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Sudan….a whole country put up for sale to the willing by Adaroub sedna onour

12-18-2014, 02:39 PM
Adaroub Sedna Onour
<aAdaroub Sedna Onour
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 120

Sudan….a whole country put up for sale to the willing by Adaroub sedna onour

    December 18, 2014-Despite its huge tapped and untapped resources, state-sponsored corruption converted Sudan into a big foreign-aid recipient and one of the poorest countries in Africa. And the situation worsened dramatically, when a cabal of criminals staged a coup in -1989- masterminded by the man dreaded most by the Sudanese people(Dr.hassan Turabi) who is accorded an almost divine status by his party -members and followers who are still firmly holding on to power, applying his satanic tactics and Machiavellian principles frequently changing methods and rules..Judging by the regime’s defiant and unapologetic tone, and its acting up to its own convictions, unconcerned by the routine condemnations of the outside world .Evidently the ruling cabal are unmoved by the unprecedented suffering of their people, because they grew enormously confident that the international justice has no teeth , to the extent of their implementing policies of scorched earth and systematic impoverishment against whole populations in marginal Sudan. Initially the régime’s disregard for the international community stems from the outside world’s incorrect consideration of Sudan’s crises as a national security matter , when it is, righteously, a full-fledged war between the dominant haves of the center and the marginalized have-nots of the margin ,who are exasperated by the willful and conscious policies of marginalization imposed on their regions and ethnic groups since as back as independence in 1956. Today, things have gone to the dogs, and the meltdown and deterioration reached term. Because influential and prominent figures loyal to the ruling tyranny seize land from the helpless people and re-allocate it to investors from the oil-rich gulf Arab- states… e.g. Kuwait bought a fertile land its size for free hold???? And because public-money looters, criminals and mass-murderers occupy the highest positions within the regime, no one knows how much money there is in the penniless treasury ,understandably because they allow no transparency , so, fiscal matters are particularly considered celestial secrets, despite the repeated false stories from the fearful liar(the minster of justice)about the recovery of huge amounts of embezzled budgets by key officials who were latter ,either pardoned or acquitted..Which is a glaring proof of the non-existence of any degree of accountability or rule of law in Sudan? Even the daily clashes between citizens and the new regime-backed land grippers occurring in Khartoum, vicinity are under-reported by the local press, because highlighting the crimes of the regime or those loyal to it is an unwritten no-no so , at present , no one knows ,for sure , what the future holds for Sudan, a resource-rich country yet crippled by poverty and shackled by a heavy burden of foreign debt etc . Interestingly ministers from the regime roam the world begging, cap in hand, for AID because they discovered-after a quarter of a century -that they were reading from a CATALOUGE OF FAILURE. Apparently they don’t have any plans or vision except to continue remaining in power, even if that led to shattering what remained of Sudan. PRECISELY that is what will make any future talks with this regime a shut-out game that will go to an everlasting extra-time, we wouldn’t have stood in need of, hadn’t the world failed to make head or tail of the brutal tyranny and couldn’t call it by its proper name ….FASCIST .
    Adaroub sedna onour

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