07-15-2017, 00:51 AM |
Faisal Elsayed Ali
Faisal Elsayed Ali
Registered: 07-15-2017
Total Posts: 16
I Beg Your Pardon President Obama (5) By Faisal Elsayed Ali Omer
00:51 AM July, 15 2017 Sudanese Online Faisal Elsayed Ali-Sudan My Library Short URL (Published by Sudan Vision on Wednesday 1st. December 2010)
The four preceding articles have enunciated a string of forthright, ingenuous, earnest feelings and opinions that many Sudanese people desired to convey to you President Obama. We love our country and we are ready to stash it away from harm and safeguard it with our dear souls. Hence, there was nothing personal about our guttural messages to you or to the Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization. Alas, this piece of writing represents an evanescent closure for the time being to the progression and flow of my articles that were destined for Your Excellency.
Of course, I will publish more of my pertinent and germane inscriptions in due course. However, after this article and as per salient requests from many persons, I am fervent and eager to have the odds, accolade and the honor of addressing His Excellency the President and Paramount Leader of the People’s Republic of China, General Secretary of the Communist Party and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Our Sudanese people believe that they are exceptionally indebted and owing oodles of considerations to the great Chinese people. Consequently, I am partial to and have a soft spot for conveying our public’s affectionate, congenial and warm greetings to the entire Chinese nation in my next article.
Within the confined context of this article, it is worthwhile to present to you President Obama and to the UN’s Secretary-General a miniature sachet of humble analysis. According to any realistic mind's eye, the speculated drawbacks and shortcomings of southern Sudan’s concept of separation are incontrovertibly devastating. The majority of Sudanese people are inclined to believe that a certain group of politicians is deceiving the public and the army in southern Sudan. Those politicians are directing them by way of false offers to opt for the separation of southern Sudan and enjoy an outcome of appealing rewards, privileges and cozy living conditions.
Building the separation of southern Sudan on such bogus and deceptive vows and a fallacious word of honor would soon boomerang and backfire. Such an injudicious move according to my humble analysis and within an overall frame of a Sudanese typical mentality and perspective would lead to the following imminent episodes and state of affairs:
• The entire hideous strategy for separating southern Sudan is standing on one leg and doomed to a flop from day one. This strategy would be on the line and ready to go to wrack and ruin in two shakes of a lamb's tail. • Southern army officers would soon discover the instantly recognizable and ubiquitous signs of favoritisms, discriminatory and bias treatment in every building block of the southern army structure. They would definitely rail against such a situation and serious attempts for coup d'états would soon be witnessed. Any army officer who succeeds in removing the current Southern Sudan Government from power will immediately head back to the umbrella of the unified Sudan to ensure full-scale protection from any international pressures and retaliations. • Many southern civilians would soon discover that some politicians have hoodwinked them and brushed their dreams aside and the prosperous living conditions that politicians have promised them were in fact bouquets of big lies. Political observers in southern Sudan expect bigger segments of the public to show antipathy towards this situation and head back to northern Sudan to form opposition structures and raise arms against the Southern Sudan Government.
Those expected scenarios, inter alia, would cause great pandemonium and political chaos that lead to a general instability in the functions of the Government and an inevitable nose-dive. I am confident that I will strike a chord in the near future and take you back Your Excellency to the simple analysis that I have reflected in this article.
In conclusion, I would like all the countries of the world to know the lessons that the Sudanese nation has learned from our current plight and the ugly confrontations that we continued to have with the United States of America and the United Nations Organization. Sudan is now all set to instigate a one hundred and eighty degrees rotary motion in its political course to allow for:
• A comprehensive plan of action for spiraling our army’s human resources, military hardware and technological auxiliaries to the highest zenith and uppermost echelon of creation that challenges all critical rivalries and security threats that are hanging over the head of our beloved country. • A total disbelieve in any promises that the United States of America or the United Nations Organization make as a result of their infinite multitudes of mendacities that many countries worldwide and our nation have suffered from repetitively. • We Sudanese people appeal to our Government to take immediate action in building strong relationships and effective collaboration links with some trustworthy, reliable and righteous countries that respect our nation like Russia, China, Turkey, Iran and others.
I assure you President Obama that all the Sudanese people have realized that the International Community has pulled the wool over their eyes. They now have a clear vision of what is happening and would like to tell Your Excellency and the Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization that enough is enough.
Faisal Elsayed Ali Omer
E-mail address: [email protected], WhatsApp No.: +249 11 3489558 or mobile No.: +249 91 3336080