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A Squandered Supremacy … By Saad Adnan

07-27-2014, 00:16 AM
Saad Adnan
<aSaad Adnan
Registered: 07-27-2014
Total Posts: 2

A Squandered Supremacy … By Saad Adnan

    A Squandered Supremacy … By Saad Adnan
    The end of the Afghan war in 1989 was the birth of a unique supremacy. It was also a grave pointer regarding the poor diplomacy of the US toward the Afghan victory. The normal procedure was to congratulate the Afghan people on their victory against the USSR and to recognize their achievement of ending the Cold War! That would have been more than a Christian act of decency: It would have been the address of the very heart of America’s Interest in the Middle East. Instead, the US showed no interest in Afghanistan. Maybe the US did not want to acknowledge that a purely Muslim movement succeeded in defeating the Soviet Union. The outcome was the attack of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent decline of the US.
    The so called leader of the free world has never been a free man, for he has always carried out the orders spelt out to him by the rogue nation of Israel. Members of the Congress and the Senate are not free either. AIPAC has long prohibited them from talking about the Middle East. If any law-maker objects to an Israeli proposal or criticizes any policy of the rogue nation, then that law-maker must face a primary election fully funded by AIPAC for his or her defeat. No American president had the free will to execute his foreign policy – especially in the Middle East. In 1984 the CIA attacked the Iraqi nuclear reactor while condemning Israel for the act. In 1990 George H Bush went to war against Iraq based on a “new world order” from which Israel has been shielded. Thus, Israel has been allowed to keep all Arab territories seized in 1967. Even Serbia was shielded from the “new world order” by both Bush Senior and Bill Clinton until Iran declared it was sending troops to Bosnia. In 2001 George W Bush declared war on terrorism. That was stupid, for nobody can fight terrorism. In 2003 George W Bush declared “the Crusades” as he marched on to invade Iraq. George W Bush must have thought: “Why not declare war against Islam? Who can stop me anyway?” George W Bush was defeated badly in both wars. Up to this day George W Bush cannot travel outside the US. First, nobody wants to hire him to speak because nobody wants to listen to a blabber. Second, many countries want to hand him to The Hague – especially European countries. George W Bush is a criminal. He killed more than half a million Iraqis and killed and maimed over a hundred thousand Americans. George W Bush allowed Israel to have access to the AbuGraib prison in central Baghdad where photos of scandalous pornographic scenes were taken. George W Bush tried to build pipe lines from Iraq to the rogue nation of Israel and ship the Iraqi oil via the Mediterranean Sea. George W Bush never did anything right. He met with Arial Sharon more than seven times in the oval office. He never met with Yasser Arafat. His so-called “Road Map” was thrashed by both the Israelis and the Palestinians. He was fully committed to the Zionists regardless of America’s interest. During his last year in office, George W Bush was approached by AIPAC to attack Iran!! Barack Obama promised to negotiate with Iran. Instead, he went to spy on them. As a result, Iran captured two US drones. Barack Obama then violated the air-space of Yemen and murdered a 16 year old only because that 16 year old was the son of Anwar el-Awlaki. Yet, Barack Obama never intervened in Syria even though the red line he had drawn for the Assad regime was blatantly violated. As a result, hundreds of thousands of Syrians were murdered by the Assad regime while millions were displaced.
    In conclusion, the US is in decline because the US has been goaded by the Zionists for too long. The US has swallowed several disgraceful scandals on behalf of the rogue nation of Israel – which encouraged rogue Israel to violate the sovereignty of neighboring countries and commit acts of piracy like what happened in the UAE January 2010. It is noteworthy to mention that rogue Israel went on a rampage of murdering the nuclear scientists of Iran until Iran started to destroy the embassies of rogue Israel around the world. The US continued to support a borderless state that has been practicing apartheid and piracy since 1967. The US never raised a finger against the continued building of settlements by the rogue nation. Each and every US president betrayed the US Mid-East peace brokerage. No US president has had the farsighted vision to comprehend the vital American interest in the Israeli-Palestinian peace. As a result, each president held a meeting with the ######### of the two states, made sure they greeted each other and documented that greeting with a photo. Then, when the two leaders failed to reach a deal, the American president threw his hands in the air as if to say “I did what I could”. The nation of laws ignored international laws that prohibit territorial annexations only to back up the rogue nation of Israel. The US has antagonized Arab and Muslim countries and has used the rogue state of Saudi Arabia as a wedge. The result however, is crystal clear: A continuous decline of America and a steady embrace of Islam by American Citizens. Today, the American people understand that the country must steer away from both rogue states, namely Israel and Saudi Arabia. Luckily for the US law-makers, they can now have their freedom back. At the same time Muslims are presently highly respected and admired. Maybe the US finally starts moving on a track that preserves American interests, respect and dignity.
    Today, we are too weak to face up to current challenges. Iran knows, the Middle East knows and Russia knows. Russia is even using the same language we have been using: “We need to protect our interests abroad”. Putin used the Winter Olympics opportunity to flex his muscles and show how strong and capable Russia was. He then annexed Crimea and started to forge a new financial body, namely the BRICS foundation. If Iran joins BRICS, it would become BRICSI and the US would be a superpower to South America (without Brazil!) and Africa! All of this is due to a corrupt political system clinging to the rogue apartheid state of Israel.

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