09-21-2014, 04:34 PM |
Salah Hussein
Salah Hussein
Registered: 08-16-2014
Total Posts: 4
Notorious War Criminal Al-bashir Enjoying Considerable Leeway
By: Salah Hussein Ontario-Canada mailto:[email protected]@uwo.ca Adjourning trial of war criminal Al-bashir by International Criminal Court is galvanizing anger of those concerned in fact, instigate to pursue more atrocities within Darfur and other regions, in which already government militias known as Rapid Forces waging simultaneous attacks to innocent civilian. The motivation of International Criminal Court seems frustrating, rather than tackle and hunt down head of regime ICC seek perhaps political compromise with this tyranny assuming that such strategy will pressure the regime and eventually give up its power in favour of sustainable peace in the region, however, justice, in fact is basic element for durable peace. One can argue that political dialogue can mitigate this escalated situation by inducing various parities for peace talks, but such approach encourage regime to enhance crappy hands to innocent people in Darfur, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. Obviously, world intent to end this conflict with minimum efforts particularly Sudan has become less interest strategically for the powerful countries, critics and human right observers stated that USA interest was South Sudan due to massive oil fields and other valuable resources. One such differences idea toward two Sudan create image of that more likely stay same way and keep this tyranny socking blood of Sudanese. Notwithstanding endeavours to find possible remedy, government consistently changing it tactics to confront both international community and rebels groups, by polices of disparities and enigmatic approach to ICC. Certainty use of absolute discretion from ICC for the sake of peace and justices values in such case will bring stabilities and send signal to the status quote if they pursue same way in their countries. This regime even furthering it polices and instigating radicalism by hosting various extremists to intimidate International Community, aiming to bargain internal conflict. Hence the moral and ethical obligation of International Criminal Court raise eyebrows since the aim and goal of ICC is to act as upper hand for international justice system. No doubt this regime stretching and show vivacious interest to world that intent to resolve these issues as long as ICC adjourning and creating an environment that allow Al-bashir to continue his illusory polices, dubious position of ICC is agonizing victims’ relatives and humanitarian heart, in fact tarnishing the reputation of justices system in the world, time to act and bring head of this tyranny to the end who pose eminent threat to the global security, in addition of causing millions to flee and displaced more, resulted from barbaric slaughtering in front of international community, Al-bashir regime is not different from ISIS in Iraq and Syria, they both have similar method “Blood sacker” if air stick use in Iraq and Syria it should be used in Sudan to hunt down this barbaric killer, no choice left for crumbling people after ICC dysfunction it duties, time also for rebel groups to be diligence about Al-bahir trial and carry out discernible method of hunting this quirk president