04-23-2015, 03:25 PM |
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198
Celebration Finale NCP Won Poll Solo By Mahmoud A. Suleiman
02:25 PM Apr, 23 2015 Sudanese Online Mahmoud A. Suleiman- My Library at SudaneseOnline
This article comes against the backdrop of the aftermath of the April 2015 allegedly labelled general elections in which the National Congress Party (NCP) regime contested solo. Omar al-Bashir wanted electoral legitimacy of his rule, but the Sudanese people have ousted it by Comprehensive peerless boycotting. As long as the result was as seen by everyone, the question is what remains then after Bashir’s fraudulent elections that were originally illegitimate? Earlier the opposition components demanded the NCP regime to postpone the Elections scheduled for April 2015 until the national dialogue concluded and transitional government that supposed to oversee the running of the polls and a national government formed. For al-Bashir, gaining further five years in the helm of Sudan would help him protected from the ICC secured by financial abundance, ready-steady military might, foreign service and internationally hired attorneys. Arbitrary arrests, intimidation and crackdown on protesting Darfur university students by the shoot – to – kill policy akin to the 2013 uprising marred NCP elections that are already rotten and pre-corrupt. Some political analysts estimated the cost for running these elections from the already bankrupt public purse as much as 600 million US Dollars! Certainly, most of that amount referred to would find its way to the never satiated pockets of the corrupt al-Bashir’s close entourage. Without a shred of doubt, that the priority for huge amount of money should have been the disenfranchised people of Sudan to fund education, health services and enough food to eat saving them from famine. This extravagance contrasts with the dire economic situation of Sudan after more than three quarters of the oil gone with the Republic of South Sudan after secession in 2011. We will not be outdone events if we say that al-Bashir’s NCP will win these elections the results of which scheduled for Monday, April 17, 2015 due to low turnout of voters! The reasons for knowing the results of the elections in advance to the official announcement include number of facts. The other 15 Presidential seat hopefuls are unsung somebodies, materially hapless and some of the 15 candidates are affiliates of the NCP playing dubious double roles. Given the regime reneged on the promise as usual, would the Sudanese opposition still attaching hopes on dialoguing with Omar al-Bashir in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa? Furthermore, would the opposition accept alleged dialogue under the auspices of the African Union (AU) who has observed the illegitimate NCP elections? If the answer is yes, the opposition will be betraying the Sudanese people who confronted and boycotted the April 2015 rigged elections of the NCP regime. The Troika of Norway, United Kingdom and the US along with the European Union (EU) condemned the alleged elections They regretted the failure of the NCP government to create a free, fair and conducive election environment. It seems that the NCP regime managed to drag the components of the opposition, both political and armed through deceit, cunning, craftiness and malice aimed at gaining time for malicious purposes. Implementation of its evil objectives of holding of elections for the protection of Omar al-Bashir from the shackles of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and adding another five lean years to the reign of the regime to be completed to thirty years or more! The regime of the NCP is trying to cling onto the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) Constitution, which has specific task to address and expired since the secession of southern Sudan in 2011, and established the Republic of South Sudan. Thus, Sudan under the NCP regime remained without a viable Constitution and lives on temporary decries issued by the tyrant Omar al-Bashir from time to time according to his needs. Even worse, the NCP's National Council -Parliament- distorted the text of that former Constitution by what they called 'amendment' for the benefit of Omer al-Bashir' absolute power of appointing, dismissing or promoting state governors and what you have! The Sudanese opposition's continuing dialogue with the NCP under Mbeki's AUHIP is recipe for further disintegration of the already robbed country Sudan. Disenfranchised public in some regions may opt for the self-determination right claim. After the step taken by the African Union (AU) in support of the NCP regime by sending observers to the illegal elections, people wonder as to whether the opposition still has trust in the AU as broker of peace for the people of Sudan. Bearing in mind that the NCP regime declined to attend the preparatory meeting in the period 29-30 March 2015 scheduled for paving the way for the alleged National Dialogue, which Omer al-Bashir has been waving to numb and anaesthetize the opposition and keep it away from the issues that concern the people of Sudan. Based on the foregoing, it is incumbent upon the opposition to be clear and honest with the Sudanese people and assure them that the so-called 'Wathba' national dialogue cannot be done at a time when there is a project working to overthrow Omer al-Bashir and his devilish entourage on the agenda. In the current state of affairs, the keywords need to be 'ousting the abhorrent regime'. How to achieve that goal should be the focus from now on.
One does not be surprised if we heard the flimsy argument that hesitantly saying as to how would be the opposition of the opposition with the international community in the case of the opposition disregarding the national dialogue and the fear of possibility of sanctions that may be imposed by the international community on the opposition components. Those are the false stereotyped arguments that repeated by reluctant pro-NCP regime groups, who at the same time play the role of opposition mischievously and hypocritically, to say the least. These are flimsy and tenuous arguments intended to install the determination of the real, active and the serious opposition. They are the hirelings who try hard playing the role of the double agents. The rows have differentiated now. There is the row with the ruling regime of the National Congress Party and the row with the will of the people of Sudan. There is no place for the fifth column explicitly. However, in spite of that, the people of the country do not reassure their minds of the slag and conspiracy of the affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, who grew up on deception and fraud to achieve their evil ends. Therefore, vigilance, reticence and acumen remain necessities for the stage we are in it. As they say in the popular adage that a shrewd one will not be bitten from the same burrow twice. Thus, Circumspection and caution are two essential weapons necessitated by the current situation
Life and experience have taught us that caution and circumspection as two essential weapons in the face of cunning of the history of the oppressive military regimes that robbed the freedoms of the people of our homeland Sudan for 48 years out of the 59 years after the departure of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium in 1956.
It is time to stop tinkering about with national dialogue and negotiating with al-Bashir's delegation at Addis Ababa. It is time for the opposition to execute the Sudanese people's only option of ousting the NCP regime using all the possible means including nationwide popular uprising. The Sudanese opposition should not leave the current political situation in stalemate.
Silence should mask all voices to rise only one voice- the voice of change and decisiveness, that says no to al-Bashir's regime and no to the military junta and the political clique and who missed the independence of Sudan and clung on governance and emptied the independence from its meaning.
The postelection plans of Omar al-Bashir to Darfur are already well known. They include the expulsion of the joint mission of the African Union and United Nations (UNAMID) and prevent entry visas to any western officials to Sudan and strengthening the mercenary militia forces to replace the mission in order Darfur to become a closed territory ready as an Incinerator and furnace 'Holocaust' for the new wave of the extermination project. The implementation of the long due plan of ending insurgency will follow. Afterwards, al-Bashir will feel rest assured especially for the anticipated economic boom in the wake of Khartoum being the base for the Saudi commanded force codenamed 'Operation Decisive Storm' for the combat of the Yemen Houthis, in support of the ousted President Abdel Rabbu Mansur Hadi. For the common good, the components of the main stream Sudanese opposition need to be sincere in their intentions to topple the regime of the National Congress Party (NCP) and honest with each other in order to salvage what was left of the homeland and its inhabitants from the abyss of doom in which languish in. Moreover, from here it is clearly visible to all that without a swift action to thwart the plans of al-Bashir in their cradle stage, what is coming is probably the Tsunami-like flood, which does not keep anything or spare anyone surviving and leading an honourable life. The will of the Sudanese people centres around getting out of the impasse of injustice, corruption, tyranny and intrigues in which they languished for decades under the reign of the National Islamic Front (NIF) and the heir apparent, National Congress Party (NCP) through a third popular revolution, akin to October 1964 and April 1985. The Sudanese people at this time do not expect help to oust the NCP regime from anybody else other than them. There is nothing like your fingernail scratching your skin, as the eternal popular proverb goes!
Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States of America said:” Revolution means democracy in today's world, not the enslavement of peoples to the corrupt and degrading horrors of totalitarianism”. I conclude this series of articles on the NCP election by quoting the Irish politician Edmund Burke that states: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
• Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/
National Congress Party (NCP) regime
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