08-21-2015, 04:35 PM |
Abdessalam Kitir
Abdessalam Kitir
Registered: 08-21-2015
Total Posts: 1
Doha Document for Peace in Darfur: it’s time for Mr Tigani Sassi to step down By Abdessalam Kitir
04:35 PM Aug, 21 2015 Sudanese Online Abdessalam Kitir-الخرطوم-السودان My Library at SudaneseOnline
President Al Bashir has issued a decree for the prolongation of Darfur regional authority (DRA) for one year more , this decision comes shortly after finishing the timeframe agreed by the parties for implementation of Doha document for Darfur peace (DDPD), and the decree included annexed protocol calling the four Doha partners to discuss ways for DRA restructure, the relevant parties are; justice and liberation party, national justice and liberation party, justice and equality movement led by Dobojo and justice and equality movement of abdelbanat.
In fact, the real challenge facing DDPD is not to give a new life to dead body of DRA, but how to reawaken this unmoving DRA body and reformulate it to cope with the new reality looming on the ground and to react effectively by making genuine , tangible difference on ground. Actually, after four years of DRA foundation, the outcomes are dismaying and frustrating due lack of any tangible performance for DRA on the ground and many observers as well as people of Darfur on Idea that DDPD is good reached agreement but worst implementation by DRA led to her failure to respect its obligation towards people of Darfur.
the majority of Darfur people, political leaders, civil societies activist and traditional leaders are very perplex and doubtful about the method used by Dr, Tigani to run DRA affairs, as frequently they are accusing him for deliberately contributing in failure of DRA by inactiveness, resorting to corruption, nepotism, exclusion, and adopting divide to rule policy which callously backed in divisions of Darfur community and resulted in unprecedented tribal tensions and general frustration.
29,07,2015, The former health minister of DRA Mr, Osman Bushra in an interview delivered to (Almighar) newspaper, in answering to a question whether the reason beyond failure of DDPD refers to weakness of the agreement or in its implementation? He said” the agreement is excellent, we are very good in editing the provisions, but when time comes to implementation the defect occurs, DRA from the very beginning has diverted, the blatant evidence for its deviation is’ the executive body became in hand of one man, thus the innovative ideas and transparency lost, this happen because there is no agreed vision for how to run DRA, due to lack of DRA’s cabinet’s meetings, it totally absent!. the chairman is dictator and the ministers are weak so there is no a real institution”.
What's more, in response to question about corruption allegations in DRA he said” what I witnessed as I was a part of the DRA, in my ministry I had 40 employees in the structure but only 18 of them were appointed till I quitted my post, that to say 24 post were endorsed and their salary comes but I don’t know where this money go? That mean 60% of ministry structure is endorsed and its budget comes but don’t reach the ministry, this happened and I sent relevant report but nothing happened. And same thing happens in many DRA’s ministries. Also there are many corruption’s indications like exporting spoiled food which cost billion SGD and rejected by the beneficiaries, also there are evidences of administrative corruption, to proof that; from last April till now five people from the same tribe were appointed in key position in DRA”.
08, 2015, Dr, Faroog Ahmed Adam, veteran Darfuri political leader, member of ruling National congress party (NCP) and the mastermind of (Document for Just and comprehensive peace in Darfur – the third path),He fiercely attacked the DRA; saying that it failed to implement Doha document for the Peace in Darfur (DDPD), Labeling the over -mediatized achievements of DRA as (propaganda). In his interview with Elgerida daily, on 17,08,2015, answering to this question, did you receive any reports on financial or administrative corruption in Darfur regional authority (DRA)? “There is financial and administrative corruption, the best way to deal with this issue is the government should form a judiciary committee, from our side we called for the interference of general auditory to revise the financial corruption In (DRA) in previous four years, particularly the problem of corruption is shaped up the public opinion, peace friends and donors see it doubtfully, while the frustration prevails among the people of Darfur, the facts should be revealed’. He said.
Nearly, all observers and signatories to Doha Document for peace in Darfur (DDPD) on the idea that government’s officials participant in implementation of DDPD, consciously or unconscious have contributed in failure of DRA, particularly, the office of Darfur peace headed by Dr., Amin Hassan omer. This bureau which founded to help and facilitate DDPD implementation, instead, it became a real problem; here I quote what said by Faroog in his response to a question. Do you refer the causes beyond failure of DDPD to government official participant in DDPD’s implementation? He answered “Our brothers who are responsible for DDPD in the party (NCP) were included in the assessment which based on subjective criteria, accordingly their performance was mediocre, they didn’t contributed in upholding the peace process as they are integral part of executive apparatus, that why we should record a serious stance and criticize it to pave the way for real peace”.
However, Mr, Osman Bushra openly criticized the office of Darfur peace being a part of dilemma not solution, in his exposures to Almighar daily newspaper as responding to his interviewer over question; where was the role of government , did it aware about what happening? He said” the government has an office to fellow-up the (DDPD) which responsible for following up and providing reports .. But the office completely neglected its role furthermore it becomes a apart of occurred defect, and that is clear in time of disagreement between Abugarda – Saisi , the fellow-up office supposed to be arbiter but it took the side of Saisi , thus it became part of crisis and there are many evidences for that.
I sum up , the Aforementioned revelations are strongly back up the unceasing corruption’s accusations and other horrifying remarks on DRA made by different circles in Darfur including Mr Abugarda the chairman of (LJP) who recently challenged Saisi for televised debate to response to these allegations but Saissi as usually stayed nonchalance. Consequently, it is absurd talking about prolongation to DDPD without taking serious procedures leading to guanine change in DRA’s structure at all level, including expeditious removal of Tingani Saissi from DRA’s chairmanship by replacing him by more dynamic, serious and unanimous figure. taking into consideration that DDPD became integral part of Sudan’s constitution, so by imposing Sassi again at head of DRA will only lead to reproduction of crisis a new, as long as he failed to implement the agreement on ground, he failed to keep his own movement united also blamed for orchestrating in fragmentation other DDPD signatories groups (Dobogo), so how can we wait reunification, redemption or pacification in Darfur from such controversy personality?.
The writer is ex rebel fighter, participated in all rounds of rebels groups’ unification processes, co-founder of ex LJM and member of its delegation to Doha can be reached in mailto:[email protected]@gmail.com
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