06-13-2014, 08:22 PM |
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85
Western countries: Sudan’s actions raise doubts about sincerity of dialogue by Abdulaziz Ali Omer
Abdulaziz Ali Omer Members of Troika are made up of Britian, America and Norway. The 3 countries that we have just hinted at regretted that recent actions which have been taken by Sudan have enabled some to raise doubts about the sincerity of dialogue. What they meant by actions is that government contiunes as they claim to wage war in and target civilians in South Kurdofan and Blue Nile. Troika , In a joint statement by the U.S Secretery of State John Kerry, Norway Foreign Minister Borge Berande and United Kingdom Foreign Minister William Hague criticized increased restriction and repression of individual, political and press freedoms saying that limits the space necessary for a successful national dialogue , both good will and conducive environment if it is to enjoy broad legitimacy’’ the statement said. In another point , it streessed that it is crucial for tangible steps to be taken by all parties to end the on-going conflict in order to build popular confidence . Troika promised to continue its follow –up to developments and support those who seek meaning ful reform as the statement put it. The satement noted that a common understanding of the dialogue process and desired goals will invite broad participation and offer the best chances. It added that what is required from Sudan’s leaders is work in a close co-ordination with the African Union High –Level Implementation Panel led by the president Thabo Mbeki.