02-17-2015, 04:11 PM |
Ruach Wal Yat
Ruach Wal Yat
Registered: 04-19-2014
Total Posts: 14
Nuer- traitors by Ruach Yat
03:11 PM Feb, 17 2015 Sudanese Online Ruach Wal Yat- My Library at SudaneseOnline
Nuer- traitors are not running national political party for making strategy of SPLA/SPLM –Juba Party goal to succeed, but they are running self-political interest to get their own post in political public of minister office. They have been using and run out their mouths in words on public media for challenging the opposition group to get their own wish. They claimed nonsense political issues about Dr. Machar never has been experiencing in leadership for strategy activities to rule the country.
Nuer-traitors believe in, if somebody talking about Dr. Machar and challenging his leadership activities will be well- trusted to get high position in government. They have been knowledgeable to challenging Dr. Riek Machar leadership is only good option to get job easily in the government system. Juba-Government system has been believed somebody who challenges the strategy activities leadership of Dr. Machar he/she may become well fit politician to be good qualifying in job. I believed this is political propaganda self-interest tribe against another tribe in system, and also to constitute aggressive –hatred conflict between two majority tribes in the country for targeting ethnic line groups to each other. Of course to clarify political scenario, political party always stand in the election and try to win the voters cast by the people, but Nuer traitors do not stand on that incoming election to support SPLA/SPLM Party exactly to win election for upcoming vote. They rush out in politic and having competitive each other in political party to whom will come first to be electing as candidate or nominee by party. They are fighting each other in politic and accusing themselves in system of SPLA Party to destroy their live.
On other way, SPLA/SPLM political action committees do not trust Nuer traitors by the way they run politic like that on media to claim noiseless against opposition groups. They believed politic must be respect to run it smoothly in good way to be well understandable by supporters. Now High Politicians Actions Committees SPLA/SPLM condemns Nuer traitors in Juba because most of them are claiming nonsense on media to fail a dream of party in future.
Their main objectives of Nuer traitors are thinking who will be good Member Politician Representative (MPR) to Nuer ethnic in the party is person who has issue against Dr. Machar. In frankly speaking, Nuer traitors’ self- interest groups are normally working 24/7 day and night in the government for case of financial to support their own families. Nuer betrayers do not work for developing future of growing party to be success full, but they are working for the way to get their own personal wealth to support live of their families.
When we come to more common sensitive in politic, political party tends to work much more in unification than the interest groups who seem to work for specific interests as their way they suggest. To tell the trust for correction in system of current regime, the nature of organization of interest groups differs from that of political party. I can say because a current government has no experiences to run genuine politic to fair nation equally, and that is why we are failing the future of our state dream. I believed a current President has been failing our country due of lack of credential experience to bring people together. We need to work hard from all of us each individually to get way to bring peace if we mean it to live together as one nation in country we southerners.
Another important difference between SPLA/SPLM -Juba political party and Nuer traitors group is that Nuer-interest groups do not position their representatives in the government, but on other hand, SPLA/SPLM-Juba political party directly posts their representatives in the government. This is big difference between SPLA/SPLM-Juba political party and Nuer-traitors interest groups in the current system.
For example, Gordon Buay is not well-qualify in politic to defense the constitution of the government to bring more supporters outside of opposition groups. He is damaging the future of nation because for getting his own personal wealth. Let the government do not advocate the claim of one person who has been fought for personal wealth to support his own family in survival. You must care for life of nation in the country instead of one person to spoil whole community to get his own wish. Thank Ruach Yat The Head chief of White Amy Self -civil defense North America.
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