South Sudan Government offers a blind eye to streets children. By Cde. Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut
South Sudan Politicians who are suffering from chronic hunger and persistent greed are overwhelmingly on progress to destroy the bright future of my beloved brothers and sisters who live a horrible life in streets and all dark corridors of South Sudan and to whom the future of this very land of Kush belong. 'Inshallah!' I am extremely shocked and sadden by the present of young children boys and girls loitering and moving freely on the streets of South Sudan states e.g. In Juba, Malakal, Bor, Yambio, Torit, Bentiu, Rumbek, Yirol, Awil and Warrap respectively……. This doesn't shows only a totally failure to the parents and guardians of those siblings, but the shames goes directly to the government of south Sudan. Why are we giving blind eyes to our children? Why are we seeing them feeding on rubbishes and we still beat our chases that we are good leaders? When are we going to stop seeing our beloved kids continuing to get mad daily because of chronic trauma and depress? And for how long shall we distances ourselves from the very people we took oaths to work for? You know very well that there are lots of questions in there to ask you for, whereas it's also too useless to ask someone who may give you snake instead of fish! My Country is becoming more irresponsible and more wreckage on its various perfectives due to the chronic greed from my leaders who only thinks of what to wear, what to drive, who to become, what to have in the bank, and their continues thinking of their stomachs as their primary concerned and as thy first priorities. The Units concern for streets children in south Sudan should see their weaknesses in combating the rapid spreading of street children in the young nation. However, the government of south Sudan should put the lives of those helpless and hopeless children in to thy consideration because within those vulnerable children living in streets; are Doctors, Teachers, Nurses, Lawyers, Business men and women, Pilots, Soldiers, Farmers, Engineers and among others. Perhaps, we never know even the President might yield among the dirty streets of our young nation. But I strongly believe that until we witnesses changes in our country…… Until we uprooted the dictator from his bloody throne ……….. And until a new leader come over and lead us …… That is went the future of our youths, women, young and olds disable and blinds are to be fixes to its normality once and for sure. I have said my words and may gods hear my voice…… Cde. Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut, is a writer and commentator and He is the Chairman of SPLM Youth League Chapter in Egypt he can be simply reach through mailto:[email protected]@gmail.com