08-08-2014, 03:48 PM |
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85
Mitiga or Juba: the cause is a human being. by Abdulaziz Ali Omer
Without recognizing the ordinaces of Heaven, you can not be a superior man. Confucius. Mitiga is the name of Libyan Airport from where 19 bodies of expatriate Sudanese were conveyed to Khartoum. Juba is the capital city of South Sudan infant state. Let me re-tell what happened in Juba to explain the size of negelgence and indifference towards our victmized brothers in Libya. During the war in July,2014 in the Republic of South Sudan two planes arrived in Juba. The first one in December ,2013 to pull out the non-Sudanese affiliates of Zain corporation , while the second one was alloted for saving those Sudanese stranded in July confrontations ,2014 . Only 128 occupants were evacuated. Other thousands waited for another Aircraft to escape with their skins leaving their revenues and small investments. The single plane was a leaf falling in an autumn forest. What baffled many of observers then was the dispatch of 4 planes in a single batch to the city of Duem devoted for lukewarm officials to do no thing more than merely offer simple condolence! The heated front in South Sudan cooled. Another fire flared in Libya . Libya celebrated freedom . many of simple Sudanese sought refuge from grinding poverty there. When the the dim sparks ignited again, 19 Sudanese were killed and cries of help died on their lips. Are Americans aware of hazards in places where they are ? To my knowledge , they are briefed by thier embassies via a smart travellor programme for security infromation that insists on U.S citizens to give a call in case of suspecting potential danger. Are the Yankees more expensive than Sudanese? Are not they blood and flesh and they have their fears and dreams just like us?! The difference is that we have a sucidal travellor programme , dreadful meteorolgical warnings and the notice of luggage is at the risk of its owner. Haidar Makashifi in his column “ transparently” writing of slow evacuation of Nothern Sudanese to Khartoum “ one flight but not enough” he groused . Ifa single plane were sent to Libya, it would have brought forgotten casualties alive and smiling to the den of thier homes. Harlan Coben is an American story teller. Once he referred to an official surrounded by investigative press. “He swam through a sea of microphones and cameraas and went out with no slime . Slime is a thick wet un-pleasant substance that covers he surface of water. My mind evoked that scene as Sudanese crowd of journalists besieged the embassy official in Libya. He said in an emotional voice “ The victims didnot plead foran evacuation!” ………..? the dead tell no tales . And thier silenced voices cann’t give a testimony . Do you know know what is Sudan abbreviation? S-strength. U. unity. D-dignity. A-action. N- Nile. I tend to take with me the Nile. Tayeb Salih had kept it very where he went like his passport. It was his compass to strange cities. He always thought of social injustice in Sudan and repeated “It has spoilt the taste of our lives in the expanse of God’s lands” Tayeb Salih remembered the tears in the eyes of his friends telling him how as thier thieves they were frisked by young custom boys.