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When deos Sudan restore its lost lands?

09-25-2014, 03:55 PM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

When deos Sudan restore its lost lands?

    Abdulaziz Ali Omer
    The issue 332 of Altagyeer Newspaper on 32 September,2014 provided a historical insight into the present dispute over Halayeb triangle located near the Red sea state in Eastern Sudan and inhabited by nomads tribes such as Bishareen,Hamadawab and Ababeda etc. Hasabo Orabi ,an Egyptian thinker,analyst and economist explained the reasons of dispute over Halayeb in 1958.The crisis evolved due to the apprehension and fear of Egyp that the then Sudan's government would grant a military base to U.S in order to fight the trend of Arab nationalism and emancipation. Egypt had a background of an alliance and understanding betweeen Nouri El Seid,Iraqi prime minister and his Sudanese counterpart Abdullah Khalil,the secretery of Umma party .So Egypt moved its infantry forces to foil such a plot to protect its security.
    Among other justifications cited by Mr.Hasbo Orabi as early cause of Halayeb dispute:Egypt was bothered by the fact that it didn't settle the issue of Nile waters or reached an agreement viewing that as an obstacle for constructing the High Dam. So Egypt brought up the question of Halayeb to accelerate negotiation around the outstanding issues of commerce and Nile waters.
    Egypt intended to support the unionist forces in Sudan throughout the general election on 1958 in response to the appeal of Ismael El Azhari and Ali Mirghani who pleaded president Jamal Abdelnassir to maintain the situation as it is in Halayeb by the withdrawal of referendum commission. Egypt announced that it would delay the deliberation on the issue of contested Halayeb adding that Egyptian troops were n't purported to serve the invasion of Sudan but its support against joint enemy. Nafie Ali Nafie ' the ex-deputy chairman of National Congress during the visit of the delegates of the Egyptian party of justice and freedom in March 2013said to journalist the issue of disputed Halayeb would be postponed because Egypt is concerned with domestic post-25th Jan. revolution challenges.
    In the recent months,Sudan celebrated the inauguration of a land route in Ashkait,another disputed area like Halayeb. The print media ignored for moments the people allegiance to their lost lands to refer to a number of benefits such as the spill of Egyptian production as well as the Sudanese export of meat.It is interesting to mention here that the first passengers were a shipment of cows.In addition to that the newly operated land crossing provide through their trans-desert journey glimpses of the historical ruins of ancient Nubia.Nubia is a vast area located in the South of Egypt and North of Sudan.
    It is said that the newly landcrossing would be utilized in monitoring the movement of smuggling rings which has been described as more dangerous than Islamic state militants by Sirr El khatim Abdelrahim,the official of Sudanese consulate in Aswan.His demand from Egyptian authorities to deploy joint forces was seen as s threat to national security."For instance,a hostile state like Isreal can launch strikes against Sudanese targets under the pretext of anti-terror war.
    Iwonder whether it is good for national security to leave Egypt sustain its annextionst claims over Denaibra,Faras and Jebel Sahaba in North Sudan in Wadi Halfa,the casualty the flooding of the Egyptian Aswan dam in 1952.What remained intact of Nubian relics were moved to the museum of Khartoum.There are now memories that live beyond barbed wires for fishermen who one day knew no restriction over their mobility.Halayeb has arrested the public attention with the approaching election and the news of appointing an Egyptian administrator.
    So far statements about the fate of Halyeb are inconsistent and opaque . Some of them tend to the choice of international arbitration and other mainting it as an area of economic integration . Between this option and that one sudan faces the challenge of staying peaceful and united . God forbids, If it became a prey of its self, we have to grieve over what is more precious than Halayeb .

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