exclusively patented to the enemies of Allah and of the entire humanity, namely the sons of Zion and not to their allies in America, Britain and France ,who may have used to criticize them for such an industry. But they have turned to support them, even imitate them for it as modernly sophisticated technology and easy means of man-killing in their strongholds of influence in the mountains of Tora Bora in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and the Gaza Strip, as well as the factories of Shifaa and Yarmouk in Sudan.
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05-07-2018, 12:03 PM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
12} [We have the right to talk about war, warriors, and perhaps even of a warrior rest, when there is killing and a counter killing as a conventional type of mutual peer to peer conflict. But where the killing is unilaterally without a response, then we will need to talk rather about vampires
There is a huge difference between a brave soldier who clings to his sword, risking himself and his money for a just cause and to snatch back a looted property,putting a finger on the trigger of his gun; against another at the end of the impasse; both being at the hands of a demon between the two hypotheses : either die or wait to die. it makes a big difference between them and cowardly mercenaries or a unseen snipers who fight only in fortified villages or behind walls: Just like a submarine hidden in the sea bottoms, a barge coming from overseas, or a robot plain. The latter is exclusively patented to the enemies of Allah and of the entire humanity, namely the sons of Zion and not to their allies in America, Britain and France ,who may have used to criticize them for such an industry. But they have turned to support them, even imitate them for it as modernly sophisticated technology and easy means of man-killing in their strongholds of influence in the mountains of Tora Bora in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and the Gaza Strip, as well as the factories of Shifaa and Yarmouk in Sudan.
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05-07-2018, 12:06 PM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
12} [We may have all right to talk speak of war, warriors, and perhaps even of a warrior rest, when there is killing and counter killing as a conventional type of mutual peer to peer conflict. But where the killing is unilaterally without a tit-for-tat, then we will need to talk rather about vampires.There is a huge difference between a brave soldier who clings to his sword, risking himself and his money for a just cause as to snatch back a looted property, putting a finger on the trigger of his gun; against another one at the end of the impasse; both being at the hands of a demon between two hypotheses of : either die or wait to die. It makes a big difference between them and cowardly mercenaries or unseen snipers who fight only in fortified villages or behind walls: Just like a submarine hidden in sea bottoms, a barge coming from overseas, or a robot plain. The latter is exclusively patented to the enemies of Allah and of the entire humanity, namely the sons of Zion and not to their allies in America, Britain and France ,who may have used to criticize them for such an industry. But they have turned to support them, even imitate them for it as modernly sophisticated technology and easy means of man-killer means in their strongholds of influence in the mountains of Tora Bora in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen and the Gaza Strip, as well as the factories of Shifaa and Yarmouk in Sudan.
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 05-07-2018, 05:27 PM)
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03-27-2019, 12:20 PM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
13) As a matter fact , the greatest proof that war-times may be a semi-permanent base , while peace-tinme is only an exception, is that the peoples and the nationst world-over, show utmost eagerness for peace to prevail .
We have already referred to war as a fundamental engine of dynamism any cultural growth through the centuries of history, including even the first centuries upto our pure Islamic history; which gave reason however to many orientalists , along with a fifth line among us , to label Islam with a slander for being spread by nothing but the sword. While the Almighty Allah refutes their arguments by saying in Suratu'l Hajj:(Permission to those who fight because they have been wronged, and that Allah is Almighty to ensure their victory (39), those who were driven out of their homes without any right but to allah is our Lord. And , if Allah does not prevent people from one another ageat demolition of silos Prayer places and mosques mentioning the name of Allahso much might have taken place;and to Allah is to support whoever heupport himand that Allah is strong and proud (40)Those who if we have enabled them in the land could have established prayer and received zakat and enjoined what is good and forbade evil.(41)
So ,that permission was not given to them to fight except for the only purpose to defend themsoves and their faith against any harm.then bring every form of possible goodness and stand against every form of possible evil.
So , we can say:War is unfortunately as important as(Globalism) in all its manifestations of fascination and globsal bullying (Gigantism), and the flow of (Socio-multimedia).; they are not il alll cases considered to be like adiseases of their own. Of course ,the may not be free from kids of harm asfar as they are able to push people towards physical link ,while keeping them mentally Phsychologically and Emotionally Apparted).
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05-23-2019, 12:18 PM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
(14)The massacre Of Gouda Warehouse (كتلة عنبر جودة)[] In the evening while the rulers in the palace are fully drunk and involved in seduction with prostitutes , there were twenty dozens of people, dying with exhaustion, dying in suffocation ; twenty dozens, if they were a pack of watercress prepared to be sold, so they could serve the Frankish in the big dwontwon. Their skin wasn't extruded by noon rays , but they were rather affected by the yellow fever, by withering, fading and pale..In the shade on a doormat , their lips were wet with a small shower and the joy of freshness . Even if they were Chickens with some soup made of their thighs and legs for guests of ( the Grand hotel), they might not be kept in an air proofing cage ; they needed to be embraced with maternal compassion and given some water to drink ; They had been left alone to clash with one another for a breath of oxygen; Some of them were being dragged over the bodies of each other, with nonesensely lost steps , with their nasty flavor of sweating while screaming in fatigue and hunger. If only they weren't so and so .. But they were nothing rather than a mob of marginalized tribes such like : (Rizeigat) Husaynat) , (Masalit) Yes .. A mob of scum deep in the bottom! ***************
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 05-23-2019, 09:23 PM)
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07-09-2019, 08:27 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
(15) War, it would be a reality. Peace is just an illusion.But, the truth is a thousand times better than the comfort of an anesthetic painkiller. In the battle fields there are mobile sand dunes on the back gigantic demon It is just like to a game when you tie a rope between two opposite sides;or like a Packet contradictions; It is rather like an arena for scrambling between variables in which almost the only constant in its logic is, there is no room for acknowledging essentially any existence of so-called constants
# Our local political scene and our regional environment are full of vivid examplesThat are very expressive and reflective of all of this, whether it is The far right or on the far left on an equal footing . On this there are the Radical fundamentalists (Turabists) who changed and changed their constants . So much so that they left us alone to eat the sand. And behind them a choral chorus with loose slogans Such as pedigree, rooting, status, empowerment and the like. And on the other side there a fifth column of ecstatic communists and secularistwith stray horizons who act like the patrons of a two-chained dialectic of what is knownthe as the frantic conflict between the “Centerlised and Marginalized”. Among those there are some ones with considerable importance who stay loyal to the Sudan popular Liberation Movement(SPLM) ,that fat cat who does n’t hesitate or feel ashamed to eat her own children, and it has begun by swallowing their big leader who taught them the witchcraft, and who took off onboard an aero planefrom Kampala City, and then did not land again bitterJust as the Camp of adversaries has lost a long checking list ofvictims, albeit by air, land and sea ***********************
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11-25-2019, 09:51 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
● Who made these guys to be Heirs of the Throne after John Garang ; as they used to be distorted successors to the worst and curse predecessor. begining with Salva Kiir, the President of the False Banana Republic, then Comrades Pagan Amom and Yassir Arman one of our disobedient sons , and also Tabita Peters, a round figure and Sub-contractor for northern wing of The (S.PL.A), who, with a roll of Wig (postiche hair) seems to be very interested to show her outlook as a bourgeois spoiled soft girl of Bourgeois layer living among Omdurmandown town community; so as to have prestigiously distinguished position in the defunct Ex- regime at the expense of being a priest Nubawi supposed to be marginalized like any others par excellence..
[]As if the crocodile gave room to the villain to parade! So, where are you, Garang from all this؟ To come and rub your eyes to look at what has come out from the black nights of the war time !؟ Is it your National Liberation Movement as you preached؟! It became like a cat that ate some of her own kids and denied some others; so that only a few of them survived. Those cocky boys
Who, there-after quit the jungle and got rid of their skins of wolves and hyenas.' But up to now the failed in finding any rag matching their size from the cotton of my country .so they could come out in the Hendam of notable preachers.
▪ We are facing the most critical situatations to the glow point next to ejecting our last breathes; while the home land suffers from seriously deep wounds. So that , we return every time like embryos being born from a cervix becoming tightly looped and narrowed again and again; whereas some of us are still busy with the landscaping of the road, rather than to reach out to their destinations
[} Let us, even once upon a time, overcome our demon of " Egoism " which remained capturing our mindset, denying us any chance to come together on a common word. No one will look beyond Naivasha. But the S.PL.A is more and more keen to show addiction to distraction, indifference and asceticism ; just like a blind prostitute surrendering to a partner while keeping an eye on the door for a new knocker. As if we are in a festival for teenagers: insisting to release bubbles one after another; so it was the breakout of the bloody clash between Dinka and Noir clans, to be the last Nail in the Coffin of their Premature State . ***************************
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12-15-2019, 09:34 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
Kick -Out The King ( كـــٍـشْ مَلٍكــــــ ) [} When they asked Gandhi about the reason for his aversion to chess, he answered that he did not wish to lead his armies to genocide and burn the green and dry in his home land, so that the king would survive. That is a big secret, perhaps, that almighty Allah has placed in one of his weakest creatures: a poor and non-Muslim man who succeeds in uniting a nation speaking with more than a thousand alive jargons . ************* ●¤Chess is a simply mini incarnation of the game The Conflict between All Good and Evil And between every right and void of what is happening on the globe in the form of an amusing game that revolves around the overthrow of a king by the front ranks of the armies of an antagonist. Where the shrewdness lies in the skill of drawing tactical plans and being inspired by clever tricks that translate in silence everything that goes into the mindset of each opponent tries to move any piece of black or white dice stepping forward to reach the goal; and is usually surrounded by very tight guarding so that it does not allow the entry of an ant to bear an ant with each opponent on both sides of the chessboard; where each foe intends to take his rivals by surprise, whether in some way or another, from the chess table.
● The idea was inspired by the battlefields of what we see every day , had it not been, without blood sheds , thanks to almighty Allah who created the land and let it smoothly paved people, but we are being put a hard dilemma with a wickedly hateful consort who keeps striving with an open mind and close eye until he turns us ebil-doers like himself.
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12-25-2019, 11:42 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
(18)® Are we at war؟With the other؟! Or rather with our own selves؟! ● I wish we could adopt it even once so as to be aware of our enemy, whose faults are left uncountable not fear from him byas much as it is fear for him. As for the West, it is well known enemy who keeos waging a harsh war and showing aggressiveness, hostility and hatred to all of us, without any differentiatio between our terrorists or monks, Shiites, Sunnis or Sufis ; sane or foolish and so on ; and also regardless of our righteousness or immorality . ● This was proved by their letting down with the revolutions of our Arab Spring, and then by providing our opponents with non-specific weapons. Their aim is to prolong the war to provoke futile, chaotic chaos to prevail our great homeland as well as wildfire to make us fight one other , while our fascist regimes pour over our heads barrels of anger , while they keep watching us..● As for our hardest problems with our delves, they lie in our silly practice of religious extremism , in one way or another. Since the dashed fufumentalists in many of our religion’s matters stressed the jurisprudence and prevented the rightness of ease in religion, contrary to the Almighty’s saying: “Do fear of Allah, where-so-ever you can do it ” and the noble Prophet’s prayers and peace be upon him: “Whatever I have commanded you to do, do it as much as you can ; and whatever I have prevented you to do do not do it . ● So when the Sufis on one hand came out to drown in their mysticism and exaggerate in their religion, they were led astray far away; The Jihadi Salafists on the other hand , came out with expiatory ideas of religious hyperbole without any tolerance , then they began to stress on it until Things got out of control. Finally , the logical destiny was فاشف We were that We were separated without any guidance.[} Let us take, for example, this state of caliphate that ISIS advocates, unlike almighty Allah’s law. It needs a pyramid based on its integrated structures, so that it is based on a mass and public support, on which its roles and functions are accumulated in an ascending pattern, reaching the top of the state’s pyramid, and not in a vacuum and loose emptiness. Then after then we would get ready for the enemy of almighty Allah and of ours as much as we could with strength and the bond of the horses, as if that was everything; but depended on almighty Allah , as if that was nothing.
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 12-25-2019, 11:50 AM)
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03-02-2020, 10:36 AM |
دفع الله ود الأصيل
دفع الله ود الأصيل
Registered: 08-15-2017
Total Posts: 14122
Re: When Innocence Is lost In Wartimeandquot; (Re: دفع الله ود الأصيل)
(19) When Innocence’sGone West In Wartimes
♧ With reference to our local situation we need not to forget about the issue of negligance and marginalization.
▪ The "Cultivation of Hunger" written by Dr. Tayseer Muhammad Ahmad, after all, I can pass through it to judge it honestly and impartially as a first-class revolutionary book. In its context there is an inflamatory rhetoric and an explicit call to ring the drums for tension and sow the seeds of division and discimination among the people of same homeland and inevitablely comon destiny, whether we like it or not.
▪ So, what's the point. Who is behind inciting the the margins of our homeland against its "Center of Gravity ", and agitating the organs of this already worn out body against the beating heart in the core of my country, instead of urging them to come together and share its fever.
▪That we are one of the most prosperous but primitve countries in the world, where tribalism spontaneously overshadows the our demographic structures; that a man chooses his neighbors within a clan, which is reflected in our shapes, colors, and customs ,and even for our accents, but it is very worthy, and for the strange irony, to give us a wonderful and distingwishable cultural diversity . ▪ So, let these (greedy) politicians leave us alone to live by our nature and conduct our relationships on each other.
▪ For example, let's take the term (jellaba) or what the writer calls (Suitcase Farmer) is nothing, in their view but only a greedy merchant and a usurious investor from "Atamir al-Dhahari" deep in the barren desolate deserts in the "Center" to the bellies of the bush and forests in the rich Savannah regions, with a bag stuffed with foreign exchange currency bank-notes in order to take naked, barefoot, unkempt indigenous inhabitants of those isolated areas, as forced labor (wage earners ) so as to plant for him and reap , untill he collect and harvest crops of his yields by the end of each (season); then he packs his baggage so that he can returns back home to the north. ▪ Being overstuffed, he grows up without the slightest sense of any social responsibility towards those oppressed hard working slaves just like pillars of the homeland ( الجنقو مسامير الأرض ) ; leaving them behind with only options: either they follow him to work as footmen and pedestrians to guard his horses in their stables, or as gadeners to landscape the back garden of his marvellous palace ****************************************
(Edited by دفع الله ود الأصيل on 03-02-2020, 11:37 AM)
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