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Articles and ViewsWhy Should South Sudanese seek war instead of Peace? Aru Mayan
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Why Should South Sudanese seek war instead of Peace? Aru Mayan

09-29-2014, 01:53 PM
Aru Mayan
<aAru Mayan
Registered: 09-29-2014
Total Posts: 1

Why Should South Sudanese seek war instead of Peace? Aru Mayan

    Why Should South Sudanese seek war instead of Peace?

    Aru Mayan

    It is now six years since the signing of Peace deal and also two years after independent of South Sudan, indeed no one from South Sudan will state that secession was shame on us but we are more proud of what we have accomplished after more than fifty years of fighting for our freedom.

    Peaceful way of seeking power has been proved historically is the best approach of gaining what any politician needs in his country, I wish if those after power could understand that there are innocents around. They are trying whatever they can to get handful a day to live instead of what happened last night and this morning in Juba Capital Town of South Sudan should strongly be condemned and deplored by all means, any ordinary citizen not to mention the international community and the regional entities.

    Today’s violence in South Sudan is another dark spot in our history that might not be easily erase unless after years of development toward nation building. For those seeking power it should not be on civilians but through democratic and peaceful way otherwise it is unacceptable approach, regardless of what happened today the question posed itself, what is the way forward? And I believe a wise man should have an answer for such cases, the nation is above all no matter who you are and what you are after. 2015 I think is the indicated year for South Sudan’s Presidential Election that way is the only channel each of the parties could test their popularity and performance of the last eight years experience instead of making sabotage in the country. each of group should give up now for the sake of nation until 2015 at least for the people not SPLM, because any ordinary person know very well there is nothing called a United SPLM anymore after what had happened but splintered two political parties no matter what they call themselves, they should go their own way and build their own parties to compete in the forthcoming election. It is now proved those elements in one party will never work out as comrades so why should they bother themselves being in one party as long as they already group themselves.

    It is so unfortunate that South Sudan has very weak political parties that seek position from SPLM and has no vision for the nation. It would have been better if we have other political parties in South Sudan that could compete SPLM in the South Sudanese political arena.


    · SPLM has seen where country is heading to after their confrontation over power, and it shows incompetence in each group, if South Sudan is to be stable SPLM must split
    · Instead of proving to the world our disqualification of handling inner disagreement the best way is to seek peaceful approach
    · May I need to remind South Sudanese and especially politicians out of the power and at helm of power, there are still pending issues between Juba and Khartoum which cannot be win by fragmentation and disintegration within the nation but through united vision to build South Sudan
    · Only civil society organizations could work toward reconciliation among citizen of South Sudan, to bring back harmony after cycles of propaganda made by enemies of peace in South Sudan to ignite and fuel the conflict which was a political wrangling over power and indeed they are shifting it into tribal conflict violence.
    · I wish if all should work to promote peace and condemned violence.

    Can be reached @ mailto:[email protected]@gmail.com

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