With Gun Sultan Salva Kiir Must Come Down And Face ICC by Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut
04:00 PM Feb, 23 2015 Sudanese Online Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut-Juba-South Sudan My Library at SudaneseOnline
If we all agree that sultan Salva Kiir and his gangs group plus Meseveni must come down and face ICC. "It's simple, let as all just pick our rifles {Kalashnikov} and force him to come down and go as we wish or face ICC. President Salva Kiir has no more solders to fight for his fake leadership anymore, that's why he's using foreigners troops to fight for his fake leadership and government, #But For Your Information, These Hired Ugandans, Dafurians, Nubians, Agassana{Blue Nile} And The Rest Of The Hidden World And Africans Troops Under Umbrella Of UPDF Are All Cowards And Toothless To Fight Us Anymore Because Of The Following Reasons; {1}_Sultan Salva Kiir Government's Income Is Getting Low And Coming In To An End, Therefore There Will Be No Money Anymore To Hire Them {Mercenaries}, {2}_The Battles That We Fought Them Since The Beginning Of The Crisis Has Killed Almost 95% Of Their Number, Thereafter Two Things Has Involved, [1] The War Survivors (Those escape death) Has Learned Fearful Lessons And Don't Want To Continue Fighting Us Anymore, [2] The New Deployed Troops Has Heard Bad News About The Almighty White Army And Freedom Fighters battles, Therefore They Are Fearful And So Afraid To Face Us, Since They Didn't Come And Found Their Brothers And Sisters Who Were Deployed Before Them, They Come To Notices Only About Their Death And Perishment, {3}_The Self Claimed immunity Or Legitimacy Of Sultan Salva Kiir And His Gangs Group Is Coming To An End For Him To BeG For Loans From International Community And Banks, By The Coming 9th July 2015, We Will All Be Either Rebels Or Legitimate Two Separate Governments, Because South Sudan Constitution Will Not Legalize Or Keeping Power To Any Unelected Government Anymore Concerning The Unbecoming Claim Of The So Called Council Of Juba Ministers To Extend The Stay Of Sultan Salva Kiir For Another Two Years In Power Will Be Internationally Beyond Disrecognize But Red Line,,,,,,,,, #Therefore It's Matter Of Time Sultan Salva Kiir And His Gangs Group plus Meseveni Must Come Down And Face Icc, #Let Us All Just Pick Up Our Rifles And Give It A last Push, #Don't Let Yourself Be Leaved Behind# #Start Making Your Own History# #Don't Miss To Be Part Of This Interesting Movie# #All Freedom Fighters Fronts Are Open, Hurry Up, Let Us Make It Happen, Let Us Together Prove Sultan Salva Kiir And His Gangs Group plus Meseveni Wrong By Rising Up Our Rifles To Tell Him To Leave And Not Our Hand Begging Him To Sign Peace# #The Future Of This beloved Country South Sudan Is Belong To Us (The Youths) Of This Country, Let Us Not Allow Foreigners To Draw The Future Of Our Country But Us Because It's Our Own,,,,,,, Topics related to the subject or the author
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