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Articles and ViewsWHAT IS THE INETRESTS OF THE BIG FIVES IN AFRICA By Izzadine Abdul Rasoul Noul Arbab
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12-17-2014, 02:47 PM
Izzadine Abdul Rasoul
<aIzzadine Abdul Rasoul
Registered: 04-04-2014
Total Posts: 6


    December 17, 2014- When I was young in the village in mid-seventies and eighties; I was very impressed to see my senior brothers coming back from their schools in remote towns and in evening hours come down the valley carrying radios and sit on the sand to listen to the broadcasted news from BBC Arabic Service and sometimes to the English Service. I was much impressed and interested in to debates raised by my cousins and my brothers, about Russia and America; capitalism versus communism, or socialism; even sometimes was difficult to me, which side to chose; because of the way each of the both sides support their arguments. Unfortunately; in the village people were divided in to two groups, but I have chosen the side of Russia, because whenever any moving object appears on space, they would say look up and see Russian Satellite; just like; “Oh they own even the stars”. But when I reached on my educational tour to high school I changed to become American; it was because I was influenced by Hollywood whereby American soldier can shoot ten people with single bullet of G3 and other ten with kicking and fisting; “ oh that’s cool too”.
    Nevertheless; my father who was a Islam religion teacher one time said to me; “do not allow belief to possess you, but you possess the belief, otherwise sometimes would get confused to do the right things”. Hence; when I was growing up; I exercise to read what others were forbidden to read, though; I was able to recognize many mysterious issues such as racism, white supremacy and world hidden government, lately called a new world order . It’s true that; white supremacy system has designers, advocates and players as; Proff. Assa. G. Hilliard said it thirty years ago; yes it has no biological validity but it’s reinforced by opportunities and opinion or publicities; and its maintained to serve the interests of those who call themselves whites. On the other hand; they all agree on how their interest should be run at the expenses of the bloods and suffering of other people; however; only a few among them who think otherwise; but they all benefit from its practices at the end of the day.
    Today; only a fool would think that; big fives and their sisters have differences on how this world should be run, except China and Japan who just jumped in and imposed themselves in big fives, despite they are not popular as a race for the system; then are given a portion by a spoon and the shovel is in hands of big fives and the sisters.
    However; the rest of the people non-whites are just spectators divided in to two groups, pro-communist or socialists vis-à-vis capitalist; just like American democratic system which is only run by either democrats or republicans no third choice and it’s called democracy or demo-hypocrisy; meant to keep people in illusive ideological wars to keep the balance of power; (I know one family that is divided between communist and capitalist even they don’t greet each other).
    I approve to you beyond shadows of doubt that the system is at work up to date. On the crisis in Ukraine; on 28th October 2014 President of the United State Barak Obama on press conference at State house; condemn Putin’s incursions and firmly stated that the crisis did not justify sending American troops or weapons.
    QUOTE: Senior U.S. officials asked themselves whether they really wanted to go to war against Russia in order to defend Ukraine—and answered, “no.” (Article 5 of NATO’s treaty demands that an attack on one member be treated as an attack on all.
    Imagine if such case was in Africa; Asia or Middle East where their interests are under threat! What was going to happen? Footing of the innocents was going to take place!!!!!!!!!!
    The hidden world system is responsible of choosing and changing world leaders, they train them to be good boys and also they change them if they inclined to threaten their common interests.
    On 16 December 2014 former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy has finally confessed that the West; in particular France had overthrown President Laurent Gbagbo in order to install Allassane Ouattara which is a clear indication that the coup d'Etat against President Laurent Gbagbo was not really about the dispute on the result of the president election where "Gbagbo has lost the election and he did not want to hand power". It was definitively about to topple him and replace him with a good boy who listens to them like Allasane Ouattara. Can you imagine that, in that conflict southlands African women and children were killed like insects in Ivory Coast; because former President Laurent Gbagbo intimidated the French and American companies of chocolate, oil, mining, telecommunication, retailing and shipping in the country.
    When we come to Sudan the case is no different; but opposite is true , here they use the government of Sudan to kill their own people for; to create confusion and better environment for the system to steal and loot the national resources. Some may disagree oh no; in Sudan the government system is Islamic government against the west! The answer is no. The Sudan former Chief of Intelligence Salah Gosh in 2009 on an interview by the reporter of Reuters in Khartoum said that; his government relations with CIA started since 1994; after two years only from their military coup that toppled democratically elected government in Sudan. The CIA train our intelligence, we have cooperation of counter terrorist information; he added. As a reminder, the visits and sojourn of Al-Qaida man Osama Ben Laden to Sudan came after 1994; here; to connect it with the statement of former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this year that America created Isis which is a branch of dead Al-Qaida that fights in Syria, Iraq other areas in Arabian Peninsula.
    On the other hands Sudan former Foreign Minister Mustafa Ismael said on Sudan TV that America is committing grave mistake to renew the imposed sanctions on Sudan. We gave America all what he wanted; he added.
    American benefit from current Sudan Islamic government from exchange of information and other unknown business, China as a partner is just finishing the work of American oil company Chevron that started oil excavation in Sudan since 1980; France is mining gold in Eastern Sudan, Britain is benefiting what Americans get from Sudan and the Russians are weapons suppliers for Sudan with China.
    As Darfurian victim of genocide its difficult for me to believe that the join African Union/ United Nations forces known as UNAMID on the ground in Darfur headed by the Russian national Karen Tchalian were sent to save lives; on the contrary more people died and raped; since the arrival of these forces seven years ago. Although; millions of dollars are paid as salaries per-month at the same time, there is no proper nutrition, health care, sanitation and education as well in the IDPs camps for the people, because humanitarian NGOs were expelled by Omer Al Bashir and United Nations Security Council failed to bring them back.
    Quote “ In a statement to Reuters, the former UNAMID Spokesperson Aicha Elbasri Moroccan national; said Russian National Karen Tchalian manipulated internal reports on Darfur, censored public statements by the mission, and tried to block some press releases, especially when the Sudanese government was bombing civilians”. So what is the use of the forces on the ground eating, drinking, sleeping and at the end of the months are paid southlands of dollars, meanwhile those whom they allegedly protect are empty stomachs???
    America has interests with Omer Al Bashirs’ Islamic Government; claiming they fight terrorists and Bashir is a biggest terrorist himself who committed genocide; killed 500,000 innocent civilians since 2003 and still doing them systematically, and instead of one area in Darfur he expanded to the Regions of Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains in Kordofan. But sarcastically when watch al Bashir image on the media bleating about his relations with America; one would think that relations looks very bad; but behind doors is very good; which is called a role play.
    Muammar Ghadafi was killed when only 52 people died, President Omer Al Bashir on Sudan national TV said; “ I killed only 10,000 women and children”; and he is still killing and he is free travelling from place to another and no one to ask him. It’s simply because those Bashir is killing on daily bases are blacks people. But if one white man is killed somewhere around the world; all world media become busy about it; including African media houses that consider it as a big story!!
    Therefore; it seems naïve to me to search for a justice from a person who is the righter of wrongs. Though; depending on other people to resolve our own problems; would perish us as people; and that’s the destination they want us to embark. So let us not bet for the new world order brought to us by the westernized Africans instead we better revive and re-establish the African justice system of the ancestors by all means necessary.
    “It’s better to try and fail rather than fail to try” African proverb

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