08-08-2017, 04:37 PM |
Tarig Anter
Tarig Anter
Registered: 03-24-2015
Total Posts: 797
The Historicity of the Hebrew Bible is Questioned by Tarig Anter
04:37 PM August, 08 2017 Sudanese Online Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان My Library Short URL It is becoming quite clearer that the Hebrew Bible lacks historicity. This video supports the hypothesis that all the events occurred within Arabia only. https://youtu.be/GW8dnoxtws4https://youtu.be/GW8dnoxtws4 But fortunately it unintentionally adds more weight to the Abyssinian Refuge hypothesis.
To sum it up, there are three hypotheses: 1. The conventional Egypt hypothesis 2. The Arabia only hypothesis 3. The Abyssinian Refuge hypothesis
With the believe that it really happened, the story of Joseph must also be linked to the stories of Famine, Moses, Plagues, Exodus, and other related stories. It seems more plausible to connect the stories of Joseph and the Israelite refuge and Exodus to Abyssinia (ancient Ethiopia) and to Karamah (ancient Nubia) rather than stopping in refuting their occurrence in Kemt (ancient Egypt).
Besides Southern Arabia areas of frankincense production were extensive in the Horn of Africa. The dromedary was probably first domesticated in northern Somalia, Eritrea and eastern Sudan about 4,000 years ago. The Persian invasion of Egypt under Cambyses in 525 BC introduced domesticated camels to the area. The fall of Sudan started with events in the Classical Kerma period which witnessed the Israelite raids for gold and slaves and that led to the collapse of Kerma and the whole Sudan. That collapse generated vacuum which was filled very late by Nubian Christian kingdoms.
Some uncommon Hebrew traditions, although not very reliable, but points to Moses involvement in power struggle in Karamah. Strange enough is that according to Jewish sources (Yalkut Me’am Loez on Shemot 2:15), says when Moses fled "Egypt" (it is supposed to mean Ethiopia) he went to Kush (Karamah at that time). During the first year of the siege of the capital, Moses fled Egypt. A strong young man, around twenty years old, he came to Kush and joined the force of Kinkos, and became very popular among the troops, who were impressed by his royal bearing. Moses found himself teaching the troops Egyptian battle tactics, further gaining their respect and admiration. Seeing his wisdom and popularity, the king took him as his closest advisor. Source: Chabad-Lubavitch (http://www.chabad.org/parshah/article_cdo/aid/1017949/jewish/Where-Was-Moses.htm)
The 3500-years-old Egypt Hypothesis failed to provide scientific evidences but still widely and deeply established. This is due only to the religious and political backup it receives. Since the other two hypotheses are much more in line with common sense and logic, they must be supported against the established biased academia and methodologies. The usual question is "What is the theoretical framework, or what are the sources and references؟ As if the Egypt Hypothesis has any framework. The world must first answer basic question: "Is the Hebrew Bible with its Egypt Hypothesis valid today؟"
The common three major racial Jewish groups are: Mizrahi (Eastern), Ashkenazi (White) and Sephardi (Hispanic). The Mizrahi Jews is not an accurate term, it is like saying “others”. It is better to distinguish the Israelite and Hebrew from the Turkic Jews who never settled in any part of Arabia and the Levant.
Therefore, The Mizrahi Jews is actually a composite category which includes two different ethnicities: ancient Israelite and Hebrew who are Arabs, plus more authentic Turkic people from the Far East. It is reasonable to consider that the Mizrahi Jews is two groups not one, and there is a deliberate political policy to deny the Israelite and Hebrew to have their own distinct group.
-- Also, I invite you to read some related articles and follow, and publish, any of my articles at: http://tariganter.wordpress.com/http://tariganter.wordpress.com/ .....( Tarig Anter, Globalization Threats to Healthy Democracy; Re-Design Democracy and Expose Western Liberal Democracy) http://3ddemocracy.wordpress.comhttp://3ddemocracy.wordpress.com 3D Democracy (for People Participation in Alternative System; Reinvent Democracy by Creating Three Dimensional 3D Democracy) ModernGhana.com/Author/TarigAnter .....(Modern Ghana)
http://tarig2.wordpress.com/http://tarig2.wordpress.com/ .....(in Arabic) (Tarig Anter, Globalization Threats to Healthy Democracy; Re-Design Democracy and Expose Western Liberal Democracy) And https://www.facebook.com/tarig.anterhttps://www.facebook.com/tarig.anter
Best regards Tarig M. M. K. Anter, Mr.
أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 08 اغسطس 2017
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