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Save Gedaref children from un-safe vaccine

09-18-2014, 04:23 PM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

Save Gedaref children from un-safe vaccine

    Abdulaziz Ali Omer
    54 students in Gedaref have been reported as suffering from coma and poisoning event when they were immunized against the epidemic of trachoma-a contagious eye disease .. Families of fainted students who had been poisoned tried to assail the medical staff of vaccination team. The police force intervened to protect them and to break up the demonstration of angry protesters.
    Recent reports indicate that there is a high incidence of trachoma in Gedaref as a consequence of poverty and inaccessibility of water .
    The commissioner for Gedaref muncipality,Gen. Abdullah Osman Yousef announced the suspension of the campaign of the fight against trachoma for raising awareness of the public and an investigation into the claim of poisoning spate. He pointed out that the disrupted campaign would be resumed considering its failure as detrimental to the social peace and the general policy of the state. According to him most of cases so far received by Gedaref hospital are respiratory infections.
    On the other hand, a specialist doctor from Gedaref hospital has revealed that the serum with which the students in Gedaref have been inoculated against the trachoma is made in New York and hasn't been subjected to an adequate process of refrigeration before its virtual use.
    What would be the outcome of the enquiry into the medical mistake? Would there be medical precautions so that more children could befall the same fate? Any measure that affects the health of the public unless it is tested in lab , its risky implication would be a reason for a wave of social violence. One of cited causes of trachoma are poverty and unavailability of water. So instead of the removal of destitute from the street to the Intensive care unit why not work on the alleviation of poverty and provision of water. That is safer than injecting the future breed of Sudan's citizens with oral or intravenous vaccines with unguaranteed result. What struck me in the statement of officials was the insistence on the implementation of the state policy. We don't object vociferously to the conduct of state doing its inevitable duty as long as it ensures the safety and fate of powerless citizens , otherwise doctors will be another tool of an oppression and intimidations after the batons.
    Lastly, a wet but warm welcome to my readers around the world from Gedaref where the heaven opened its doors since dawn. It is our hope that we shall be a period in the history of rain not pain and to bet over the duration of the rain rhythm not the length of the plaintive cry of new suffering.

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