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Articles and ViewsSudan and Japan: the dream and reality by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
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Sudan and Japan: the dream and reality by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

12-28-2014, 09:01 AM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

Sudan and Japan: the dream and reality by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

    Abdulaziz Ali Omer
    Mr. Hideki Ito, the ambassador of Japan in a meeting with engineer Makawi Muhamad Awad expounded the philosophy of his country's government in rendering assistance to Sudan .From that philosophy we learned to respect the Japanese expression: we don't give a fish but we transfer the skill of how to fish. I knew from the vivid account that he gave to me that Sudan is working amicably with Sudan in agrarian development, provision of basic human needs and consolidation of peace.
    Mr. Hideki Ito arrived in Khartoum in November to act as Japan's emissary. According to him the friendly diplomatic ties began at the year 1956. As our discussion deepened, found that our combined relations were diversified ranging from agriculture to water, vocational training to health and environment. From the vivid account he gave me, Iknew that Japan is working amicably with Sudan in agrarian development, provision of basic human needs and consolidation of peace. “I would like to expand economic cooperation between Japan and Sudan" his Excellency ambassador Hideki Ito announced" to cover culture and sport". He added. "Do you know "Muro"? He reminded me. Before I answer, he pre-empted his remark “Himself is a member of diplomatic corps and fearless Japanese wrestler. He challenged Nuba wrestlers in Sudan.
    He expressed his un-concealed pleasure in seeing sons of Nuba in Sudan competing for the Olympic Games that will be hosted in Tokyo -2020. It dawned upon the ambassador of Japan to visit many of Sudanese localities and villages because he looks forward eagerly to listen for people’s voices. So far, he paid a visit to Gezira state where he had been witness at first hand for instances of partnerships in the field of rice cultivation, water and mobile clinics .They were “examples of successful partnerships" H.E ambassador Hideki Ito commented. As he passed by villages that have Japanese projects, he witnessed that people' relief and joy were boundless.
    It is Ambassador Hideki Ito hope that Sudanese politicians would importune the peace initiative to bring about a just and lasting peace and help Sudan look amenable to the international community. It appears that Hidei Ito has mission for Japanese diplomacy in Sudan and the passion for its achievement.
    In Sudan, war inflicted terrible losses in properties and souls and its effects are ruinous to the economy and infrastructure. Let us remember that faced the greatest disaster of Hiroshima. We read the harrowing memories associated with Hiroshima in the words of Toshiko Amatasu:"....the other relics, the ones that made me weep, the bits of burnt clothing, the torn shoes, the twisted buttons and the white blouses dotted with atomic rain, indelible"

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