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Pointing out Grounded View By Mangong Mawien Madut, Kampala Uganda

10-12-2014, 04:51 PM
Mangong Mawien Madut
<aMangong Mawien Madut
Registered: 07-21-2014
Total Posts: 11

Pointing out Grounded View By Mangong Mawien Madut, Kampala Uganda

    Respond to Deng Aken and Keluel Agok, Corruption in central bank and addition of Economic analysis.

    By Mangong Mawien Madut, Kampala Uganda.

    Iam responding an article published by two writers Deng
    Aken and Keluel Agok in months ago. As during my visitation to Juba. I
    bought Juba monitor newspaper and read through it. I found an article of
    Keluel Agok his reply to Deng Aken.

    An article of Keluel was published on Thursday August 7th 2014 and titled
    Correction to Deng Aken’s article which was published 19July 2014. Indeed I
    didn't read the previous articles wrote by these writers.

    I only got the one I mentioned its title (Correction to Deng Aken 's
    article published on date 19 July 2014 which an author was Keluel. A surprise or not a surprise now to readers as to why I still reply this earlier article. This is a question regular readers who followed the debate might ask? To me, the issue is not how long the debate took or will take, but was debate been justifiably written and am I also trying to discuss on what people have been feeling needless.
    Are people crying for the sake of crying or for what they feel paining them? What a human beings feels painful mostly doesn’t forget them. So the hardest of dollars under Koryom has not and will never forget the people of South Sudan . The Issue of Central bank under Koryom the current boss, appointment of illiterates and quarter Schooled people and settled in central bank and other banks, corrupting an hard currency America money, a dollars some people became rich in Juba within a short period, a topic that has never been far way when South Sudanese discusses their problems. So what does it means? It means there is a problem in central bank also.
    However I felt to express what I see and feel paining majority of a South Sudanese, I also wanted to appreciate Mr. Kuel for realizing the suffering of South Sudanese citizens and also
    reminding Deng Aken that we are well aware of, a nakedly ill ploy , well organized crime in Central bank against the citizens .

    Although I didn' t get the first article of Keluel, still Iam convinced by
    his reply to Deng Aken about the weakness of South Sudan Central bank
    particluarly its boss Koryom Mayik. But according to Keluel Mr. Deng Akeen
    disagreed with what Keluel published.

    He ended up responding Kuel 's article, dismissed all what Keluel said
    about governor of bank. Concluded that it is a lack of proper analysis in
    general situation. Deng was indisputably wrong to say that. Unquote Mr. keluel was not writing what he doesn't know, but what he sees
    challenging South Sudanese.

    Understandably , Keluel 's article was a public interest. There was nothing
    he talked about against Koryom Mayik the Central bank governor than the
    cry of people although Deng Aken was not happy with it.

    I will wonder how Mr. Deng will convince the people that the Boss Koryom is doing what favors the citizens of South Sudan. The policy being played by Koryom Mayik in
    Central bank are surely opposite to public. It will be interesting if Mr. Deng might succeed to tell how Koryom has been doing a right thing in government since he took the position.

    It is a something true that, South Sudanese have never been happy with the performances of
    bank governor. Even Deng knows it very well the disappointment of citizens
    since Koryom assumed the position. They {citizens} are not angered just
    because they don't want Koryom to be in this position but his decisions
    and policy he runs in bank are what the people felt to be affecting them

    Therefore, Deng wants to be told that is what happened. Citizens are
    highly been affected by decision of Boss Koryom in a side of hard currency. So it
    is their rights to publicly declare the poor performances. If SPLM the ruling party listens to people, then desperateness of concerned indigenous will be recognized and welcomed by accepting what they citizens expecting to be fulfilled/done.
    Politicians are eyes of civilians. Therefore if there is an inconvenience in services provision, then it has to be sort out once and for all instead of maintaining the positions to politicians who doesn’t want each and every citizen to be happy in the country.
    Brother Deng, citizens are judging the politicians one after another. Leave the bank governor to be judged by South Sudanese citizens.

    So If governor Koryom is among the few politicians providing the services
    to South Sudanese, then he would have be appraised too and wished to rotate in
    various ministries like few government officials serving the citizens
    honestly day and night. Such politicians now are wished by citizens to
    rotate in government because they are fulfilling an interests of South

    There is no reason the governor of bank cannot be appreciated if he is
    serving the public interest. Look Mr. Deng, was a bank governor right when
    he made an irrational decision last year devaluing South Sudanese
    pounds? Making a foreign currency America dollars to be more important than
    money of his own nation State South Sudan? A mistake SPLM would have not allowed.
    The money that was not printed out from no ground, but from long painful sacrifices of people. It means we must value it more than any money. Koryom should be correctly informed to know more about vitality of this nation and her local currency South Sudanese pounds such that unhelpful decisions are avoided

    Mr. Deng, a good politician is one who represents the hopes,
    aspirations and the interests of every citizen.
    A good and responsible politician give high regard for morality, law abiding with no tendencies to corrupt even a single cent or position {S} Beside that, it is essential to politician who wish to be respected from today, tomorrow or in his/her political background just resigns if he/she feels that is no longer wanted to hold public office.

    Comparing it with Politics in our country, you find lacking of serious accountability in government since interim period till today had made it so advantage to politicians’ who want to make what they wish to make and achieve in their lucky regime . A good number of government officials who have been holding positions had no an interest to reflect the public needs. Epitomizedly, is central bank governor been
    reflecting our interest as a citizens of South Sudan? Is he honestly
    representing the hopes we expect from Bank of government? I leave these questions to be judged and answered by fellow readers.

    Economic in South Sudan is on process to be laid finally in grave by concerned officials and their friends. South Sudan is a nation with no basic needs, necessaries food items are brought from neighboring nations Uganda and Kenya mostly. Going to a foreign country to buy commodities, for tourism, studies etc. you must exchange your local current into US dollars. But for an ordinary country‘s citizen of South Sudan to get one hundred dollar in central bank so that to go to foreign nation to buy goods or for studies is a big dream in Juba.
    There is a worse conception adopted in South Sudan that a person is only respected, honored and given any thing he/she wants if he/she is a commander, politician, working class citizen and son/daughter of government official, but a mere citizen is worthless at eyes of many people. A misperception that had dominated a central bank too, Central bank should be question.
    Why complicating accessibility of dollars to mere citizens who wants to maintain their a businesses? Our country doesn’t have factories of producing goods and sell within, business men bring commodities from abroad. To them it is compulsory to buy dollars, the same thing to students who are studying in abroad. These people are left with no options when failed to get dollars, they only choice remains is to visit black market with even insufficient money.
    A black market which 100 US dollar is at 450 to 500 SSP. What made dollars to be more expensive? What is the causative? Who caused it? What will be done to rescue the people of South Sudan since dollars has been a beneficiary to few selective individuals?

    For an assurance to readers including the person this article is referring
    to, Mr. Deng; we the citizens are not just with questions, but full
    answers. When we talk and conclude that there must be deliberately
    causing dollars to be costly in the country. It means there is transparent
    analysis. So why do you disagreed when people are telling the truths about central bank? Readers, Mr. Deng might be declining to agree with citizens analysis for
    the sake of covering and defending uncle Koryomdit, not because he is not
    aware of dismay of people. In regard I wish Mr. Deng concedes with the
    total failure of services provision in central bank under Korom. What left now is evolution of corruption in central bank under the watchful and real knowledge of Koryom .
    It surprises me a lots If along time experienced economist koryom who is believed to have been employed and started working in earlier 70s in an old Sudan still make a serious intentionally mistakes, appointed and employed uneducated citizens in country 's central bank. A bank we believe to take an educated South Sudanese since there are a number of graduates who completed their studies in various Universities globally and still haven't get employed .
    Why is it so difficult to enroll such people in banks to work competently and effectively? Why keeping jobs to mere home boys to destroy and work lowly? I think Koryom knows very well the importance of professionals who had really studied their respective fields. It means they must have gone to Universities, studied and being awarded their degrees. Graduates who are well rounded academically and disciplined people who can give services with full confidence. But If people are handpicked and get settled in Central bank with insufficient low secondary school knowledge. What is it really?
    where on this modern world still secondary school students are given a technical jobs in public government institutions If it is not a Juba government only where a politician brings his /her close blooded/home area relative (s) without profession and assign him/her in public office ? An office that keenly needs an educated person. This is happening in Central bank with clear knowledge of koryom.
    The bank governor should not be blamed a lot for having no any fear to face interrogations for collecting his closed relatives to various banks in the country since a Juba government 's leadership doesn't question employment of politicians 's relatives even if they lack knowledge. A government official just decides and makes what he/she feels to do. Is this not a bad precedent?

    Nevertheless, it is the reason we are seeing people with no higher education knowledge controlling and moving among the banks in the country. Having no a single document of college/ University. Only putting Sudan school certificates in files while there are South Sudanese graduates with relevant degrees of bank. Is an experienced a country’s central bank governor koryom Mayik corrupt or not if people are taken to banks to mess everything?

    Is he clean from this rampant corruption? Is he working hard to make sure a South Sudanese citizens are happy with economic? No. All these questions are negatives. South Sudan is regretted than ever before, leave alone the citizens politicians sworn to safe. Speeches might be worthless if politicians are selfish, intentionally fails to do what citizens expects from them to do. I wil be waiting to see Mr, Deng Aken standing strongly defending bank governor of South Sudan.

    SPLM should appoint a politicians who can work for South Sudanese and mind what does services provision means for to the country‘s population. The movement party SPLM has to be careful at monitoring the government officials instead of giving them space to exercise what they think not what civilians expects. We are not interested at selfish habit exhibited by officials who wants to have everything while other people still doesn’t know what it means to be governed by government. SPLM your dark days ’s war commanders whom few of them turned politicians, some yet serving currently in government and others relieved for what you disagreed with, are less better than an education made politicians and an experienced officials who were working in governments South Sudanese have had disagreed with since their massive disappointment. A n earlier Scholar John Lock said all persons are born equal and independent.

    God bless South Sudan.

    Mangong Mawien Madut is a South Sudanese Columnist and Blogger.
    reached on +256782229324 or mailto:[email protected]@gmail.com.

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