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Articles and ViewsA night at Khartoum University by Kamal Ahmed musa
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A night at Khartoum University by Kamal Ahmed musa

11-21-2014, 03:27 PM
Kamal Ahmad Musa
<aKamal Ahmad Musa
Registered: 04-18-2014
Total Posts: 7

A night at Khartoum University by Kamal Ahmed musa

    It was mid-night in late february at Khartoum univerisity in students hostle . That night, the darkness transformed into a mass of glowing lights. Unexpectedly, erupted hysterical yells , shouts of crowds and burning papers could be seen dangling from students rooms. That was a schizophrenic moment of cutting veins and other limbs of human bodies. Hordes of students rushed through Buri tunnel into University street. Besides me, there were Ahmed Trefe and Sidig Al shiekh, my childhood peers. "…time , time chancellor, we need an extra time" that high-pitched chant broke the silence of Khartoum night. All students joined the shouting mob and consequently the traffic cane to a a halt along the university street as well as the street that led to the Blue Nile bridge. We entered the university through the main gate. We were in the mid of raoring crowd. Abdullah Hassan stood in fron of the examining hall as the representative of disgruntled students to present their demands as follows:
    Firstly, closing the exams windows lest students fail. Secondly, examination papers should be distributed at least a week prior to exams in order to enable students having an ample time to discuss it and get the optimal answers. Thirdly, a democratic a tomopsphere and freedom of debating within examination Hall should prevail aw ay from the intimidation and espionage of invegilators particulary from novice lecturers. Whenevere, Abdullah Hassan the students spokesperson put forward a fresh demand, he was interrupted by an applause and burst out of ululation. I recall that on the first morning of examination, we came across an ambulance parked in the street that unshered to the library.
    "look! There is an ambulance" Zykereya Hamza said and began to tremble . I tried to raise his morale but I my self was shuddering. We considered that as our final exam and that after our graduation , we would dictate our terms to life too. Circles of life revolved wheeling us from one to another circle to realize the realize the real test. As I sit this morning after the elapse of years, I still search for being stoical and residlent. Now adays, we lack the ideals , noble dreams and have become aliens in our home land.
    "…time , time chancellor, we need an extra time" Will we be given more time for a wonderful and bright future.?

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