08:01 PM January, 12 2017 Sudanese Online Mariak Chol Majok Kuot-South Sudan My Library Short URL BY: MARIAK MAJOK KUOT KAMAPALA, Thursday, 12th, January 2017. Politics, in layman’s language is defined as the methodology and activities associated with running a government, an organization or a movement. OR politics is the management of or how a society or people are governed. Perhaps, different scholars have defined it in different ways, based on the disciplines. Well, that is not the case here. In South Sudan, we take politics in different version and that is why we see problems increasing each day because (South Sudanese) think politics is a game that can be played by everyone, as long as you speak and write good command of English-that is being illusion in nation, isn’t it؟ As you might have seen or heard the appointment of Gen.Gregory Deng Kuaach Aduol, the new Governor of Gogrial State trending on social media-drawing mixed reactions from both the citizens of Gogrial and other concerned South Sudanese from within and outside the country, one would be tempted to ask if South Sudanese People are politically drunk or confused because we tend to criticize any decision made by the highest authority of the land. Well, we have all the constitutional privileges and rights as citizens to ask and criticize our government as long as it is constructive and positive criticism geared at developing our policies for the country. But to some, that is not the case; they find ways of criticizing and discrediting any move taken by the government because they just want to talk. Well, am not saying here that we shouldn’t criticize our government but that criticism should be necessary and deemed fit. We have seen relatives being appointed to high positions in both developing and developed countries across the globe but their appointments to such positions isn’t based on family lineage with the appointing bodies but rather on the basis that they are qualified and have rights, as citizens to be appointed and hold those positions. The president of Equatorial Guinea has appointed his son as the Country’s First Vice President of the Coalition Government, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda has appointed his wife, Jane Kataha Museveni as the National Minister of Education and Sports, his brother Salim Saleh as Senior Presidential Advisor on Defense, his elder son and the country’s first son as the Senior Presidential Advisor on Special Operations, the U.S.A President-Elect, Mr. Donald John Trump has just appointed his son-in-law, Mr. Jared as senior presidential Advisor in his incoming cabinet that awaits swear-in on Friday, 20th, January 2017. All these relatives were appointed because it is their constitutional rights and they have both qualifications and capabilities to hold such positions but not because of their close relationships with the presidents of their respective countries. Have we seen the citizens of those countries complained or do we just criticize the government because we were/are all born to be politicians؟ Veracity be told, we are very far from how the standard politics can be played within the region and it is high time we erudite to criticize our leaders constructively and positively. The appointment of Gen.Gregory as a new Governor has been making waves on social media with some people insinuating that he easily earned president’s trust just because he is president’s in-law but I think that is not the case here if I not mistaken. Gen. Gregory is a liberator and a freedom fighter that has fought for this country, the whole of his youth-hood stage, so I think he has all rights and privileges to be holding and serving as our Governor, unless someone has got personal problem with him but that shouldn’t be the case here. On the other hand, we needn’t to be disingenuous to our leaders-both the past and present ones and in this case, the outgoing Governor, Hon. Abraham Gum Makuach should also be appreciated for the role he has played when he was a governor. Both of them are sons of Gogrial State and were brought by the same decrees because the former was relieved by presidential decree whilst the latter came in using the same method so what is the big deal here؟ To both the supporters of other the outgoing and the incoming governors, we need to have self restraint because the insults going on against both leaders on the social media platforms are really tarnishing defaming. We ought to respect these great freedom fighters because they are our leaders and elders. The problem with the majority of South Sudanese is that, they think politics is for everybody but that is fallacious and spurious because not all of us are politically gifted. As our country grapples with the repercussions of the ongoing crisis, we need to stop media propaganda and falsification which is a major factor that is internationally tarnishing our country to the outsiders because the negative ways we write and post on the social media is taken by the outsiders seriously and that makes them think we don’t love country-perhaps it high time the legislature enacts the media management bill in order to regulate the use of social media. This political madness within us needs to stop, not tomorrow or in the future days but NOW. As both the former and the incoming leaders are beginning and transitioning from their duties, I wish Hon. Abraham Gum the best of luck in his future political endeavours, who knows he will soon get another appointment soon from the big man, inshallah and I hope the incoming governor will not be misadvised as it has been the case with the former leaders so that he governs and leads the people of the state with unity and harmony and carries on from where the former governor stopped. Our leaders are not bad, it is us, the supporters that mislead them to become bad guys and when they listen and take everything from us, we all hate them and advocate for their removal and the sequence goes on. This should as well apply to the supporters-we need only peace and unity because the leaders come and go but the social and peaceful coexistence of Gogrial communities will remain, it should be paramount because Gogrial belongs to us all regardless of social, political, economical and the religious background. Nevertheless, I don’t think the two leaders have problems between themselves because they are both comrades in arm and both hail from Apuk Giir Community so why should their followers tussle on the social media over nothing. In nutshell, let us not criticize our leaders before they assume their duties so that in the end, we can be able to weigh his/her achievements and failures. Meanwhile, we should criticize them but not abuse because that only brings in permanent hatred and enmity that can’t easily be corrected. The future of South Sudan is in our hands and we need to be very cautious anytime we make such moves. On the other hand, we needn’t to dwell match on politics because the more all of us discuss politics and do politicking, the more our country’s political impasse gets worse each day. To our friends from other states, we highly welcome your suggestions regarding the running of our state’s affairs as it is your right as South Sudanese but then you need to respect the decision made by the president to appoint Gen. Gregory as Gogrial State Governor because the people of Gogrial are okay with his appointment. Mind you, the president only approves the recommendations forwarded to him by the communities in regard to the relief and appointment of our leaders. Let us pray hard so as we have lasting peace in 2017 in our country. Happy, Prosperous, Peaceful 2017 The Write Is A Former Student (Bachelor of Accounting) Of St. Lawrence University And He Can Be Reached Via +211956777484/[email protected]
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أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 12 يناير 2017
اخبار و بيانات
الطلاب المفصوليين من جامعة بحري يحركون اجراءات قانونية ضد قرارات فصل(17) من الجامعةالعصيان المدني السوداني_حركة 27نوفمبر لجنة دعم العصيان المدني السوداني بفرنسا بيان جماهيريالجريدة في حوار مع الإمام الصادق المهدي زعيم حزب الأمة القومي وإمام أنصار اللهوزير الدولة بالدفاع: هناك من يصورون أن قوات الدعم السريع (رباطة)كاشا يحبس ضابطاً بسبب شائعة تهديد صحفي بالقتلعضو برلمان يتوعد بفضح الأعضاء الباحثين عن السلطةمواطن سودانى يطلب فتوى من مجمع الفقه بالموت الرحيم لابنهكاركاتير اليوم الموافق 12 يناير 2017 للفنان عمر دفع الله عن المشروع الحضارى
اراء و مقالات
حكاية برلمان وأحزاب ومستقلين بقلم د.تيسير محي الدين عثمانأعلان حرب.... بقلم نور تاورالشكلة بين الافارقة الاصليين والسودانيين المستعربين 1-2 بقلم محمود جوداتلابد من الديمقراطية وان طال السفر بقلم نورالدين مدنيستفشل حكومة الوفاق كما فشل الحوار ..ولتبك على السودان البواكى بقلم ادروب سيدنا اونور ما هو ضمان نجاح المبادرة الفرنسيّة ؟ بقلم ألون بن مئيرالتحرش والشماتة والدبلوماسي المظلوم بقلم كنان محمد الحسيننادي الكتاب السوداني بواشنطن (3): الحزب الشيوعي: ثورة شعب بقلم محمد علي صالحأعزة عند اهلهم شحادين عند كاشا!! بقلم حيدر احمد خيراللهالاستنزاف ..!! بقلم الطاهر ساتيبين القوات المسلحة والدعم السريع بقلم الطيب مصطفىأحزاب خلف الباب بقلم مصطفى منيغجبل المكبر بلدةٌ في قلب القدس تٌكَبرُ بقلم د. مصطفى يوسف اللداويما لم يقله أحمد بلال بقلم فيصل محمد صالح(آخر الرجال المحترمين).. يبكي! بقلم عثمان ميرغنيحرب مذهبية! بقلم عبد الله الشيخأبطالٌ في حياتنا بقلم عبدالباقي الظافربناديها !! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضةإذا هبَّت رياحَك فإغتنمها .. !! بقلم هيثم الفضل
المنبر العام
تاني ما أسمع لي زول يقول أرجعوا السودان -جمال الوالي عنده اقامة في سعودية توجد (صورة اقامته) عودته إلى المنبر / لابشركم بعودتيخلافات في أجتماع المشاركة في الحكومة بين أعضاء المؤتمر الشعبي الانما هي الهدية التي قدمها الرئيس البشير للصادق المهدي في عيد ميلاده ال81 ؟الزنديق ...عثمان محمد صالح....يا لبؤسك وبؤس ماتكتب..قصة مشهورة بمدني.. عن الدقارات والصاجات بحكي ليكمديـــــــــــــن الكيزان (صوركارثية )لقاء مع المرأة الامريكية التى تحرش بها الدبلوماسي السودانى في منهاتن نجاح تقنية جديدة لعلاج سرطان الثديظلامي جديد بالبوردقوات “الدعم السريع” ظلت وفية للقضايا الوطنية مساعدة عاجلة مطلوبة من اخواننا في سنغافورة عبد العزيز عيسى واخوانه مطلوب حضوركمالانقاذ والسيسي صراع أحمق قادمالذي تُحاوِرَهُ، تُلاعِبَهُ..العشق الرئاسي: عشق مدته ثلاثون عام : و هل للحب عمر و موانع و بروتوكلات تمنعه؟ البصاصون: لماذا هم مكروهون؟: هل وجودهم ضروري؟ادريس البوكيلي: مسيلمة عليه الصلاة والسلامالاسم الجديد عباس محمد عبد العزيز الاسم القديم عباس عبد العزيز ماذا يجرى فى بنك الخرطوم و ماذا وراء حريق فرع السوق العربى؟؟!! بعد فشل قوات الدعم السريع وحميتيالانقاذية الدعم السريع وحميتي المعارضة تهاجم عبدالمنعم في عقر... كندا حزينة, فقد رحلت عنا علوية وإلتحقت بزوجها الراحل كمال شيبون, رفقة حياة وموتتوفيت المخترعة السودانية ليلى زكريا عبدالرحمن صاحبة أكتشاف بذور نبات قصب السكر لها الرحمة الجيش بعد الحوار الوطني هل يصبح مجموعات لتدين بالولاء للمال والعرق لا الوطنريكس تيلرسون : داعش ، القاعدة ،الاخوان المسلمين الدوغمائية تعوِق المجتمعات العربيةرحيل الانصاري الصميم مهدي أزرق له الرحمة- أحر التعازي للحبيب الامام تيوة وكمبلت سكج بكج وشليل ما راح النرويج تصبح أول دولة في العالم توقف بث الإذاعة بنظام ''إف.إم''