08-16-2014, 10:50 PM |
Salah Hussein
Salah Hussein
Registered: 08-16-2014
Total Posts: 4
Too Early To Judge Paris Declaration By Salah Hussein
Apparently, internal oppositions groups “Uma Party” redefined their political trends toward SRF and marginalized people of Sudan in general, however, many predictions and questions rose once Uma Party have signed the memorandum accord with SRF earlier this month, known Paris Declaration this according to both side can modified the entire road map of Sudanese political paradigm. The dominant talks on this step is obviously from perspective that Uma party might paly dirty games and manipulates the process of new political evolution, indeed, previous positions was still in mind of many Sudanese people, propensity of Uma Party was framed in that way for decades. Nevertheless, accord with SRF was considered one of the substantial movements toward ending the political dilemma in country of Sudan. Critics throw unfair statement on Paris Declaration and recommend forethought with Uma Party; furthermore, favourable prevailing political conditions with Uma Part may and may not serve the whole purpose of SRF. Hence, national issues remind unresolved. People can change and politic is dynamic in the way that respond to the urgent need both at local and international level, Sudan passing through critical juncture and require tremendous among of efforts to heal these wounds, of course, condescending for sake your people can be wise moment, instead of being arrogant and wrap yourself in position that create unavoidable consequences. Even though Uma party position, viewed by many as blurred position and contradictable in Sudanese political history, but people learned and became thoughtful and incredible smart to deal with such “monkey jumpy position”. Certainly there are advantages for both Uma and SRF, more precisely Uma Party can shape a new strategy based on this accord and persuade fellow Sudanese, perhaps trigger and then provoke revolution similar to October, however, the circumstances and factors were change consistently because, in this case NCP successfully divided whole country based on ethnicity and is crucial to establish common ground for real peaceful change, unless armed revolution step in and throw the government from the power, the important point here Sudanese government is getting weaker due to ongoing crisis in Darfur and other regions, as result NSP faces enormous internal and external pressure. International community imposed sanctions, and Sudan is sagging under heavy debt, imbalance of power almost dysfunction government institutions and flee millions into neighbouring countries, no doubt, government weakness is great advantages for SRF and other positions groups whom seek real change instead of flattering, this is mean that political situation is in favour to SRF at this moment and this staggering support from the public is another great potential step, particular leaders of SRF are united in that way that reflect national issues and amicable welcomed by international community. Things have change and people change as well, marginalized people are not same as two decades likewise, their leaders. We have seen major alteration and leader vowed to pursue the right path and end conflict in Sudan, despite government continuous its heinous behaviour and derogatory statements to corrupt political ecology and dismantles SRF, in fact, critics starring to Al-mahadi can play role of government of , again this speculation and pessimistic points won help to deduce the tensions, instead create political alienation and instantaneously serve NCP. Vividly, Paris Declaration comes at right time, we need to expand our aggrandizing and confiscate the cynical comments of the government.