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South Sudanese fight for a real peace, equality and freedom is a collective responsibility

01-03-2015, 10:13 PM
Gatmai Machar
<aGatmai Machar
Registered: 01-03-2015
Total Posts: 2

South Sudanese fight for a real peace, equality and freedom is a collective responsibility

    Opinion by: Gatmai Machar,
    This is to bring to your attention that, to
    fight for south Sudan is to fight for humanity, the struggle for a
    real peace, equality and freedom is a human responsibility. Everyone
    is interconnected to this struggle. It should not be left to one
    person as his own task or to a certain group to do it.
    South Sudanese are human beings like any citizens from any country, I am
    committed to humanity as whole and I believe the liberation of south
    Sudanese is the liberation of the world and promotion of human rights,
    so why should it always be one man 's task? When the south Sudanese
    children doesn't go to school and remain illiterates due to the
    situation on the ground that does not allow them to enjoy their rights
    to access of free education and transform it into a better place to
    live in. then their illiteracy will not only affect us and be confined
    within south Sudan, it will affect the whole region and to certain
    extend the entire world.

    The world is watching our future being reigned
    by our visionless and interest builders who doesn't think of tomorrow
    and the country and its people's future. The world hears our crying
    and see us dying daily like flies in our own land, but no any respond
    has been taken to rescue our remnants.

    I believe this is because of our
    RACE, but I believe and know that race is a man-made phenomenon, race
    doesn't exist. Race is an ideology planted on people by individuals,
    it's tangible. The world should fight the idea together. To judge a
    person by the color of their skin is weak and not legal. The world
    should not let us suffer in the hands of dictators basing on our race.

    Our children are getting
    starved, dies of diseases and many more other bad conditions in that
    tropical forest because of one man 's interests and the world just
    continue scratching his back, what have these innocents people in my
    country do to OBAMA administration to deserve this? They almost get
    the load off their heads but the Union of dictators, falsely termed as
    Regional bloc, led by their interest driver did everything to keep
    the load there , banned weapons were used against civilian's even a
    mere question wasn't ask.

    I am here to tell the world that the reluctant
    of the world leadership to solve our problem will affect the entire
    world with time, the responsibility of freeing us from oppressions
    shouldn't always be one man's
    Opinion by: Gatmai Machar mailto:[email protected]@gmail.com

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