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IGAD; from peace mediators to peace destructors

09-24-2014, 09:08 PM
Michael Gatguat Tap
<aMichael Gatguat Tap
Registered: 09-14-2014
Total Posts: 4

IGAD; from peace mediators to peace destructors

    Wednesday, September 24, 2014

    Recalling back the August 31, 2009 African’s head of States collective assembly in the Libyan’s capital Tripli, you would find that their main agenda was to discuss strategies to construct tranquil states in Africa by 2010. They concurred on creating states where serene and security is guarantee. I still remember their statement to the media when they said; “We are determined to deal once and for all with the scourge of conflicts and violence on our continent acknowledging our continents cultural and economic diversity. We will make sure that no opportunity for conflict prevention is missed, we, as leaders of this continent we cannot bequeath any burden of conflict to the next generation.”

    After hearing those compliant utterances, I thought that the Europeans and Americans driven robot African Union which was established on May 25, 1963 in Addis Ababa is eventually ready for people’s government reform. But the sincere agenda underneath is to sacrifices more innocent lives to please their bosses who works hard to keep Africa undeveloped and village. I am expressing disappointment toward our regional and continent leaders due to their little contribution toward creating a flexible and happy environment in the region and the whole Africa.
    I personally term 98 percent of the African leaders as “TALKATIVE”; they have the finest speeches in the world yet with rare action.

    Why IGAD becomes peace destructors?

    - IGAD ignored the root cause of South Sudan conflict instead they are struggling to find alternative to save Kiir from being turn in to Hague. This action will help the dictators maintain their power by fighting for themselves.

    - IGAD is imposing a leader who has failed the 64 tribes of South Sudan and killed more than 20,000 Nuer. I said that because the agreement which was turn down by Dr. Riek Machar on August 25, 2014 was unfortunate, on the agreement the IGAD state agreed to keep the president Salva Kiir on his position.¬¬

    - IGAD are fighting for superiority, they are fighting for their personal gains where they must keep the war in South Sudan in order for them to continue receiving their remunerations.

    To conclude my argument, I am calling all the South Sudanese and the international community to closely monitor the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) activities or simply form a campaign petitioning transformation of IGAD to another world body.

    Long live South Sudan.!
    Long live the people of South Sudan.!

    The author is Michael Gatguat Tap Gatluak a concern South Sudanese residing in Egypt and former NYSAE general secretary – can reach him at: mailto:[email protected]@gmail.com / mailto:[email protected]@yahoo.com Mobile: +20 114 887 9177

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