02-05-2015, 03:38 PM |
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85
A new horizon for Sudanese tourism by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
08:38 AM Feb 5,2015 Sudanese Online Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
My Library at SudaneseOnline What is the business of the ministry of tourism, Its accomplishments, aspirations and hurdles ? I put the question to the mininster of tourism during his visit to the Red sea. First, he wellcomed our T.V programme: I and the sea.Then, he briefed us on the work of his ministry. As he explained it involves the implementation of the law of natural violations, promotion of Sudanese tourism a broad, restricting the abuse of hotle apartments, the detection and pursuit of smuggled relics which are impunded by Security and Intelligence Service along with Tourism and National Heritage Police. Every thing wasn’t sands, sun and colour of the sea for there was talk of hard currency generated by tourism. He estimated the income of tourism last year as 750 million dollars. After we finished watching spectacular nautical parades , he summed up the notable feature of tourism plan-2015 in the creation of National Fund to boost toursim and rehabilitate its infrastructure. He and me walked on the esplanade to smell free air for moments and then he broke silence to point out Sudan is a genuine member of the executitive committee in the Arab Tourism Organization . He added that Sudan under its auspices carried out its first and second touristic exhibition. The minister of tourism invited me to some sea foods. I thanked him. He broke the silence again to complain of inadequate subsidy to tourism. He thought that hindered the execution of Tourism survey and an equestarain festival . “ We are promised with a loan from Islamic Development Bank in Jedda” he confided to me. From th long interview interrupted with the joyful cries of gulls , I learned that the ministry of tourism elicited a committment from the mininstry of finance to pay 127,000 Euros as an annual subscription to the International Tourism Organization . As the minister admitted , Sudan repaid to it some of its debts and restructured the rest of debts. He remarked of the part played by International Tourism Organization “ It provides technical consultations to African nations and concrened witht the development of Sudanese tourism”. “Our tourism is limited although we possess broad shores that extend from Sawakin to Osaif near Egypt the made of Sharam El-shiekh and Al-endaria a world resort” I whispred to the minsiter of tourism. I returned with the minister of tourism to Khartoum to say goodbye to a Sudanese delegation in the Airport. I saw bags and tears that carried as Tim O,brien put it the land it self-Sudan, the place and soil. Amy Tan once expressed a deep sense of being chinese in his far roots upon coming from California to China “ Today, I realize I’ve never known what it memans to be Chinese. I am 36 years old. My mother is dead and Iam on a train carrying with me her dreams of coming home. I am going to China’ I am going to China’ the Sudanese minister of tourism said as he waved good bye from the run-way. One thing he learned from going to China , the country of chairman Mao is that it ‘s a prolific exporter of tourists whose spending is lavish wherever they stay. One million out of 55 million coming into Sudan can change the face of tourism ,the minister said. As for the outcomes of visit to the land of great wall ,he stated that they convened with the Chinese minister of tourism and numerous companied that agreed on the electronic promotion of Sudanese tourism potentialities within China. He affirmed that there are steps undertaken by the Sudanese embassy in Bejing to attract Chinese tourists. The Sudanese delegation didn’t meet that delay and trouble met by Mr. Chiu who missed a confrence as result of police arrest accusing him of disrupting the public order because he cried out in protest against the police spillage of tea on his foot. That irony of fate was in the story of ‘saboteur” by Ha-Chin . The Sudanese minister of tourism explained the purpose of his visit to China as to take part in the world tourism forum. He regarded it as a challange to the economic and political sige imposed on Sudan. He applauded the froum saying “ It opened up big horizons for the future of Sudanese tourism through developing the everlasting and improved realtions with China” With the political detente in Sudan, the minister is hopeful of more distictive ministries of tourism throughout Sudan. Topics related to the subject or the author
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