09-20-2017, 08:51 PM |
Tarig Anter
Tarig Anter
Registered: 03-24-2015
Total Posts: 797
Unholy East-West Alliance Confronting Europeans and the World by Tarig Anter
08:51 PM September, 20 2017 Sudanese Online Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان My Library Short URL 
The Ottoman Empire didn't fall; it still exists, it just went into "modern" facelift and change of tactics from religious to secular, and now back to "Islamism". Gulf Arab rulers and wealthy clans are not really Arabs, they are Turkic just like Turkey, Israel, Persia (which called itself Iran but it is still Turkic Persia), and Morocco. Other Turkic groups include: the false Europeans made by the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD. That event created Papal Christianity, UK and other European monarchs which were not executed or toppled during the English civil war and after the Spring of Nations. Of course they are not hostile to each other as all people believe.
Finally the same system took the new form of EU organization, and deep states in the Americas (North and South America) and in Europe. Now, it is trying to reinvent itself through globalization, liberalism, and New Order. All these components of East-West Alliance are Turkic groups having the same goals despite the different outlooks and styles.
The Roman Empire was good but the parasites eroded its foundations until it collapsed under its own weight then the infiltrators took it over. Since that moment the world is struggling with Roman parasites who look like Romans, and now like Italians, since 476 AD but not European at all. Until now Italians can hardly be called a nation, and the French too, and soon the Germans and will no longer exist as a nations. All Eastern Europe like Poland, Ukraine, and Balkan nations had long been gone.
The earliest Turkic project, aside from the Persian era, is found in the processes of decline of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires (400 AD – 1400 AD). In the second half of this period of Roman decline the Imperial-Papacy disputes emerged and the root origins of the Houses of Hanover and Windsor appeared. That turbulent period created opportunities for waging the Crusades of (1095-1291) and (1147-1410) which empowered various Turkic groups in many different ways. Many of these Crusades were launched against Christians (Bosnian 1235–1241; Albigensian 1209–1229; Aragonese 1284/5; Despenser's 1382/3; Hussite 1419–1434).
It is quite clear now that the colonization of the Americas, and also Australia, were not done by Europeans. It was a Turkic grand project and they needed the use of Europeans to serve the parasites because Europeans are smart, hardworking, and could make the parasites rich. Sultan Beyazit II welcomed Jews expelled from Iberia to the Ottoman Empire in 1492. This formed the alliance that provided for the colonization of the Americas and supplied White and Black slaves for cotton plantations, liquor, and brothels in the "New World". Europeans were not masters of their destiny in the “New World” and this will be concretely established in the New Order.
Europeans were not even partners in colonizing the Americas or Australia. Europeans didn’t gain any power or wealth from the lucrative businesses of slavery, cotton plantations, human trafficking, money lending, porn, prostitution, piracy, drugs, and others. Things will change in the Middle East, Africa and the Americas only after European Americans, Native Americans, Latin Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans and Europeans in Europe depose the deep states in the USA and Europe.
Now, matters are turning against Turkic wishes in USA and slowly in Europe, and the coming era is a contest and struggle between different nations and nation-states against the old East-West Alliance. The horrendous Late Bronze Age collapse of 1177 BC could repeat itself if nothing is done. Will different nations and nation-states form a counter coalition block؟ This is the question. http://wp.me/p1OEJz-1lNhttp://wp.me/p1OEJz-1lN
Best regards Tarig M. M. K. Anter, Mr. Khartoum, Sudan.