09-07-2015, 03:35 PM |
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198
Shame on China’s Xi Jinping Inviting Genocidal Criminal al-Bashir to Attend End of WW II Parade
03:35 PM Sep, 07 2015 Sudanese Online Mahmoud A. Suleiman- My Library at SudaneseOnline
By Mahmood A. Suleiman The People’s Republic of China (PRC) extended invitation to Sudan’s Omer al-Bashir to attend its September the 3rd 2015 parade commemorating the end of World War II. September the 3rd 2015 marks the 70th Anniversary of the end of the Second World War (II WW). The Chinese Paradox and the Genocide in Darfur and China’s Embrace of the Fascist al-Bashir; Paradox of Communist China and the Capitalist China China celebrates the defeat of Fascism but invites the genocidal criminal fugitive from the international justice, indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, the President of the (NCP) of Sudan. The ICC has indicted Omer al-Bashir since 2009 for the crimes he perpetrated in the Sudanese western region of Darfur. The Number of victims of al-Bashir exceeded 300000 civilians. Omer al-Bashir, the supreme Commander of the Sudan Armed Force (SAF) in his rank of a Field Marshal ordered the extermination of the victims in cold blood under his orders. China has acted by extending invitation to al- Bashir. China’s current position presents the same paradox of China being a Communist State as well as a Capitalist State! The invitation and reception of al-Bashir as 'Brother' by the President of the People's Republic of China (PRC) , General Secretary of the Communist Party and the paramount Leader President Xi Jinping is detestable, to say the least. When the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson was asked about the paradox between China's condemnation of the crimes against humanity allegedly committed by the Japanese state during World War II and between China's invitation of Omer al-Bashir who committed genocide, she defended her country's position by saying that the media were giving the matter more than its actual normal size! Furthermore, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying, said that the invitation of Omer al- Bashir by China was logical and fair, given the fact that China is not is not a member of the (ICC). She then added and said that the matters related to the invitation would be dealt with in accordance with the fundamental principles of the international law! On the other hand, on Monday 31 August 2015, the US expressed concerns about Bashir's trip to China The US State Department Assistant Spokesperson Mark Toner said in response to the Chinese Foreign Ministry flimsy argument that al-Bashir is indicted by the (ICC) for crimes ageist humanity, war crimes and genocide. He added that the US strongly supports the efforts of the Court to hold accountable the perpetrators of these acts. Moreover, the US Department aide stated by saying:” We oppose invitations, facilitation or support the travel of persons subject on arrest warrants of the International Criminal Court”. The argument put forward by the Chinese authorities to justify their invitation of the war criminal al-Bashir is refuted by the fact that China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) that referred the situation in Sudan’s Darfur region to the (ICC) in 2005. Furthermore, the (UNSC) is the international body authorized by all the states of the globe to be the most powerful instrument with primary responsibility to maintain World Peace and Security. China is a Permanent Member of the (UNSC) with United States of America (USA), United Kingdom (UK), Republic of France and The Russian Federation. China did not invite Bashir as diplomatically allied with the National Congress Party (NCP) regime in Sudan, but because of the huge economic interests in oil explorations in exchange of Chinese arsenals of weapons that the regime used for exterminating the people of Darfur and in other war zone. China braces for oil through its rapprochement with the Génocidaire Omer al-Bashir. The leader of the NCP regime al-Bashir remains the perpetrator of the heinous crimes committed in the Sudan’s Western region of Darfur. The ICC indicted Omer al-Bashir and issued arrest warrant for his arrest as a fugitive from the international justice in 2009. Thus, China found the best market for its low standard products and poor quality goods. The invitation of China for the war criminal Omer al-Bashir is nothing but a greedy economic whim. Chinese friendship with the regime of the (NCP) grew and built on sinister interests that empowered Omar al-Bashir to perpetrate the heinous crime of genocide using the Chinese weapons he bartered for oil. China is selling weapons in exchange for the Sudanese oil and the blood of the victims in Darfur. Bearing in mind that China is present in the United Nations and a permanent member of the Security Council, which ordered the transfer case of al-Bashir's crimes in Darfur to the International Criminal Court for fact-finding. The (ICC) found al- Bashir implicated and convicted him of committing those reprehensible crimes against noncombatant civilian populations. Chinese President should observe China’s responsibility as a Permanent (UNSC) Member and assume moral high ground for the sake of the victims and their surviving relatives in Darfur rather than befriending a war criminal avoided by all countries of the free World as if he were a scabby. The issue of September 02, 2015 of Pakistan’s Daily Times reported that the special plane of Sudanese President Omar-al-Bashir made an emergency landing at Allama Iqbal International Airport in Lahore , Pakistan due to fuel shortage while on route to for Beijing for a four-day visit to meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping! Some satirists commented on this event. They said that Bashir’s travels became a phenomenon. In that, every one of his trips abroad seemed as though haunted by the curse of the victims of his heinous crimes in Darfur. It is true that the friendship between People's Republic of China and Sudan in the past was real and old. The building of the Friendship Hall building in 1976 in Khartoum represented the true friendship between the peoples and not the friendship between the ######### of regimes in isolation from the peoples suffering and languishing under oppression and subjected to genocide by a dictator visiting China as in the case of Darfur. Common sense prevails here. People in Sudan's Darfur region live in extraordinary conditions due to atrocities caused by al-Bashir's official army and the allied Janjaweed militias and mercenaries imported from the neighboring countries that the NCP regime provided them with official paperwork that enabled them acquire Sudanese nationality and the occupation of the lands of the indigenous population, known as Hawakeer. This followed by the expulsion of the landowners who survived the horrors of war to live in IDP camps. Darfur in Solidarity with the Chinese People The Sudanese people in the Darfur region without a shred of doubt stand steadfast in solidarity with the great people of China, who had been subjected to all varieties of torture and heinous crimes committed by the Fascist Empire of Japan during the Second World War (WWII) which ended 70 years ago when the assailant suffered crushing defeat. Nevertheless, the people of Sudan in Darfur stands bewildered by the position of President of the Republic of China, Xi Jinping who shakes hands with al-Bashir's hands that stained by the blood of innocent civilians and with overriding welcome without batting an eyelid, throwing away the deplorable crimes of Omar al-Bashir in Darfur. Thus, Mr. Jinping seemed to have forgotten or ignored the fact that he governs China, which occupies a permanent seat at United Nations Security Council (UNSC) as one of the five member countries. This is one of the lessons to be learned of the perils of engaging rogue regimes like the (NCP), a reminder of the author of the Book “Dancing with the Devil”, Michael Robin. Therefore, striking political dealing and wheeling with the ruling regime of the Islamist National Congress Party-led by the war criminal Omar al-Bashir is nothing but scribble/ doodle! The paramount leader of China, Mr. Xi Jinping said, “War is the sword of Damocles that still hanging over mankind”. Mr. Xi Jinping said that in a speech at the start of the vast military parade on Thursday 3 September 2015 in central Beijing. Moreover, Mr. Xi Ping is reported to have decided to reduce the size of the Chinese army by 300000! Having done that, the people of Darfur in Sudan asked Mr. Xi Jinping to advise his warmonger the Génocidaire Omer al-Bashir to refrain from waging more civil wars of attrition against the people of Sudan in Darfur and elsewhere. Mr. Xi Ping needs advising his “Old” friend Bashir to focus on building state of welfare, sustainable peace and freedom. But the guest of Mr. Xi Omer al-Bashir is unlikely to act on the advice of his host , given his fear of his apprehension by the arrest warrant issued by the (ICC) in the event he layoffs and decommissioned his army and his allied mercenaries and his militias, which have been protecting him for past 26 lean years. Does Xi Know؟ Does the Chinese Paramount President know the degree of violence carried out by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) against civilians and the violation of freedoms against journalists and peaceful demonstrators in all parts of Sudan؟ And does the Chinese president pay any regard to the regime led by Omer al-Bashir for the violations of the International Law of Human Rights؟ Furthermore, does Mr. Xi Jinping know that the Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) employs for its operations an allied notorious militia group called the Rapid Support Force (RSF) a former Janjaweed militia؟ Perhaps the answer is that Mr. Xi Jinping is oblivious or forgetting it or putting a wall around it, as they say, so to speak! Mr. Xi Jinping needs to reflect on the foregoing facts and act on his capacity as a statesman, political leader and representing the Chinese population of 1.357 billion (2013). If the Chinese president does not know this fact, it is a disaster and if he knows, the disaster is greater! Raymond Douglas "Ray" Davies CBE English musician was the lead singer and songwriter for the Kinks is quoted as saying Money and corruption are ruining the land, crooked politicians betray the working man, pocketing the profits and treating us like sheep, and we're tired of hearing promises that we know they'll never keep. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/betray.html#PJUsRR9hUhUZUyvr.99http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/betray.html#PJUsRR9hUhUZUyvr.99 Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog ishttp://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/
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