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Ehssan- A wonderful mother and wife Kamal Ahmed musa –Gedaref University

11-08-2014, 06:53 PM
Kamal Ahmad Musa
<aKamal Ahmad Musa
Registered: 04-18-2014
Total Posts: 7

Ehssan- A wonderful mother and wife Kamal Ahmed musa –Gedaref University

    Death is a heart-breaking, soul scorching and split us up from beloved ones, friends and relatives. Its incurred pain pierces the body, soul and heart. The heart grieves and the eyes shed tears but we just say what pleases the almighty. As devout Muslims, we believe in those quranic verses: “Whatsoever is on it (the earth)” will perish and the face of your lord full of majesty and honor will remain forever”).
    Hit by a nostalgic pang to my homeland, Hashim Maroof, a Sudanese expatriate in Doha, boarded the Qatari Air-ways plane bound for Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. During the flight, he thought fondly of an impending family reunion and warmth but it has never crossed his mind that he would inevitably lose Ehssan, his wife, his soul-mate, mother of Muhamamd and grandmother of Wadah and Hashim.He knew her during the enchantment of their married life as a good mother and a benevolent lady.
    She bade him a farewell with a memorable hasty glimpse. He described her as a pious, pure and dutiful woman. She passed away peacefully to another world more fascinating and shady than the earthly paradise of Tangassi, her home village in Northern Sudan. He said.
    He cherished the hope that we would spend jubilant times in Sudan our son will get married and even they fancied that he would have an ideal wedding.
    His late wife seemed happy as her son proposed for a girl during the recent feast. Her married son and his young wife paid a visit to the family of would-be wife and their remark in praise of her son life partner delighted her so much.
    However, the fate hid something else. The 3rd day of August waned and with the fall of night, his dear wife began to complain of some vague pains.
    Promptly, he took her to the hospital where the medical diagnosis showed that she suffered from a high blood pressure and diabetes .After that, her health condition declined. She went into an entire coma and experienced an internal head bleeding.
    On the 3rd day of August, at dawn, the pain and breath subdued and faded away after a challenge with an intolerable suffering. The mobile phones vibrated the echo of her passing among friends, loved ones and relatives. It was a shock for all those who knew her. She is missed by her family and those who lived on her relentless charity that lasted to the moment of her sudden death. She instilled into her son the magnificent value of care and concern for others.
    As he invited me for a breakfast, his young daughter dictated to me what he wrote of his late wife. Her home in Doha, Medani and Khartoum was a refuge for the seekers of knowledge. She read out loudly. Then, she added: While she hosted them, she treated them kindly like her own sons lest one of them should fail. It should be recalled that she was magnanimous, generous and tolerant. She lost four of her sons at infancy. They included two boys: Maroof and Ahmed and two girls: Sara and Ameena. She was honest and a mentor to her sisters and brothers. Until we reunite in the hereafter. We pray for her soul to rest in peace. ..

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