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12-30-2014, 03:34 PM
سليم عبد الرحمن دكين
<aسليم عبد الرحمن دكين
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 200


    What is going on in Nuba Mountains. It doesn’t have to be this way. The first solution that can be taken is to get rid off Yaser Arman and Abdul aziz al- Halu both international and aboard. It also further opportunity of stopping the war in Nuba Mountains for the peaceful political solution to take place.. How ever when the war was broke out on June 2011. This doesn’t benefit Nuba people, rather destroyed relatively the peace and stability in which the Nuba people have enjoyed for five years after signing of Nafasha peace agreement in 2005. This only give powers to Yaser Arman and Abdul aziz Al-Hallu that they are in driving seat, and that the proxy war impose upon Nuba people, which has had massive impact on Nuba Mountains. It was powerful tactic in domination Nuba people and their society. Yaser Arman as general secretary of Sudan people’s liberation movement north. Yaser doesn’t retracting his supremacy and authority on Nuba people. Yaser Arman is not from Nuba people, and he doesn’t belongs to Nuba Mountains either, he outsider. He is not clever or smart or even pragmatist enough, then well educated Nuba people, rather he is opportunist . He doesn’t wants to realize that or even to come into the terms that the Nuba people are more important than saving face and that his agendas, which can not solved Nuba people issue, and this is part of his destroying Nuba Mountains and its people once for all. He also try to strengthened his communist part position and supremacy in Khartoum street and put the ball in regime court. But more importantly than all of this it to keep Nuba people dyeing, starving, homeless with no future, only for his own agendas and aspparitions, because he doesn’t cares or concerns of anybody in Nuba Mountains. As for what Yaser Arman general secretary of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement claimed, and what was repeated by him is that he is fighting for the Nuba people rights. We us Nuba we can just say about this is that it is nonsense, he his no legitimacy or mandate to lead the people of Mountains. Nuba people are capable of leading themselves and also solving their own issue. Yaser Arman dismiss the fact that the Nuba Mountains Issue should not be solve separately, he adopt a policy suitable for the communist party only. He issued his own judgment immune from challenge. He also contrary to the Nuba people interests for very long time since Muswa conference in 1992 when he personally reject Nuba people right for self determination, by incite Southern leaders and also national political group, in 1994 he exclude Nuba Mountains from any aid relief to reach those most desperate in needs. He also blockade the recognitions of Nuba people and its identity, during Asmara document conference 1995 to determination issues. Once again he did not done better for Nuba people during Nevasha peace agreement, which grant South Sudan self-determination, he was silent, he doesn’t defend Nuba people right for self-determination. Is it good after all these appalling steps and behaviors towards Nuba people. Of course this is to be accepted from someone like him, who did not concerns about Nuba people issue, only his objectives and aspirations. Yaser Arman however reject solving Nuba Mountains issue according to the Nuba people vision, he also falls to act on 2046 United Nations decision accordingly. Yaser Arman became illegitimate leader since second war in June 2011, he than hijack the Nuba issue. This proves that Yaser Arman is nothing, but a war criminal, who using Nuba people to fight for him and his communist party to reach the power one day in Khartoum, which just dream nothing else. He also sailing the Nuba issue which already he hijack it , to rise funs for himself, and also for the war to continue, despite the death and distractions which inflect upon Nuba people. This is why Nuba people openly expressed their rejection of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Nuba Mountains as whole, and also those who impose proxy war upon them should leave Nuba Mountains at once. We all know the Southern of the Sudan State conspiring to blame for the death and distractions of the Nuba Mountains for over three decades. Nuba People are blaming countries that playing a fundamental role by funding the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North, in order to keep the war going on. Nuba leaders are aware that copulas of Western Countries, and in particular the State of Southern of the Sudan, participating in supporting the war financially and also pursuing in changing the culture of the Nuba people. There are massive concerns among wider sector of educated Nuba people about rising death, distractions and famine in Nuba Mountains and falling of the world of find a solution to this very long war in Africa. Finally Nuba People asking those Western Countries such as Norway, Canada, and United Kingdom who are heavily involved in funding the Sudan people’s Liberation Movement in Nuba Mountains through, its general secretary Yaser Arman, to keep the war running. Rather Nuba people are asking for help from those countries and the rest of the world to stop the war and find peaceful political solution to it. Sudan People’s Liberation Movement can not fulfill aspirations of the Nuba People
    This from. Salilm Abdelrhman Dekin. Shari man of South Kordofan Organization for Human Rights and Development of Nuba Mountains. London – British . contact number. 07947522071 – 020 8852 8599

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